Employee information Work accidents, particularly their frequency and seriousness, as well as occupational illnesses There were 14bwork- or travel-related accidents requiring time off in 2017 (9bin 2016), with 182bdays lost to accidents over the year (188bin 2016). France The frequency rate was 6.69 (4.76 in 2016) and the severity rate 0.09 (0.10 in 2016). AFD Group could find no occupational illness contracted within the organisation. 2.1.5 Training Training policies implemented In a context of sharp growth and significant internal changes, the integration of new hires and maintaining cohesion are more than ever at the heart of training policy. A system created in 2016band known as “onboarding”, offers new hires a multi-stage course which unfolds over four to six months and is initiated automatically. As a result new employees familiarise themselves with their new work environment, but also with the Group’s strategy, and AFD’s responsibilities and challenges now and in the future. Through short training modules organised regularly on various subjects, they also acquire the essential foundations enabling them to quickly become self-sufficient in their roles. By means of regular discussions between participants from different parts of the organisation, this course also facilitates the integration of new hires while reinforcing Group cohesion. AFD’s training policy still devotes considerable resources to the development of professional skills. Numerous plan initiatives target the reinforcement of technical banking and finance competencies. Support for project team managers and country managers has been continued through sectoral or cross-functional training, which allows them to master different operating frameworks (sectoral, geographical and cross-functional). Managers continue to have access to a programme of specific actions to help them improve and develop their managerial skills. During 2017, “the keys to management” course consequently provided support to 180bmanagers. The “Development Profession” programme, intended to provide employees with shared expertise in development aid and AFD’s role within the French system, continued. 62bemployees were able to gain an operational overview of the various forms of aid by making visits to projects in Cambodia, Mozambique and Martinique. Alongside this, the World seminar, bringing together local employees to discuss topics currently relevant to AFD, projects and strategy took place in Paris for the third time.

Local employees’ access to training was generally facilitated and improved through access to training organised at head office but also through the introduction of regional seminars which are growing in number. Lastly, the training offered was enhanced by new partnerships with the Caisse des dépôts et consignations and European Development Financial Institutions (EDFI). The total number of training hours There was a particularly high momentum in training activities in 2017: 39,681 hours of training were provided (33,435 in 2016), representing an investment of 4.18% of the total payroll. The overall training effort (1) led by the Human Resources Department represented 53,300 hours in 2017 (48,593 hours in 2016). In 2017, 311blocal employees received training organised by the Human Resources Department (at head office or in the region) representing a volume of 8,494 hours. 2.1.6 Equal treatment Measures taken to promote equality between men and women In 2007, an initial agreement was signed to promote professional gender equality between women and men. InbJuly 2014, a third agreement was signed to confirm and update this commitment for the 2014-2016 period. In June 2015, an amendment for the revision of the agreement relating to professional equality between men and women was signed. At the end of December 2017ball of the trade unions and management signed a new agreement relating to professional equality between men and women covering the 2017-2019 period. This agreement, which is in response to one of the agency’s major social policy challenges, is fully in line with AFD’s corporate responsibility policy and with the approach to gender issues initiated in the context of the next SOP. The principal commitments arising from this agreement, according to the different issues being addressed, are as follows: P recruitment P parity of recruitment annually and over the period of the agreement, P job desegregation: engineers (recruitment target: 25% women for each job title and/or engineering qualification) and focus on industry roles strongly associated with men or women; P women in supervisory positions P presence of women in managerial positions at head office and within the network: target increased to 40% by the end of 2019 with an ambition to reach 50% at the end of 2022 (end December 2017: 38.97%), P Equal pay at the point of recruitment,

(1) The overall effort takes into account so-called “attributable” and “non-attributable” training initiatives.



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