MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

 Remaining schools do manual registration  Most schools indicated that their students needed to meet with an advisor prior to registering  Holmes shared Advising Request Form and Registration Checklist  Holmes helpdesk has chat on doghouse home page

McGraw Hill 10:00 - 11:30

Amy Tate Jared Harless Jeffery - Remote Proctoring Todd Svec -

Jared - MH Campus 

New product - open door to all content -  Integrated in Blackboard  Link on Navigation Bar to MHCampus Link o

Brings you to My Courses (recognizes whether student or instructor) o Search for textbook - title, author, isbn, etc. (Book does not have to be adopted) o Once book is selected, you have instant access to etextbook. o Can search on keywords o View online resources  digital content  Animations - can download and post into course o No access code required - no additional charge o PowerPoints, videos, - download and add to course o Can also add links to resources (better to download and post in course) o Not all books are available on ebook...but they are putting more books into vital source; however, all digital resources are available. o Students don't see McGraw-Hill Campus link o Can do a search on "phages animations" and it will return a list of all resources on all books o Use vital source as platform to deliver e-books  Options for charging students are available - can be added to course fee, can be made available as an access code in the bookstore, can be purchased online  Cheaper printed versions can be made available in the bookstore  Jennifer Powell recommended - train faculty on using first - then deploy to students  ebook can be viewed on any device (not on ereaders) - except for flash  99.99% uptime - quad servers platform to design and deliver assessable content. o the grading part of mh campus  Pairing - joins the Connect course to the platform - which enables communication between Connect course and platform...grades will export back to grade book etc.  editing of assignments - go to bb click on assignment then it jumps out to connect so that item can be edited.

MH Connect - 


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