MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

spreadsheet the was created was much more accurate. Christian mentioned that currently we have eight roles in the ET and now we are looking at a ninth roll. This can cause latency with the system. Consolidation of roles would help the system run more smoothly. He feels that there should be four or five key roles, similar to those used in Blackboard/Desire2Learn. Christian will work with Ive on getting a spreadsheet or count on the current roles and what tools are available for each of those roles. He will forward that information to the group, after her receives it. The Enrollment Tool roles will be a continued action item, until this is resolved. Christian will work with Ive to get the data from the ET. b. Boot Camp – Tish Stewart provided the group with a handout on boot camp. She would like to thank those that completed the survey early. For those that have not yet submitted the survey, please do so as soon as possible. They need to use these estimates when booking the block of rooms through Harrah’s. She also thanks those that were involved with the planning of this year’s boot camp. At boot camp we would like for each of you to provide a brief “port of call” for your home town or your college. On your agenda, you will see a “day of life” or a DLC resource. This is asking for you to share something that you have done in your office that helps make your job easier. If you will email Tish the tools and/or resources that you use, she will prepare it for boot camp as a folder. Chris Jenkins also requested that this be shared electronically so that necessary changes can be made for each college. Those resources need to be submitted to Tish by Thursday, September 10 th . c. Review of SBCJC Updates – Jennifer Leimer & Christian Pruett. Christian has provided an email with the updates, but we felt that this information should be placed in the minutes. i. Enrollment Tool Hack. The enrollment tool is secure. Please go and spread the word to your schools so that they are aware of the situation. No information was compromised. ii. Blackboard Upgrade to SP 5. This upgrade has begun and we are scheduled to be down through Monday. Christian stated that it is possible that it will come back up on Sunday morning. State board will be sending enrollment files beginning Monday, August 10 th . That will provide us two weeks to fix any issues prior to the start of the fall semester. iii. Enrollment Tool Faculty ID field. We discussed at the last meeting that when building faculty accounts in the ET there are two ID fields. The faculty identifier is the first one used and cross references with the transcripts posted. The faculty ID does not allow letters; however, this does not reference anything else within the ET. If you already have transcripts saved with SSNs, you will have to re-upload with faculty ID numbers. Chris Jenkins asked if there was a way to delete saved transcripts. You will have to re-upload and the new file will overwrite the existing file. Audra asked if you re-upload a new document over the old document, does it completely overwrite or is the old file saved somewhere? Christian will check with Ive on whether or not the new document does in fact overwrite the old file and that the old file is not stored somewhere else. iv. Faculty Handbooks – during our last DLC meeting Christian asked everyone to send him resources of faculty handbooks from each of the schools. We would like to consider building an MSVCC faculty handbook for faculty. He has only received one schools handbook. Please send those to him so that we can begin working on this project. v. Report on Deans’ input on Enrollment Tool Transcripts. Christian stated that Dr. Qualls felt that we needed to leave the decision to keep or remove transcripts from the enrollment tool up to the deans at each campus. She has emailed our recommendation to the deans. The issue is whether or not we can receive a consensus at the deans association as well as the DLC association. There would also be a problem with instructors that teach for more than one organization. Another issue would be when we pull in classes from another institution and our college would like the transcript. If this is the situation the DLCs may have to contact one another to receive transcripts. You may also want to let the deans


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