1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

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60. LIST OP PRINCIPAL WINES. Champagne (Piper Heid- sieck & Co.), Sauterne Wines, Rhine and Moselle Wines, Claret Wines, Madeira Wines, Hungarian (red white) Wines, California Wines,


Bordeaux Wines, Catawba Wines, Spanish Wines, Port (red and Wines,

Tokay Wines, Sherry Wines, Burgundy Wines,


61. LIST OP PRINCIPAL CORDIALS. The list below contains the principal kinds used for mixing drinks; if others are required they can he procured. Absinthe (^'een and white), Creme de Chocolate, Angelica, Eau Celeste (Himmels- Wasser),

Curagoa (red and white). Maraschino Dalmatico, Creme de Mocca, Anisette de Martinique, Eau d'Amour (Liebeswas- ser), Vermouth, Allash Russian Kummel, Vanille, Creme d'Ananas, China-China, Creme d'Anisette, Huil e de Fleurs d' 0 ranges Creme de Peppermint, Amourette, Eau de Calame (calmus liqueur), Creme de Nagau.

Boonekamp of Magbitter, Creme au lait (Milk Li queur), Benedictine, Chartreuse (green and yellow), Eau d'Or (Goldwasser), Parfait d'Amour, Curagoa de Marseille, Kirschwasser, Anisette, Danziger Goldwasser, Bouquet de Dames, Berlin Gilka, Eau de Belles Femmes, Huile d'Angelica,

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