MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

b. Boot Camp – Tish Stewart. Provided the group with an Agenda/Outline of the October 2009 boot camp. She and Christian will need to know the number of those that will attend, prior to the August meeting. They are required to block rooms beforehand, and must fill at least 85% of those blocked rooms. Each institution will be required to pay for their own rooms, but SBCJC is blocking rooms to ensure that we receive the conference rate. There is a Riverboat dinner cruise entertainment option for the night of Tuesday, October 6 th . This is optional. c. Compiling Minutes – Jennifer Leimer. If at all possible, we would like to try and locate DLC meeting minutes prior to 2003. NEW BUSINESS a. Transcripts in the Enrollment Tool – Jennifer Leimer. As you already know from the last meeting, the Deans have requested that faculty transcripts be removed from the Enrollment Tool. The recommendation of the group is to leave the faculty transcripts in the Enrollment Tool, but black out the SSN and possibly even date of birth. Some of the institution deans request faculty transcripts from the office of distance learning. Although the Deans, or Chief Academic Office, complete the faculty credential forms, they may not agree with the justification requirements from another institution. The association voted and eight schools felt that the transcripts should stay in place, four felt that they should be removed, and two schools were undecided. Audra Leverton made the motion to keep transcripts in the Enrollment Tool; Phyllis Johnson seconded. The motion carries with one vote of disapproval. Christian will provide an email to Dr. Qualls so that the recommendation can be provided to the Deans. Christian stated that the Enrollment Tool hacking incident did not affect anything except for the title names of courses. It doesn’t appear that they were able to hack additional pieces. The hackers manipulated the SQL code to change the title field. They were able to do this by hacking the IP address, rather than the Enrollment Tool itself. Ive is in the process of completing a crosswalk for changing the title names to ensure that this does not occur again. When logging everyone off of the server last week they noticed that over a third of the faculty use “password” as their password. This is a huge problem in terms of login security. They have also seen a lot of usernames and passwords that matched, which is also an issue. Please ask your faculty, counselors, and other users to make their passwords more protected. b. Faculty ID Numbers in the Enrollment Tool – Jennifer Leimer. Christian stated that SSN information is housed in a separate location of the Enrollment Tool, in a secure environment. His recommendation is that if you feel that there is a security risk, then please make the changes to user IDs rather than SSN. The group requests that the Identification Field in the Enrollment Tool be changed to a text and number field. Currently you have to trick the system in order to use school ID numbers, by adding proceeding zeros. The file name on the credential form and transcript must match the number for the Faculty Identifier. The group also questioned why we had both the faculty ID and Faculty Identifier on the faculty listing. Christian will check with Ive to see if the faculty ID is linked to something else within the Enrollment Tool.



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