LAB #1(40) 2008

LAB project _

Daniel Libeskind _ ЭМБЛЕМА ЖИЗНИ

DANIEL LIBESKIND _ THE EMBLEM OF LIFE | Photo Bruce Damonte | Text Anna Lengle | In summer in San-Francisco the Modern Jewish Museum, reconstructed by Daniel Lebeskind, will open its doors again. The Museum has not started its work yet and the press is already discussing the new architectural concept of the building, which has become one of the main attractions in the neighboring block. Inspired by the phrase which in Jewish sounds as «l’chaim» (to life), the architect tried to embody its essence in architecture and to express the Museum’s mission, the base of which is in integration of traditions and novel- ties in study of the Jewish culture and different judgments of it. Daniel Lebeskind knows the Jewish history a little bit better than his colleagues, as much better as a person, whose family suffered from Holocaust, may know. After a successful debut with the project of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, having got the feel of developing different cultural projects, Lebeskind has offered a concept of symbolic architecture, trying to reflect in the new building the whole historical significance of the structure and the Jewish culture

фото © Bruce Damonte Текст анна ленгле

Летом в Сан-Франциско вновь откроется Современный еврей- ский музей, преобразованный по проекту Даниэля Либескин- да (Daniel Libeskind). Музей еще не приступил к своей работе, а пресса уже освещает новое архитектурное решение объекта, претендующегона роль однойиз главных достопримечатель- ностей квартала. Вдохновленный фразой, которая на иврите звучит l’chaim (to life), архитектор попытался воплотить ее смысл в архитектуре и отразить миссию музея, в основе ко- торой соединение традиции и новшества в исследовании ев- рейской культуры и взглядов на нее.


№1 _ 40 _ 2008

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