News Scrapbook 1975-1977

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Registration for fall even·ng

classes set at USD

.ind master in a variet;· of


The Umven,ity of San F~ enmg College Diego'.

::)'cnch and Spanish



2-SOUTHERN CROSS, August 21, 1975 Around the diocese


relation ,


classes Jiegm

fields may be earned bv taking only evening classe;


cpl. 8,







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Evening ~·011 g.., ma}' be • :il.•b1m•


both rlegree and credential

Thursdoy,,, 1 , 975

relig1ou studies

at USD

prog ams .


,\IdstPr programs m the evening include business admm1strat1on, educa 10n,

Registration for the fall semester!-, ~ept 4 and 5.



Father Donald Webber, pastor. St. George, Ontario. Father Adolphus Chavez, pastor, Our Lady of Guada- lupe. Ontario. Father P tr·r Mimnagh pastor, St. M.. ry'~ parish. Redlands. Father Leol>')ldo Cr oglio, pastor, Christ the King, San Bernardino. at her Richard nuncanson, Secretary


grams available

ts 90 For Grid Practice "cond and thrrd m the re- but applied for enrollment at celvmg department, with 25 USO in the' off-season. They and 13 catche are wide receiver Pat Iaccl• Logan think th transfer no, linebackers Steve Crago of rangy t6-5) nior Steve and Brian Klemens, quarter- Bubel from starting ety to back Andy Slimak and de- wide receiver will give the fensive lineman Bruce Tay- pa Ing attack a shot in the lor.

Clergy appointments effect- Ive Sept. 3: Msgr. William Bolgc• , pastor. St. Mary Magdalene, San Diego.

USD Auxiliary A three-day workshop

to address 3,000


~~~:u, '(/ 'l-7/1.~: Violin and cello concert Friday Alice and Eleonor:e Schoenfeld, a violin artd cello duo, will perform at 8 p.m. Friday at the Uni- versity of San Diego as part of the Chamber Music Workshop sche, - uled this weekend The Schoenfeh'l's will p.. rform in • nders Hal 1 Chap L Tickets cost $3 and $1 .50 for students and may IJ<' purchased at the


to the 16th annual fashion

vitations sponsored

***;,. San Diego Sena club, Serra Da

arm. "Steve has great There are a couple new speed," he said. Last year, faces on the coaching staff Bubel returned three Inter• as well. Gene Green moves ceptlons an average of 25 over from Coronado High yard and will work with the offen- Oefen 1v ly, lJnebacker sive backs. Dave Gross, Bill Equ1. Tim H renda, from St. Augustine High, Ike Carew and Tom will handle the offensive F ranklm, backs John !\ an- line son and Gary Mo , and On paper, Logan said the t I Ir h B zanson re- defense looked better than , , the offense "We ~ill have much m re Logan Is peed defensively," he ·rud. , r rul

by the University of San Diego Auxiliary has been planned for Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday in the board room on campus. The event, ''Fashion-tennial," is scheduled for Oct. 14 at the Hjlton Inn. Mrs. John H. Rippo Jr., invitations chairman, has planned the addressing work session~ from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, providing sand~iches and coffee for members of her committee. Invitations coordinators, Mrs. Emil Bavasi and Mrs. Charles W. Melville Jr., will be assisted in addressing the invitations by La Jollan Mrs . Thomas W. Keelin, Mrs. James D. Casey, Mrs. Kenneth B. Brown, Mrs. John helm and Mrs.. Charles W. Christensen. ~lrs James R. Davis is president of the auxiliary. Mrs. John H. Mazur and Mrs . Josiah L. Neeper are cochairmto of the fashion luncheon. Mrs. Author Hugh1 , wife of the university's president. is honorary chairman.

Thursday,_ Aug 28. 6 p.m. Ma.sat Immaculata: followed b} potluck dinner at USD faculty dining hall. Details: 223-2782. , . USD auxiliary, workshop toward October "Fa.h1on tenni- • al" at holiday Inn, Tuesday- fhursday, _ Aug. 26-28 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. each day, USD. Details: 29::,-2349. . tylv,1~(,p\- * f- ~l,-7,;' ounders Gall ry of USO is exhibiting paintings by Evelyn Gathings t ugh Sept. 25. The gallery is open 9 a.m. o 5 p.m. Monday t ough Friday. The Gathings show includes 12 larg oil paintings depicting the men and animals of the Old Testam~nt. hing , who is currently a faculty member at San Bernardin Valley Co v.on -first place at the 1972 S hcrn California Exposition el


E\'E B Bf.L

. . . lo become ret'l'iver

"W'll be pretty strong d fen- ively, 1f everybody show

n p- lous o g uge th n .!al of 195-pound line- mi · r Greg Perkins a so- up. pt, 'l\0re tran for trorn I t>r•


"Offensively, we only lose

i~r ti



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Trv n a, d EI Keu ~n ·,tJ, a~d Y• ar

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fr r Verbum De1 Htgh m mg_ hard durln

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M~ or her painting "San Ditg 1898" and has won eight other awards since 1964. * * *


which 1s different than la t

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expectPd I a qumtr' year " Logan added. "They th pl..lved for lJ S mterna- came m last year in very

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-r-, .._ , Fridoy 1 August 15, 1975

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An Opera appreciation rours 0 a d workshop sched- uled at the Um rs1ty of San Diego September 24 through December 4 wift be highlighted by two wl't'kend trips to San Francisco for opera p rformances. The C"urse inr-1udes eight ever ng lectures ill . D, tendance at perfor.rn,mc - e. 'lf the San D1e o· Opera l •nmpany and San Francis- co Opera C.impany, plu · backstage tour of the San Diego Civic Theater

Visi ing Profs At Law School The University of San Diego School of Law has announced the appo ntme of three visiting pro e r the spring semester. Co.-n r J. Moynihan, who retires short! s a Massachusetts Superior Cc dge, LS an expert on real Jaw. William T. Laube was cently from UC Berkeley n authority on bankruptcy Richard R. Powell teaches tm s College of Law in San • * 'I!

USD grid coach hopes for better things

.;ome experience. One thmg, our schedule is differ- ent. We have some people our size on our schedule, schools like La erne, Whittler, Azuza and Pomo- na There are no more L.A. States and Riversides on our schedule. The people we play have the same prob- lems we have." Last year, he wouldn't have thought that possible.



kins, a 195-pound linebacker who transferred from Mer- ritt College, Dan Chaix, an all-league quarterbaclc at Encinal High In Oakland last year and running back Chess, a :09.8 speedster from Verbum Dei High in Los Angeles. Logan is also expecting a quintet that played football for U.S. International Uni• versity a year ago but ap- plied for enrollment at USO in the offseason. They are linebackers Steve Crago and Brian Klemens, quart- erback Andy Slimak, defen- sive lineman Bruce Taylor and rec-eiver Pat Iaccino. them have been some changes on the coach• ing staff. Gene Green, coach at Coronado High since 1!166, moved on to USD and will coacn the of- 1ens1ve backs and Dave Gross, an assistant at St. Augustine High, will coach the offensive line. "We're pretty excited about this season," Logan said. "On the surface, we're still young but we do have And

tackle Paul J..ePage, guard Fred Johnson and center Rich Olivares will add valu• able experience. Steve Goodbody, the TGreros' leading sher as a freshman a year ago with 461 yards on 129 carries, is being moved to defensive comer. Returning on de- fense for USO are line- backers Bill Equist, Tun Berenda, Mike Carew and Tom Franklin, tackle Rich Beranson, and deep backs John Manson and Gary Moro. The offense could be out- standing, with Spooner, who completed 98 passes last year for 1,258 yards and four touchdowns. Amidon caught 25 of those passes last year and Black 11. In an attempt to beef-up his offense, Logan plans to move 6-5 senior Dave Bubel from safety, where he start- ed last year, to wide receiv- er Bubel "has great ;:-eru," according to Loran. · Of the new recruits, Logan Is high on Greg Per-

morro along with strength and endurance tests and start two-a-day drills Monday on the Fran- cis Parker High School campus. The following week, practices will move to the USD campus where the two-a-days will continue through Aug. 30. Logan's team was loaded with freshmen and sopho- mores last year so, as can l:e expected, this year's team still figures to be young but, hopefully, much wiser. Almost the entire of- fense returns and there are a few horses returning on defense, too. Quarterback Mike Spooner, who ran the of- fense well last year, re- turns, along with running backs John Butier and John Tryon and fullbacks Ken Wright and Pat Ca ev.. Wide receivers Joe Amidon and Dan Black are also returning along with tight end Ken Langley. Up front, ,

Wb DI k Logu accept- ed the job, he knew he wouldn't be Jollowing the y llow brick road down to Oz. Logan already had courage, heart nd trans-- porta ti on. Those were

Ior the foot-

by 1-.'v Iyo Gath- prerequisite


in diocese revamp d The San Dt go Romar. Catholic D!oces ls forming new office of education to compa education for adults, familJ and other areas not covered by the parochial chool office. Fonnatlon of the board, ugge t d by Dloc san S;>nod II, has b n ap- proved by th Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, bl hop of the diocese ed to imp! m nt for- ma 10n of the office were the Rev. William Uott of the University of San Diego, the Rev. Msgr. John Dtckle of St. Michael . athollc Church and former parochl• al school superintendent, Mrs. llita Mickllsb o! t John- the Cr parish In Lemon Grove l ter Eva anchez of Rialto and Ronald F. Carducci of San Be.rnardmo. ar e The University S n Diego Auxiliary will spend three days ad- dre sing inv1tat1ons for th "Ft1shion-tennial" show scheduled Oct. 14 at th Hilton Inn on Mis ion Rn} The addr sing party will be conducted from 9:30 a.m. until 3 pm. "I ue day, Wcdne day and. Thur da. at the Umv , • !,Jty. s. John Rippo, Jr,, invitations chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Emil B va i, Mrs. Char- le Melville • Jr.,• Mr:;. John Schull, Mrs. Thoma Keelin, Mr . Jame Ca ey, Mr . Ken- neth Brown, Mr . John W1lh Im nd Mr . Ch, r• 1 Chri trnnsen, all of L,, Jolla. Pornt Loma members us I ting Mr . Rippo are Mr Ro Tharp, Mr . H rold Tebbets, Mrs. L wr nee Oliver, Mr . Emil Ghio und Mrs. Ken- n th Mill r. of

played In the ball coaching job at the Sa_n Diego University of San Diego. In early 197 , Logan left

will be




I- minders' G tle1y through

t 25

assistant coaching job t San Francisco State to ke over the USO job va• ated by Andy Vinci. Vi.qci, ho went on to Cal Poly of omona, took some of his inest players with him. So, Logan found himself t a school that didn't live nd breathe football. USD not a foot!Jall factory. incl tl:ia I ii toe i,r gram p to ,,. •r 1t was too b1g tljer were even mors th C the chool was In. \\1 h he rl·· it .attltute, kn >wmg h if Cll k cut ot1t for htm. I •. ar, the Toreros finis dismal 3-8 record. This y th 29 letterrn tOliung and a much llgtiter post-Vrnci schedule, Logan is hoping for much betti:t . ''I'd have to say my first year here was interesting," Logan said ' eally, I should have kept a diary so - I could write a book about it ... the litUe things and all the problems that came up during the season ''But I think we"ve Just about ll ed most of those problems. I've got some good people working with me and the administration has done a tremendous job for us. We'\e turned the corner on this thing." Logan has good cause to be opttmistic. About 90 can- didates, including those 29 lettermen, are expected to report Monday for USD's football drills. The squad will undergo physical inations to- r l! 1sUtut on · When inc• o!ng w . r1y p footb en- Bui 1 n cam

1s GaUungs Ii art faculty at a

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1 Ion and was r pre- 1 th .Fme Arts Gal· • 1973 Callforma-Hawal.i


f "1f7-;


• __,. Education office formed by bishop· if~ 11 ~ .. ____ •• • • ~(2\(..-\-i.Y\~

in and out of school,"




dean of the Urn San Diego.

\\ as

r ity of

Bishop Leo Maher approved formation of an office of education to coordinate teaching programs within the San Diego Catholic Diocese. the programs, Maher· ap- pointed a planning committee chaired by Father William Elliott, To structure

committee Father Elliott di .


The office o' educatior will superv1 the 73 ele- mentary chools and the ni,..e high schools serving students in the San Diego diocese and will be go\'- erned by a board o trustees. T 1e off; • f toducat on

study The office of 'ducat ion formation of a central will work with the pre - office and board ,o assist ent department of educa- the bishop with "totcil tion. It will coordinate education" within the religious instruction, diocese. · . educational a pects of "The•idea is to develop campus ministries and c.n umbrella agency or pre-school and youth and reltg1ous education both adul programs re com mended

~'llf.~el '?{-«-7/,75 Violin display a univeri,ity The South, n Califor- ia Associ.;: ·on of Violin lc\,fakers -," 1 sponsor a iolin display to promote ~·iolin making from 1-4:30 p.rn. Sunday Sept. 14, in Camino Hall at the Uni- versity of San Diego. The displays will be judged. The public is invited. Qpera class features rip Students enrolled in opera appreciation cla~ses at the University of San Diego will take two field trips to San Francis- co opera productions this fall Registration forms for the class are available at Founders Hall. For infor- mation, phone 291-6580.

, lVvl 7 ALICE A. 'I) ELEONORE SCHOENFELD - The violin- -cello duo will present a recital at 8 p.m. Friday Founders' Hall Chapel, USO. • :.:I

'Fashion-tennial' addressing p y

TO UNIVERSITY Culligan Pa(:!.ers Donated

1 0 1.., ·- " £'


Also addressing be Mrs. Ernest Tovani of Serra Mesa. •The fashion show and luncheon proceeds will be donated to the financial aid program at the uni- versity. Mrs. James Mulvaney • i accepting reser- vations. Tickets cost $10, For information, phone 273-3313. invi• tations will

· 1;;

A collection of letters, pa- pers and books of the late Emmett J. Culligan, founder of the water trPatment in- dustry, was preSPnted to the University of :S"'n Diego yes- terday by mem of his family. , President Aut r E. Hughes accepted the gift from his \\it'ow, Mrs. Anna B Culligan of San Bernardi- no. Family members pres- ent included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Culligan of La- Grange, Ill., Mr.. and Mrs. John F. Culligan _of Gilroy and the Rev. Kevin Culligan, O.C.D. of Washington, D.C. Culligan was born in South Dakota in 1893 and studied at St. Thomas College in St. Paul, Minn. He married Anna Harrington in 1919 and they had· seven children. Bishop Leo T. Maher, chair- man of the boarg of trustees of USO, said Culli~an had an Interest in the !O\lnding of the univer!sty ip 1949 when he acted as an ad ser to the late Bishop Charles F. Buddy. Culligan received the Horatio Alger A\\ard in 1969. He was decorated by Pope Pius XII as a Papal Knight Ortter St. Gregory the Great and a Knight of Malta. The Culligan collection will be housed in the James S. Copley Library on the USO campus.


~NN CHABO, onetime "queen of the cocktail _ IV) ~a1tresses," (now general manager of Aladdin Caterers) IA. 1s ba~k on the rnght scene. She just became hostess at the ..:i · M1ss1on Valley Rutcher Shop, earning extra money - to put her 1iaughter through medical school tTne uahter Jean, 20, a third-year premed at USD, nas never" I.Jee~ 'J anything but a straight-A student, her mothe ·d.) AM, :::--.. got the "queen" tttle for a remarkable memory on the :it;ti. She never wrote an order, never made a mistaice, even in placmg drmks at crowded tables. "In 18 years, 23 corre~tly served customers were my biggest s.::ore." De Alcala Events A reception will be conducted in the Old Mission Garden tomorrow following the solemn dedication and consecra- tion of :\fission San Diego de Alcala by the Most. Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, at 5:30 p.m. ni:. Author E. Hughes will begin his fifth year as president of Umvers1ty of San Diego with a luncheon at his residence, Casa de Alcala, for new faculty members Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Hughes will entertain all faculty members and administrators at a cocktail reception in Founders Pat10 Wednesday frm11 5 to 6:30 p.m. Casa de Alcala will be the ~Lir\g for an Indian Summer cocktail buffet to be host

THE NAMES: In and o August crush at Hotel del oro- nado: Shirley Jones, Dean Jagger, and Edward Asner of the Mary Tyler Moore show.... Mary Carla Conway, a Bishop's School grad, is back in La Jolla after four years of study and understudy in European drama and ballet ... W. S. Keyes spot- ted a California license plate on El Cajon Blvd., but knew where the owner's heart was: 10 SC.... ' Shortly before Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance, USD's Chuck LiMandri received a letter from Hoffa's wife saying that Hoffa would speak at USD this winter. . . . PR girl Jane Coursin, on the set of"Rockford Files" at Uni- versal, visited with Lamar Boren, the San Diego underwater photographer who is the show's diree;tor of photography. Re- nowned for his unaerwater film- ing in half a dozen movies, Boren t d down "Jaws" because he was committed to "Rockford." the

Alice, left, and Eleonore Schoenfeld. Sister String Duo To Play Alice and Eleonore faculty at the University o: S<.'hoenfeld, a SJSter violin- Southern California and cello duo, will perform at 8 have concertized extensively, p.m. Friday m the Umversi- Their appearance this. ty of San Diego rounders v. k 1s tn conJunction with a . Hall Chapel. , • D chamber muslc work• The two are on the m 1c p

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