Fidante Benefits Package

What do I need to do to instruct Salary Exchange contributions?

Strict rules apply to Salary Exchange to protect both you and Fidante. Your Terms and Conditions of Employment will be revised to include a Salary Exchange arrangement.

The first stage is to confirm the percentage of your salary that you wish to Exchange to the Corporate Team at JMA (our Benefit Advisers) using with a cc to Sarah Callaghan in Payroll using . A personalised letter of instruction confirming the change will then be emailed to you. All you need to do is sign and return to . The Salary Exchange will start from the next available month.

When can I start making contributions using Salary Exchange?

You can decide to switch to Salary Exchange from the first of any month - although it is important that the Agreement Letter is signed and dated before the process is implemented.

How long will Salary Exchange contributions be an option?

The intention is for Salary Exchange contributions to remain in place indefinitely. However, as company circumstances and legislation may change, we reserve the right to withdraw Salary Exchange contributions without notice or compensation and reintroduce employee contributions on the current basis. In this event, your earnings would be increased by the amount of the employee portion of your Salary Exchange contribution, which would then be deducted from your earnings and paid as a NET employee contribution.

What if I have any further questions?

Contact any of the following individuals at our advisers (JMA) who will provide you with the relevant guidance.

For Servicing: Corporate Team For Advisory: Nick Young Contact No: 0208 6423680


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