Alcalá 1976

Front: Mike Sroboda, Matt Brucker, Dave Morris, Bill Heaton, Brian Kanig, Greg Hutton, George Hale, Sergio Santos, Pat McKay, Ken Bay 1o t, Tim Burkhard. Back: Noz Miyashita, John Pinjuv, Dan Fasani, Harley Sefton, Frank Gontarski, Bill McGeorge, Ken Polack, John Jakubczyk, Vince di Tomaso, Don Milne, Dave Vogel, Bernard Ciernik, Doug Sales, Graham Milner, Jim Grimard, Paul Misleh.

PKT brothers and pledges on a Friday afternoon

The PKT Little Sisters work together under the sponsorship of the Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity. Because they are relatively new on campus (the idea originated in the Spring of 1975), the Little Sisters are rather small in number. Their main functions and activities center on assist– ing the fraternity at TC's, parties, and service projects.


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