MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Approval of October Agenda.

Kimberly Ellis made the motion to accept agenda; Vanessa Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried.


New Business – MCCB Items: a. Information on the Presidents reviewing the P&P as requested by the group at the last meeting (Krista LeBrun)

i. It appears that the Presidents have not been reviewing our Policy & Procedure Manual (P&P). Feb 28, 2012 was the last time a policy was reviewed. Presidents did approve mini-terms, but the last policy approved was 2012. ii. Dr. Nettles is the chair for Educational Technology, and serves as our voice for MSVCC amongst the Presidents. Krista is going to send him a complete copy of our P&P as it exists, and Presidents will review it at their November meeting. 1. Following the November meeting, Presidents will not review our P&P on a regular basis. They will only review once a year at the Legislative workshop (in June every year) as a formality. Presidents trust that the eLearning divisions are making the best decisions for their colleges, and communicating with their Presidents and Chief Academic Officers about changes occurring. 2. Colleges should discuss future P&P changes with their Presidents and Chief Academic Officers. Changes will also be denoted in the back of the P&P so we can make Presidents aware at the Legislative Workshop. iii. Keri suggested that we add wording to the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), that Presidents sign, that they approve and will follow the MSVCC P&P. The group agreed, because there have been some colleges that are opposed to proctored exam policies, semester terms and services provided, etc. 1. The MOA is already signed for 2016, but Krista will send the group the new draft in June 2017 for us to look at before it is sent out for Presidents to sign. 2. If you would like a copy of the signed MOAs for 2016, send Krista an email to request them. b. RFP Update for Web Conferencing and Instant Messaging (Krista LeBrun) i. Chris Ryals and Krista met with ITS. We now have a Project Manager, and they are waiting on the confidentiality agreement to come in so they can send to committee members. The committee didn’t need more than 5-10 members, so Chris, Krista, and Ray will serve as resource contacts only. Committee members serving are from NEMCC, CCC, MCC, ECMCC, HINDS and ICC. ii. If a company reaches out to you, tell them we have started an RFP and direct them to Krista. We are not allowed to share information with other companies because of the signed confidentiality agreement. iii. As a courtesy, we will notify any companies that we want to submit to the RFP. iv. The committee will have a rubric, and will heavily weight that we need it to work directly within Canvas and provide rosters. We will require proof of concept, and a presentation. There may be a small cost associated with proof of concept, and we will vote on the cost as it gets close to time. We would rather ensure that the service works properly, than take the companies word on it.


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