MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Bootcamp Day 2

Horse of a different color: 8:00-9:30

1. Templates: o

ICC - lead online instructor loads content into templates. Templates are copies to all adjuncts.  Jennifer Leimer made a motion to add standardized buttons/links to Policies and Procedures manual. Jennifer will type up the exact verbiage to include and will send to association members.  Add under Provider responsibilities o Student services links/information, standardized buttons/links, course orientation link (PRCC) (netiquette, students' rights and responsibilities, navigational information, course policies and procedures, proctored exam info, syllabus, instructor info, orientation survey), Hinds online orientation link, o Holmes - traditional, online, hybrid  Holmes survey (evaluation) included with template. Problem is that instructors have to send results of survey. o HINDS - student guide... o Some schools use one template for online and traditional...others have separate templates for each. Hinds is its own division, they do not hire faculty, but the faculty do report to elearning. elearning reports to Dean. elearning has ultimate authority over whether an instructor teaches online  Program coordinators - at NWMCC 3. what policies in place for instructors who do not complete required tasks  Hinds - makes them sit out...anyone who is asked to sit out has to complete a "policies and procedures course." After completing this course, they can teach again.  NWMCC - task list provided to instructors each semester. Set up a course where instructors are added as students. Gradebook is setup with a column for each item that is due. As each item is submitted, grade is checked. 2. elearning as its own division 

4. How to get instructors to train 

SIAINST - integration partners - mark with BB if trained.  NWMCC - requires TEO plus 2 training sessions per semester  HINDS - lunch n learn - webinar each week. Keri/Audra will send out schedule  Jennifer L asked if colleges would send out notifications of online training sessions that they offer.

5. Comparison between SIS and ET 

HOLMES/MGCCC - Argos reports (ask Elizabeth exactly what they do with Argos) o Jennifer L will send reconciliation spreadsheet with instructions for using. o Ask Cory/Mike if he can send us code for Argos Registration Activity report o Also reconciliation report code

6. After hours testing

7. How do students register? 

About half of the schools have students register online through SIS  Two or three schools use self registration


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