MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

import into a shell in Canvas. MGCCC stated that an export would not provide the data we would lose with our move to Canvas. Christian is going to revisit this subject with both providers. There is concern about student’s coming back two semesters from now claiming to have never logged into a course, etc. We need a way to verify records, and access SLOs. The group asked if we could extend our contract with BB for a year in order to retain our content. Keri asked if there was a way to get a hard copy of statistics, grade center, etc. at minimum to have user data. Christian will update us with the specifics regarding migration before we make a formal decision on how we as individual institutions want to role old content. MCCB Business-Christian Pruett a. President’s Retreat-Flex Terms/open entry and open exist for the MSVCC. This is a possibility but it would change our funding formula and incentive funding. All funding is based on data from the audit process. Deborah Gilbert discussed the funding process at Boot camp. Flex terms would eliminate the state wide calendar and no longer allow colleges to enroll cross campus. Christian proposed we either eliminate the incentive funding or we rework the funding formula. We can offer any terms we want outside of the MSVCC but once we put a term in the MSVCC it affects the funding formula. The more terms added will begin to impact SACS, FA, Business Office, etc. Christian and Dr. Nettles will do an in-depth study to determine the viability of the flex terms but this will not be project decided on within the next 6 months to a year. MOOCS were brought up as a marketing tool to entice students to the MSVCC. Further research will need to be conducted on this as well. Funding is the core issue and that needs to be further discussed prior to any changes being made. b. Christian passed out the agenda for the preconference. Each college is allowed 6 faculty plus eLearning staff. eLearning does not need to register. Christian will send further information in an upcoming email.



Committee Reports a. Committees will meet form 10:00am to 10:30 am to discuss Strategic Plan


Sharing Circle

a. MCC January b. MDCC February c. MGCCC March


Open Forum

a. Update Charts b. Introduction of New Employee c. NBC Pilot—voted for in agreement and Christian will contact Matt Adams to start the ITS process. d. Proctor U- tabled to next month. e. Procurement Procedures-RFP for Smarthining and Netutor. Krista will present the group with changes based on meeting recommendations. f. Holmes withdrawal procedure-the colleges may now get the withdrawal request from Holmes students and the email will automatically be sent back to heather and put in the LDA and hit submit and it will go back to Holmes. We need to notify the people who process our drops.


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