The Gazette 1909-10

iJUNE, 1909]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Counsel. It was important that the machinery of appeal should be put in proper order ; that the appeal should be presented in its best aspect; and he was of opinion that the fee ought to be allowed. The Taxing Master relied too much on the form of notice, and, in that way, had proceeded on a wrong principle. The taxation, therefore, would be varied by allowing the item. Reported Law Journal, vol. xliv, page 327. THE the Evicted Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1907, and the Irish Land Act, 1303 (sections i to 23), was made upon the 24th day of May, 1909 :— •" Where any land acquired under the Evicted Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1907, is not required for the purposes of the said Act, and such land has been offered to the person from whom it was acquired, pursuant to section 14 of the said Act, the time within which such offer may be accepted shall be fourteen days from the date of such offer." Additions to the Library. THE following books have been added to the Library since November last:— Brabrook (E.W.): Law of Friendly Societies. 13th ed. I2mo. London, 1897. Burke (Sir B.): Peerage and Baronetage. 7isted. Svo. London, 1909. Butterworth's Workmen's Compensation Cases. Vol. i. (New Series). Svo. London, 1909. Chalmers (Sir M. D.): Law of Bills of Exchange. Svo. London, 1909. ChittyQ.): Law of Contracts. Svo. London, 1909. Dicey (A. V.): Conflict of Laws. Svo. London, 1909. Encyclopaedia of the Laws of England : Second edition. Vols. xni. and xiv. Svo. London, 1908. Estimates for Civil Services for year ending 3ist March, 1910. Fpl. London, 1909.. following provisional rule under Evicted Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1907.

1843, and his business is carried on by Messrs. Thomas, Charles, and John Jermyn, under the style of Gregg, Jermyn, and Sons. Mr. Gregg was for many years President of the Southern Law Association, and an Extra- Ordinary member of the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Mr. Samuel F. McConnell, Solicitor, who practised at Lisburn, died on the- 15th May, iqog, at his residence, Avonmore Lodge, Balmoral, Belfast. Mr. McConnell, who served his apprentice ship with the late Mr. Hans McMordie, Solicitor, Belfast, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1886. The business of Mr. McConnell is being carried on by Mr. D. Barbour Simpson. Solicitor, under the style of Samuel F, McConnell and Co. Recent Decisions affecting Solicitors. (JNotes ofdecisions, whether in reported or unreported cases, of interest to Solicitors are invited from Members. .) , '*f CHANCERY DIVISION (ENGLAND). (Before Eve, J.) In re Bailey—Bailey v. Bailey. May n, 1909. — Costs — Taxation — Fee to Counsel for settling Notice of Appeal — Rules of the Supreme Court—Or. LXV., r.-2-l (15)- This was a summons to review taxation, the question being whether the Taxing Master was right in disallowing a fee to counsel for settling Notice of Appeal. The Master, in answering the objections carried in by the applicant, stated that " upon perusal of this notice, which was in the ordinary form, he saw no reason for allowing costs for settling the notice." It was contended upon behalf of the appli cant that the Master had proceeded on the wrong principle that the notice ought not to be settled by counsel. Order LXV, Rule 27 (15), of the Rules of the Supreme Court in England, corresponds with Order LXV, Rule 65 (15), of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Ireland, 1905. Eve, J., stated that he did not wish to lay down any general rule, but he thought it desir able that Notice of Appeal should be settled by

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