MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

D. Proctored Testing i. Audra Kimble asked that, because of loads on the proctoring centers, members encourage instructors to allow 4-7 days for testing. Members were reminded to make sure that all proctor information is loaded into the enrollment tool at least two weeks prior to the test availability. ii. Ms Shows stated that instructors should remind the students to set an appointment to take their proctored exams. iii. Ms. McCrimon asked whether any other colleges charge for proctoring tests outside of the MSVCC. Most said no. E. Attendance Policy i. Ellene McCrimon asked how colleges monitor attendance in online courses. Mark Smith suggested discussion board participation; Alicia shows said login statistics in blackboard; Mr. Yates said contact with instructor…whether it is an assignment, assessment, or other communication. Several said that a two-week no contact period would be grounds for a drop. ii. Terri Windham asked who determines whether a WF, W, or F grade is assigned when and instructor drops a student. Association members agreed that the originating college determines this based on their withdrawal/drop policy. Members were reminded that communication should be sent between DLCs. When an instructor notifies the DLC of a drop or withdrawal, the DLC should send the DLC of the college where the student is registered an email stating whether the instructor dropped or the student withdrew from a course along with the LDA…no grade. iii. Audra Kimble encouraged instructors to turn in no-shows in a timely manner. New Business A. Blackboard Portal i. Ms. McCrimon said that Jason Pugh wanted to know how the portal is working. Jennifer Leimer stated that AOL and WM connect are causing problems. The solution is to minimize AOL and open a separate Internet Explorer window. Clearing cached files helps too. ii. Mr. Yates suggested that we encourage students to perform regular Windows updates to alleviate problems with discussion items etc. iii. Mr. Smith suggested that we ask Jason to create a DL discussion forum to help with common problems. F. LDA’s – Postponed


B. Archiving Spring Data i. Mark Smith asked if we could archive spring data so that we can begin building Spring 05 courses. The scheduled date for the Spring 04 archive is September 10 th .

C. New Roles in the Enrollment Tool

i. Mr. Smith inquired about adding a “DL Assistant” role. ii. Mr. Yates would like to have a Dean’s role created.


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