MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

update all exams in 2 weeks. (This issue was solved at the same time as #2) All of these appointments have been backdated and everything is now showing in RegisterBlast correctly. 4. On the SP Instructor Dashboard in several of our classes, "New Session" is still showing as a status. Please see MAT1233 OO1 for an example. When you click "View Activity", lots of information appears about the student's activity. This is an aesthetic issue that is happening when students start to schedule, but then don’t complete scheduling there session. Should be fixed within 2 weeks. We have not gotten to this; however it is next on our list. We should have this completed by the end of next week provided nothing unforeseen happens 5. Several duplicates are still showing in RegisterBlast. There should be far less duplicates in RegisterBlast than what we had in the summer as we have solved the main problem that was allowing this to happen. With that being said there are some that are still getting through. Theoretically this should be impossible. There is essentially a bug somewhere that students are hitting that is allowing the student to schedule twice. We are trying to figure out where this is occurring so we can resolve. ETA on Fix is 3 weeks. We believe the main cause of this has been resolved; however in resolving that issue we have found another small hole that some students were falling through to be able to schedule twice. We are working on fixing and will have resolved ASAP. 6. Student's are unable to Cancel appointments after the appointment has already passed. This should be resolved this week. This is 90% complete, we are waiting on one small update from RegisterBlast an then this will be good to go. 7. Exam status report export to excel function not working. This should be resolved this week. This report will now export to excel. I have also put a ticket in that will expand this report and fix the issues with this report that were defined by Shalon at Holmes earlier today.


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