MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Exemplary consortial efforts:

Florida distance Learning Consoritium http://www.distancelearnorg Course search - easy to find

Built website to answer most questions up front (without having to go to FAQ)

Louisiana's CALL Center for Adult Learning Louisiana Adult focus Tennessee's Regents Online Degree Program Regents Online Campus Collaborative  Growing National Challenge  Challenges in MS  Focuson on consortial challenges o what you are doing o what others are doing  Modified SWOT exercise (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) o Strengths (Internal)  Attributes available to help reach your objectives 

sharing of resources, training classes, technology, students, faculty, support, financial resources, lower tuition, name, recognition, cost/fee structure  history  original leadership (founders) still available for counsel Challenges, hurdles to overcome to reach your objectives  advertising, promotion, PR, pae of coursework, not as flexible, need stronger student serves to create more seamless and personable, customized individualized experience  Technical issues  lack of expertise to use technology  LMS  ET  Manpower  innovation of technology outpacing ability to keep up  courses impersonal  network capacity for students/connectivity  no prior learning assessment programs (PLA) Rebuilding MSVCC site to choose programs and be routed to your institution. (create pathways for students to choose district, be presented with other choices, arrive at your district's school - see local college information , application, etc),  build PLA-Based programs, credit by examination may find its way to academics.  market programs to other demographic groups, such as military. Conditions helpful to reach your objective  Adult degree completion market (25-64 year old demographic) 

Weakness (Internal) 


Opportunities (External) 



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