MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Unfinished Business a. Flex Term – Jennifer Leimer discussed that MGCCC is going forward with moving Flex courses that will start two weeks after the full term start date. These courses are noted with the term FLEX in the title. The flex terms will last 12 weeks and acts as a late start course. They are considering it a flex term since it does not fit into one of the already established MSVCC terms. MGCCC started this because they are doing away with late registration. This is an opportunity for late registrants to still enroll in an online course. MGCCC is also doing this with traditional courses. Registration for MGCCC will now end the day before classes start. If the student misses the registration deadline, the student will have to register for another term. Christian brought up a concern that this needed to get presidential approval since this is not a term that was identified by the MSVCC guidelines. He believes it was put in the ET prematurely and may not get paid at the MSVCC rates. Christian believes this opens the door for any campus to add any courses and terms that they want to the ET. While most colleges are not opposed to it, Christian is concerned about the funding formula and wanted to ensure we get entire approval before we include it in the MSVCC. Jennifer stated that she mentioned it at boot camp and since it was not opposed or discussed, she moved forward with adding it to the schedule. Christian and Jennifer stated that they would both go back and speak to Dr. Pugh at MGCCC and with the campus Presidents. Keri stated that a group of ELC’s might need to get together and discuss various terms. She stated that next ELC meeting we should decide if we want to develop another sub-committee to be in charge of the various MSVCC terms. Jennifer agreed to bring it to Dr. Pugh to put on the President’s agenda and that Jennifer would update us at the next meeting. Funding is the biggest issue in this matter and that it could lead to 15 colleges with 15 different flex schedules. This is something that CAO’s must bless since it will increase the incentive funding if MGCCC goes to this model. Jennifer believes they will actually lose funding since they are cutting off registration ahead of time. MGCCC felt this was the best option and that they were not trying to work the system or increase funding, they simply wanted to apply a model to catch late registrants. Parameters must be set so that all 15 colleges are following the same guidelines and procedures. Technically a college could offer the courses as non-MSVCC courses but would not be reimbursed at the MSVCC rate. This item will be tabled and discussed at next moths meeting after discussing with the CAO’s at the local colleges. Jennifer will update us before our next meeting. b. Reminder about 2008-2012 Strategic Plan approval-Keri gave everyone a copy of the 08-12 strategic plan. Ensure that Keri has any changes that need to be made sent to her by October 31, 2012. New Business a. Keri sent out a list of names of teachers who had signed the NDA and the ELC’s were asked to review/approve. b. Sub-Committees asked to review the forms that were completed and submitted at Boot camp. Each group is asked to complete a white notecard to help create a vision statement for our strategic plan. Jennifer Leimer asked about the vision statement and if it needed to be included into the policies and procedures manual. The vision statement may be updated as needed. Sub-committees broke into groups to meet for 20 minutes to discuss vision statements. c. Student Profiles-Students who print their profiles now say 2013 since it is the audit date. Ive has recommended that it says Fall 2012-2013 to help with confusion to let us know the year which would be 2012 but the audit year is 2013. The ELC’s have asked in the past that the reports accurately reflect the current actual term (i.e. Spring 2013 is really 2013 not 2014 even though that is the audit year). The academic year would keep from having to continuously



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