MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

pairs. This gave them the ability to see different user’s perspectives. Terry will send out the training exercise so all schools can consider using it.

Michelle Mitchell said that she had someone designated on campus to participate in training. Jenny has done the same with Tish being the guinea pig. Holmes has faculty and staff interested in using pronto for their college. d. Blackboard Student Orientation Course (Christian and Terry). Michael Gibson shared a course cartridge that Bb has created for students to orient them in Bb 9.1. They are asking Bb about this cartridge. We would have to work with each school on accessing this prior to logging into Bb. Dr. McCrimon said that there is a navigational Bb course offered through Troy, ICC is trying to include this in their orientation. This course is accessible to all. f. Registration. Since the first day of summer online courses begins on Memorial Day, please work with colleges on add/drop through Thursday, June 3 rd . After June 3 rd , please contact the DLC. E-Learning Training Group Update – Terry Pollard a. Teaching Effectively Course (with Handout of Revisions). The group met two weeks ago and built activities for the TEO course. We have had over 600 faculty members who have completed the course. We are completely revamping this course, taking out lessons that are not useful and adding lessons that will be helpful for teaching online courses. e. Christian has been negotiating the Blackboard contract. See item IV. a.


b. Blackboard 9.1 Academy course. Terry will be offering a Bb 9.1 academy course later this summer.


Strategic Planning Breakout Sessions (15 minutes). Tabled a. Best Practices – Terry Pollard b. Technology – Chris Square

c. Quality – Jennifer Leimer d. Support – Audra Leverton e. Administration – Tish Stewart


Committee Reports. Tabled

a. Best Practices – Terry Pollard b. Technology – Chris Square c. Quality – Jennifer Leimer d. Support – Audra Leverton e. Administration – Tish Stewart


Learning Circle

a. June – Jennifer Leimer – MGCCC b. July – Holly Melvin - NEMCC


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