MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

 Boot Camp will be held around the same time next year. The committee is looking at holding the meeting in Hattiesburg.

 Jennifer Leimer requested that State Board contract someone to index the minutes.

 Terry Pollard stated that registration for the Teaching Effectively Online course will close Friday, October 22 nd .

 In April 2011, the college presidents will make a decision of whether to keep Blackboard Outcomes.

 Christian Pruett stated that State Board received $28,000 for the 60 USM students who were enrolled in MSVCC courses this fall.

 The new broadband Packeteer is ready. Roy will work with the college IT Directors.

 Instead of listing Strategic Planning Breakout Sessions and Committee Reports on each month’s agenda, the reports will be rotated monthly. Best Practices is scheduled to provide a report at the November meeting.

Important Dates

October 25 th November 5 th

Early Registration Begins for Spring Semester Last Day to Withdraw From a Fall Course

November 10 th @ 9:00 a.m.

eLC Meeting via Wimba Fall MSVCC Term Ends Last Day to Submit Grades

December 3 rd December 6 th

The meeting was adjourned at 1:13 p.m.

Julia Parker



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