The Gazette 1909-10

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



Court in Ireland, and be subject to the orders of the Supreme Court in Ireland, and not, as provided in the Bill, to be made with the Paymaster-General in England and be subject to orders of the Supreme Court in England. It was resolved to take immediate action with a view to having these amend ments inserted in the Bill, in Committee, in the House of Commons. Preliminary Examination. A memorial from a Law Clerk, about to be bound under Section 16, seeking a modified preliminary examination under Section 18, was considered, and it was resolved that same be not opposed. Education of Apprentices. A report from the Special Educational Committee relative to the curriculum for the Intermediate and Final Examinations was discussed, and was referred back to the Committee for further consideration. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— December 1st, 8th and 15th. January 12th and 26th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings werwheld during November :— Court of Examiners, 1st, 15th, 29th. Gazette,- 4-th. Educational, 5th. 24th, 30th. ; Costs, 25th. Result of the Society's Examinations. AT the Preliminary Examination, held upon the 7th and 8th days of October, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 1. John B. J. Dunne. 2. Daniel P. King. 3. Francis E. Fetherstonhaugh.

Eight candidates attended the examina tion. Six passed. Two were postponed.

AT the Final Examination, held upon the 12th and 13th days of October, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 1. William Shaw. 2. Henry T. B. Robinson. 3. David L. Clarke, B.A., R.U.I. 4. Andrew Campbell. 5. Henry E. Thompson. 6. Michael J. O'Dempsey, B.A., R.U.I. 7. John D. Hazelton, B.A., R.U.I. 8. Francis E. Stephens, B.A., T.c.D

9. Richard B. McKeown. 10. Philip S. McDonnell. 11. Thomas Shillington. 12. James B. Butler. 13. John Quin. 14. John J. Barry. 15. John O'Kane. 16. Michael Lavery. 17. Augustin J. C. Crean. 18. Edward W. Bailey. 19. Philip S. Bell. ' 20. William H. Sutton.

The Court of Examiners awarded a Gold Medal to William Shaw, a Silver Medal to Henry T. B. Robinson, and Special Certifi cates to David L. Clarke and Andrew Campbell. Thirty-three candidates attended the examination. Twenty passed. Thirteen were postponed. Find later Scholarship. THE Findlater Scholarship for 1909 has been awarded to Mr. John Barklie, of Lisburn, who served his apprenticeship to Mr. Ernest T. S. Wilson, of Lisburn, and obtained first place and a gold medal at the Final Exam ination, held in May, 1909. Obituary. MR. Robert Courtenay Vance, Solicitor, Dublin, died on the 2nd November, 1909, at 15 Brookfield Terrace, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin. Mr. Vance, who served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Joshua Brereton, Harcourt

4. John D. O'Connell. 5. Thomas D. Cotton.

'' Louis 0. Owens passed the modified pre liminary examination for which he had liberty to present himself.

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