INTRODUCTION MiRiDER is a family-owned business which entered the marketplace in 2019. The six board members are all highly motivated and five of which have been managing a group of family businesses since 1992 in the Car Security, Seasonal Lighting and cable management sectors. The other Director has a vast amount of experience in contract services and hospitality which gives the team collectively a very wide spectrum of experiences in brand building, manufacturing, importing, retailing, marketing, distribution and customer services.

CONCEPTION MiRiDER was conceived due to a lack of design choice in the folding ebike sector, whilst it was clear a good opportunity was available in a growing industry. Capitalising on resource and experience within the rest of the groups companies, we've seen a rapid growth in notoriety and sales thanks to a clean sweep of glowing industry and tech reviews, strong social media campaigns plus continual investment in new accessories and special editions.

GROWTH Expanding into a new dedicated facility in 2021 has allowed us to structure the business efficiently and more importantly enable the ability to up-scale storage and production as required for 2023 and beyond. Having the showroom and test track features in the same building allows us to host new dealers as an introduction to the brand, for technician training or new product open days. Having our sales and customer service team under the same roof means communication is efficient and helps to keep customer service levels extremely high.

IN HOUSE PRODUCTION This is a critical element to the business as a whole, especially as a relatively new brand to the sector. Having the ability to hand-build a bike from the frame outwards not only allows us to spec the parts and components exactly how we want them, but it also makes our quality control extremely high. The bikes pass through several stages of inspection before, during and after assembly. It then undergoes test rides by the builder and production manager before it is detailed and packaged to the best possible standards. Our five-star rating on Trust Pilot is a testament to our product but also our efficient service and distribution.

NETWORK Our growing dealer network has been a large part of our success and is now over 140 (UK) outlets strong, backed by immediate ordering and support. As we build our bikes inhouse and share a 50,000 sqft distribution centre, handling orders and replacement parts is second nature to us. We support our network broadly from advertising in national print media. We also promote the brand at national consumer shows down to more individual localised marketing on social media, utilising ambassador programmes DQG NH\ LQȵXHQFHUV

OUTLOOK Whilst we are committed to growing our penetration in the UK, we have big aspirations WR SURJUHVV RXU R΍HULQJ DQG UHDFK 7R VXFFHHG in our aims, recruitment in technicians, customer service and development are all ongoing as we strive to launch new models and export to Europe. For companies that join the fold, they can expect a forward-thinking enterprise which takes pride in everything it does and will savour a prosperous journey together.

THE PRODUCT - MiRiDER ONE Our standard bike is great value and boasts a VWURQJ VSHFLȴFDWLRQ ZLWK HPSKDVLV RQ NH\ elements. Stand out features include casted magnesium alloy frame for strength, custom Ζ3 ZHDWKHUSURRI ZLULQJ KDUQHVV IRU UHOLDELOLW\ and single speed throttle collaboration for simplicity. Clarks disk brakes, rear damper, powerful motor and a compact fold, all add up to a striking and practical package.

:H DOVR R΍HU D JURZLQJ UDQJH RI XSJUDGHV IRU the ‘One’ available as a factory option during EXLOG RU D UHWUR ȴW 2XU FXVWRPHUV KDYH DQ opportunity to ‘up-spec’ and accessorise their bike to suit their preferences and lifestyle, ZKHWKHU KHDGLQJ R΍ WKH EHDWHQ WUDFN RU commuting.

THE PRODUCT - MiRiDER ONE The MiRiDER One features include: • Compact, folding in seconds • Weight (inc battery) 17.3kg* • 7AH / 252Wh Samsung battery

• 250 watt rear hub motor • Up to 45 mile range**

• Puncture protection • 2 year warranty






THE PRODUCT - MiRiDER ONE GB3 Introducing the MiRiDER One GB3, our very own take on a geared bike. In keeping with our philosophy of simplicity and rider experience, we scoured the world for complimentary parts t o fulfil ou r objectives. Rather than take the easy, traditional option of moving the hub motor to the front and hanging a derailleur o ff the back, we wanted to be smarter than that. We wanted to retain the balance and traction a rear wheel hub o ffers whilst avoiding a bulky and dirty gear set.

Partnering with a specialist supplier in Europe, we have a seamless three-speed, grip shift gearbox, elegantly designed into the crank arm, offer ing maximum functionality for minimal fuss.

THE PRODUCT - MiRiDER ONE GB3 To enhance the unique gear system, we’ve added a custom belt drive system, which provides a quiet and smooth ride without the oil!

The trio of ratios have been devised to offer a perfect selection; 1st for climbing or riding without assistance, 2nd for typical riding and 3rd for cruising or riding above the 15.5mph cut out.

THE PRODUCT - MiRiDER ONE GB3 Adding to the appeal, we have loaded the bike with a selection of extra upgrades such as • 3 speed crank gearbox system • Belt drive • Hydraulic Brakes • LCD screen with USB charge port

$OO LQ DOO ZH DUH YHU\ SURXG RI WKH *% ΖW encapsulates everything anyone has ever asked us for and represents the complete MiRiDER One!

• CNC lightweight pedals • Selle Royal sports seat • Raised and wider handlebars

SUPPLY Keeping bikes in stock is of course our highest SULRULW\ DQG HYHU\ H΍RUW ZLWKLQ RXU UHVRXUFH goes into maximising this across our supply chain. With global supply chains challenging and still recovering from the pandemic, we structure ourselves to be agile and ready to react to market demands. It is within our scope to expand our production line capacity with additional build technicians to manage market conditions and absorb new business thanks to our modular build cells and training programme.

For new partners, we can work closely with forecast management to maintain stock levels but as the relationship grows, our large stock holding allows us to react quickly for additional stock.


We now work closely with over 140 retailers across the UK. Each one is a valued business partner, with direct access to dedicated team of professionals based at MiRiDER HQ to assist them in the sale and aftercare of the product. With a proven business model, and an expert team in place, the time is now right to expand our proposition to the European market.

We have a growing number of enquiries from Europe, particularly following our exhibition at EuroBike 2022 (we shall be retuning in 2023), and our Directors are actively seeking Distributors who would like to seize the opportunity the MiRiDER One and MiRiDER GB3 represents.

ACCESSORIES Accessories are a huge part of the MiRiDER SURGXFW R΍HULQJ DQG KHOS WR WDLORU WKH ELNH WR all customer uses and needs. We stock a large quantity but encourage dealers to keep items in stock to maximise sales.

IN STORE POINT OF SALE :H KDYH D ODUJH UDQJH RI VKRS ȵRRU PDWHULDOV to showcase the products and brand - Retailers can decide and advise what would work best in their store(s). We can amend or embellish the standard artwork with a Retailers branding or consider other ideas or concepts to suit their needs.







MEDIA SUPPORT Our marketing team can produce artwork and advertising campaigns to showcase the MiRiDER products and brand at a national or local level. We have a plethora of skill sets and are experienced in all forms of marketing, from TV to Tiktok. We can be as dynamic as needed to support our partners to build awareness or advertise major events and news.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT Our philosophy is to keep the customer happy and our 5 star Trustpilot rating demonstrates our commitment to this, therefore it is important our dealer network are furnished with the knowledge and support to uphold the brands’ reputation. :KHQ RQ ERDUG ZLWK XV UHWDLOHU VWD΍ FDQ HLWKHU visit our facility in Wigan, or our Technician can visit their store to deliver technical training in a hands on session. The session will cover everything from fault diagnosis, operational FRPSRQHQWV DQG ȴ[HV

7R KDQGOH LVVXHV HɝFLHQWO\ ZH FDQ SURYLGH YLGHR support directly via WhatsApp or Facetime to achieve a speedy resolution, or other traditional methods such as a phone call or email directly to our inhouse team are available. For bikes that need replacement parts for servicing or warranty, we stock every single component and can work with you to ensure you hold stock of these items to support your dealer network within a few days of them requesting the parts.

0L5L'(5 8QLW &URIWZRRG 6TXDUH Wigan, WN5 0LG, United Kingdom

3KRQH Email: hello@mirider.co.uk

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