MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


OLD BUSINESS a. Action Items Follow Ups: Enrollment Tool roles and permissions – Holly stated Chris Square has been out on leave for the last couple of weeks and it was still on hold. The technology committee will meet again to come up with Spreadsheet of Enrollment Tool roles. Holly will provide the list from Audra Kimble and email to the entire DLC Association, update and check through each role. Buffy stated that according to the September minutes, the ET committee would go through each role and list the tools available. The entire group will then decide what roles can be combined and what tools should be available to each role. . Christian suggested for interim chair for ET committee until Chris Square gets back. Holly has volunteered for the position. It was moved by Audra Leverton and Buffy Matthews second the motion. It was approved for Holly Melvin to serve as Interim Chair for the ET committee. MSVCC Faculty Handbook- Tish and Christian are working on MSVCC Faculty handbook, asked for some suggestions. Audra Leverton is going to be added to committee for MSVCC Handbook. ii. Whole Class Grade Distribution- Tish asked for an update on getting the Deans approval for grade distributions. Tish suggested again that all schools discuss the grade distribution with the Deans. Christian stated he wanted to make sure that it’s not being used for determining what class to be pulled in but for the purpose of seeing grades distributions. iii. Orientation Module: Terry Pollard created an orientation model for the beginning of class. Terry Pollard was not present to further discuss the orientation modules; this was moved to November‘s meeting. iv. Student Evaluation: Jennifer Leimer stated that the Quality Committee is focused on the faculty Evaluation at this point. Move the students’ evaluation to Spring Semester. NEW BUSINESS a. Buttons – Standardized course buttons was found under DLC Community Site. Clarify Buttons. Course Contents seems to be not clearly defined. Julia stated that in TEOL course that each button was defined: Course content is class note, instructions, activities, and homework. Jennifer Leimer suggested as long as the eight standardized buttons are listed the instructors have the flexibility to add other buttons. Tish wanted to know is she can change templates. IT person will need to know the scripts for the change. Phyllis Johnson suggested adding Assignments; two people didn’t want an Assignment Tab. Rebecca stated to agree to disagree with changing Course Content but allow flexibility. Holly Melvin motion to leave the standard buttons Course Content in the template allowing instructors the flexibility to add more buttons and Jennifer Leimer second the motioned. Motion was approved. Christian suggested to take the decisions to the Academic Dean it was disapproved by the majority. b. SBCJC Business: New Group Concept: Christian Pruett stated that we need to change the DLC group name and the system. We are not just DLC, we are a lot more!! Christian suggested we rename the group to E-Learning Counsel, two appointees to have a voting power, Director or Dean, we as a group can decide the 2 nd person or send it to the Dean who may in turn ask the DLC. The other change is to make the monthly meetings, every other meeting’s face-to-face and the other meetings will be Wimba’s meeting. “What’s in it for me”, get more involved: the benefit of this working with each other and collaborating with other DLCs. Increase the b. Action Items Follow Up – Christian Pruett i.



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