THE PRODUCT - MiRiDER ONE Our standard bike is great value and boasts a VWURQJ VSHFLȴFDWLRQ ZLWK HPSKDVLV RQ NH\ elements. Stand out features include casted magnesium alloy frame for strength, custom Ζ3 ZHDWKHUSURRI ZLULQJ KDUQHVV IRU UHOLDELOLW\ and single speed throttle collaboration for simplicity. Clarks disk brakes, rear damper, powerful motor and a compact fold, all add up to a striking and practical package.

:H DOVR R΍HU D JURZLQJ UDQJH RI XSJUDGHV IRU the ‘One’ available as a factory option during EXLOG RU D UHWUR ȴW 2XU FXVWRPHUV KDYH DQ opportunity to ‘up-spec’ and accessorise their bike to suit their preferences and lifestyle, ZKHWKHU KHDGLQJ R΍ WKH EHDWHQ WUDFN RU commuting.

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