Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2018

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A research conducted from HackerLife in 2016 shows that SpaceX a company with a higher- turnover rate. Looking at the graph, employees generally stays around 1.5 years. 21

Fig. 5 2016 SpaceX Engineer Turnover Rate Image Source:

However, Musk’s ability to implant the vision and the mission, is incredible

According to Dolly Singh, former HR head at SpaceX, “The thing that makes Elon, Elon is his ability to make people believe in his vision.” Jim Cantrell, SpaceX’s first engineer, adds, “…Most of us can’t conceive these things working; he can’t conceive it failing.” 22

21 Abtin Rasoulian, "How High Is Employee Turnover At SpaceX?", Quora, Last modified 2018, high-is-employee-turnover-at-Space. Web. 21 May. 2018 22 Ashlee Vance, Elon Musk , 1st ed. repr., London: Ebury Publishing, 2016.

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