TPi October 2011

Image : C. Guyot

RILSAN ® HT THE ONLY WAY TO COMBINE HIGH TEMPERATURE AND FLEXIBILITY Rilsan ® HT is the first flexible, high-temperature thermoplastic to replace metal in tubing for high-temperature automotive and other demanding industrial applications. The revolutionary flexibility of Rilsan ® HT offers a step-change in polyphtalamide (PPA)-based materials and extends metal substitution to yet unimagined possibilities. Compared with metal assemblies, tubing made from Rilsan ® HT lower the overall system cost and ensure longer service life of engine components. Rilsan ® HT is a unique durable high-temperature thermoplastic largely derived from renewable non-food-crop vegetable feedstock, naturally responding to the increasing environmental commitment of the automotive industry.

For further information, please contact us: Tel: +33(0)1 49 00 71 30 Fax: +33(0)1 49 00 51 47

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