MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

i. Ability to upload PDF Syllabi into the ET. ii. Ability to enter grades into the ET more easily. Put all names with radio buttons and gridlines, or letters (grades) inside of the boxes and a submit button. iii. Ability to search for courses. iv. Add a column for “Filled Seats” in ET. Recommended Column Order = Max Seats, Filled Seats, Available Seats v. Update the retention formula to ‘not include’ the No Show Students. Tish Stewart and Keri Cole will e-mail out discrepancies that they have found in the ET retention formula. vi. Hide classes from other instructors – instructors can only see what courses they teach. The group mentioned that some teachers register students and need to see courses. vii. Ability to retrieve more than a year’s worth of data. Make sure dates are displayed in current calendar year rather than fiscal year. viii. Add a checkbox for adding courses to the local offering page. ix. Add the options of “Never Attend”, “Readmit” and “Instructor Cuts” to the Status Area. This will then reflect on the Course Roster. Include comment box and LDA on the first screen rather than having two screens. This way, we minimize a step and also the reason is clearly stated on the course roster. x. ET to be user-friendly with tabs and buttons. The screenshots of the new ET were very similar to the recommendation. xi. Elizabeth Spooner added to the recommendations -- Ability to download the proctor exam information in a CSV file. The CSV file should include special needs and materials, including all other proctor information. xii. Krista LeBrun recommended that Status Notifications include dates. 1. Solution: Colleges should type in the title name if the course is short-term. This way, status notifications would reflect this information. xiii. Stacey Smith, Chair of Technology Committee will gather all recommendations and send to Audra.

VI. MCCB Business

a. Enrollment Tool

i. Akiah presented a preview of the new Enrollment Tool.

1. The ELCs were pleased with the overall look of the ET. 2. Course Offering:

a. Will have batch upload – one time only. Any other courses you need to add after the one batch upload would need to be manually created. b. Student View will show if student Self Enrolled or not. 3. Dr. Chris Jenkins asked about batch uploads for Enrollments. Audra Kimble stated that this would not be part of the new ET, because we were dealing with multiple SIS. 4. Audra Kimble will ask Ive Burnett to be present at the next meeting to discuss the new ET. 5. Everyone would be trained on the new ET. All Colleges will have access to test prior to ‘going live’, with a spreadsheet of what to test. After testing, ELCs can provide a list of what needs to be changed.

ii. A spreadsheet was provided with ET Role Functions, which hasn’t been updated since 2009.


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