Member Connections, Fall 2023

SH RE T h e R o a d K e ep L ong Co v e C l ub S a f e

Always obey the posted speed limit, which is 25 mph. When exiting the community, please slow down to 15 mph.

When approaching a pedestrian or biker in your vehicle, please slow down and assess the situation before proceeding. If a car is approaching from the opposite direction, wait for it to pass before safely making your way around the pedestrian/biker.

When passing a pedestrian or biker, please leave a minimum of six feet of space between your vehicle and the pedestrian/biker.

Bikers should bike with the flow of traffic and always bike in a line. Walkers should always walk facing traffic and when a car is approaching, please move into a line to allow for more passing room. Pedestrians and bikers should always wear bright colors when walking, biking or jogging to be easily seen. Reflective vests and belts are available at no charge at the Administration Office.

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As we focus on roadway safety, we ask that all residents report any near misses or dangerous situations on our roadways. This can include aggressive driving or pedestrian behavior. Please contact the Security Gate at (843) 686-1050 to report.

Fishing and ball retrieval in the lagoons is temporarily suspended until September 19, 2023 or when a new set of rules can be reviewed and approved. Never feed or harass an alligator. Use extra caution when utilizing an expandable leash and always keep your pets away from the water's edge. Always stay at least 10 feet from the water's edge. Never approach an alligator when they are walking in between lagoons or resting on a lagoon bank. Report any suspicious alligator activity to Security. Please take the following steps to protect you, your animals and the alligators. It is important that you share this information with your guests. Al l i ga t or Sa f e t y

In t he e v en t o f an eme rgen cy , pl e ase c a l l 91 1 be f or e Se c ur i t y , ( 843) 686- 1 050 .


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