Member Connections, Fall 2023
Gol f Ma i nt enance
The golf course will be closed for overseeding all greens and tees, October 30-31, and will re-open for play at 11 am on Wednesday, November 1st. To expedite germination, it is very important that we provide moisture to the new seed during the day for the first few weeks to ensure nice playing surfaces throughout the winter. Water will be running throughout the day and we will do our best not to inconvenience play while watering. Also, during establishment we will mow in the afternoons when the turf is dry. This is done to avoid picking up or pulling young seedlings out of the ground. Because of this practice the greens will be noticeably slower than normal for several weeks. As the new plants mature, we will work our mowing heights down and slowly back off the watering frequency. Once we get closer to our overseeding date I will provide more information regarding course conditions and playing expectations. See you on the course! Pruned all palm trees throughout the course. Aerated high traffic areas throughout the golf course. Resurrection pruned azaleas. Applied beneficial soil amendments to all tees, fairways, and greens. Widened entrance to 4 tee to help spread wear when entering the teeing area. Reclaimed golf course corridors through pruning on 11, 12, and 15 and removed several dead/hazardous trees on 4, 9, and 12. Other course projects/improvement completed during the July closure:
Greetings from Long Cove Club Golf Maintenance! The summer is coming to a close and maintenance is excited about the cooler weather on the horizon, I am sure you all are too. July and August was excessively hot and muggy. For the 14th consecutive year we were able to accomplish all of our major course aerations/cultural practices during the three-week July closure. The closure went very smoothly and a significant amount of work was completed. Some of the highlights of the closure are: All greens were aerated as planned with 5/8” tines on the 17th and 24th of July. With this size tine and aerating twice we were able to impact 22% of our greens total surface area. All greens were top- dressed following each aeration. On July 31st we Dry-jected greens, a patented process in which more sand is introduced into the soil profile to further help our greens perform to our standards. All tees and fairways were also verti-cut, aerated with a 3/4” tine, and topdressed.
Ashley Davis, CGCS Golf Course Superintendent
Let’s all take steps to maintain our great golf course! It’s every member's responsibility and only we can do it. Every time you play, make sure you are repairing your ball marks, ranking the bunkers, picking up broken tees, filling in divots, and practicing proper golf cart, push cart and practice area etiquette.
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