Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2018

The dare Jumble campaign was marketed towards young to middle age adults in the working-class.

Using another study from ( Roy Morgan, 2014) on the drinkers of coffee flavoured milk by profession,

it can be seen that a majority of Dare consumers work in labouring or sales and are likely to be habitual

coffee drinkers. These professions are male dominated, which is expected as they advertise using

mainly male actors to appeal to their target audience. It can be seen that as jobs require less manual

labour or sales that the consumption falls below the national average. The campaign focused on the

effects of the drink by showing people making small mistakes due to them being tired or not alert, and

then drinking a dare to fix the problem.

Iced Coffee Drinkers by Industry (Roy Morgan, 2014)

Red Bull and Dare both used segmentation to their advantage when implementing their marketing

strategies. Whilst they use all forms of segmentation within their marketing strategy, Red Bull focused

on psychographic marketing to define its market towards thrill seekers and extreme sports, whilst Dare

predominantly focused on demographic segmentation to define its market as blue collar, working class

Australians. This has been beneficial to both companies as they have targeted their campaigns to make

them more effective.


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