MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Unfinished Business

a. MELO Presentation

i. Ken Chapman, accompanied with Joan Tierce and Leslie Hughes, gave a presentation on statistical information regarding the databases on the library website. Mr. Chapman distributed reporting and usage statistics. In addition to the $253,442.20, the Library Committee is requesting an additional $150,000 funding for Films on Demand and CINAHL. Jennifer Leimer made motion to increase training and revisit purchase of consortium license for Films on Demand next year Phyllis Johnson seconded motion. Motion carried. b. Enrollment Tool i. Audra distributed Enrollment Tool Change requests to distinguish which items require urgency. Ive will address critical need items during current semester, other needs will be addressed during spring or submitted via Help Ticket.

1. Request: Can instructors have access to see their textbook information from their class screen? We don’t want them to change it, just to verify that it is correct. Want instructors to be attach textbook only in work area, not course list. Christa Wilhite made motion to add as critical issue Jennifer James seconded motion. Motion carried. 2. Request: The Submit for Approval button in the self-registration site needs to be moved. Too many students are not scrolling down and miss it (which causes the student to hold a seat but not submit). Michele Mitchell made motion to add to critical list Vanessa Alexander seconded motion. Motion carried. 3. Request: Can the email student profile button be available at all times instead of just when adding a course for the first time or modifying a profile? Request will be added to spring request. 4. Request: Need the ability to print a student profile prior to the student being verified (like we could in old ET) Kimberly Ellis made motion to add to critical list and Kandace Martin seconded. Motion carried. 5. Request: Unable to see hosted class rosters. This was visible in old ET. This is used for roster reconciliations. Michelle Sumerel made motion to add to critical list Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried. 6. Request: Will eLCs have the ability to edit students on the non-verified list? Vanessa Alexander made motion to add to critical list Chris Square seconded. Motion carried. 7. Request: From the student view of courses will the students have the ability to see all courses we are offering (local and host)? Kimberly Ellis made motion to add to critical list Kandace Martin seconded motion. Motion carried. 8. Request: Remove reports tab from instructor view. Buffy Matthews made motion Jennifer James seconded motion. Motion carried.

c. Link Systems RTR (Refer Tutor Report)

i. Audra distributed NetTutor usage report to show estimated expenditures through 2016. Currently, we are short nearly $24,000 for FY 2015. There is an estimated shortage of about $21,000 in tutoring hours for FY 2016. The contract will need to be amended for RTR and the shortage. Michelle Sumerel made motion to move forward


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