Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2018

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The results of this strategy are evident when a comparison is made between a SpaceX rocket and a United Launch Alliance (SpaceX’s biggest competitor) rocket. The technological gap can be reflected through the cost per launch. ULA’S Delta IV Heavy launcher is their rocket with the biggest payload which they can take to space. Each launch cost $350 million dollars in comparison to SpaceX’s $90 million per launch from the Falcon

Fig. 8 SpaceX Rocket Launch Image Source:

Heavy 31 . Furthermore, the Falcon Heavy can almost take double the payload of the Delta IV. In fact, the Falcon Heavy can return to earth and relaunch back into space multiple times, clearly SpaceX has the advantage. h-spacex-fire-off-its-second-flight- proven-falcon-9/

31 Elizabeth Howell, "Delta IV Heavy: Powerful Launch Vehicle", Space.Com, Last modified 2018, Web. 1 Oct. 2018.

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