God's Plan For Man html

it. For all too many, the lie is the truth, just as it was for Adam and Eve. Eventually, we must see our own nakedness [nakedness is a fruit from the tree of knowledge]. Be aware of what your mind does and how it was trained as you reflect on this idea. As the words are read, the imperfect, negative source within the mind would instantly justify acceptance in a worldly manner. The Divine Will is that humanity will once again obtain perfection, but perfection is a process that occurs only as an individual chooses to right what is wrong. Perfection is a spiritual state experienced by the correct choices, i.e., truth versus the lie. God’s desire is that humanity regains what was lost, and returns to the condition of spiritual and physical perfection. The soul is a spiritual life force within each of us that desires to return to the full state of illumination, as wisdom prevails over knowledge once again. As such, evolution is an element of creation, and spiritual evolution is the road to perfection. Do not take or accept anything that does not come from God, or anything that is not proven and verified to be wisdom. Accept only the truth. Test the truth and accept wisdom as the most precious gift — it is free. Always look for the blessing and the positive, for therein resides the will of God. Man is a special part of God the Father’s plan.

Ark of the Covenant—Noah The silent decree by God before the flood was the world must change. As Noah began to build the Ark, the need for purification of the world was first made clear. Noah did not know that the change would be complete disaster, but confirmation followed after the Great Flood. Once the Ark


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