News Scrapbook 1975-1977

JD~- l- 10-11 BURL STIFF


Hugheses Host In The Library

Wines and spints may or may not oe covered by the Dewey Decimal System, but no matter; the reference desk in the University of San Diego library served as an • entirely acceptable bar Saturday night. And while 75 guests and four student singers and Bill Green's combo made all kinds of joyful noise within that booklined hall of learning, nobody told anybody to shush. The library was a handsome if unlikely setting for the university's fourth annual President's Club reception and dinner-dance, a black-tie party honoring benefactors of the school. President and Mrs. Author Hughes were the hosts, assisted by USD deans. (Insurance man Bob Hughes speculated that the architectural plan for the lofty library would lend itself nicely to indoor tennis courts, and USD public relations woman Sara Finn thinks the balconied room would be a great place to hold an elegant benefit ball. They're right.) The program was, by tradition, mercifully free of long speeches and solemnity. It starred four young singers - two men and two women, accompani d by choral director Bob Austin - whose perfonnance ran ed from Rodgers and Hammerstein to Gilbert and Sullivan. (Let it be noted, for the record, that singers Anne King and Goldie Sinegal are stunners.) . It was a low-key party, filled with easy camaradene; an evening which left you feeling that nice things are happening up there on the hill • • •

- Stoff PhOto, by Georg< Smith Ar USD party, top, from Jc:fc: Cdesre Trepre, Marge Htighes, Dr. Auchor Hughes. Barrom, Let: Cox, lefr, Aiji Esaki. Scvt:nry-foe guests attended.

Thursday, Jan. 13, 1977

Page 22

Social Sketches Dinner w ith the president

U D G id Coac ecruiting In Small Car In A Big Way

Dr. and Mrs. Author E. Hughes were hosts at the fourth annual President's Club Dinner held at the University of San Diego Saturday evening. The black-tie event which honors major benefactors to the university was held in the James S. Copley Library. Cocktails were served from the book desk as guests gathered for an evening of elegant dining, dancing and entertainment provided by student singers. Carriage Trade caterers flamed the "Steak Diane • which was served after oysters Rockefeller. As guests enjoyed the surroundings of the book-lined grand hall, the caterers practiced their culinary arts in the art studio directly behind the library. A new bookplate, commissioned by Mrs. James S. Copley for the library which bears her late husband's name, was presented to each guest as the evening's souvenir. The etching depicts the Spanish architecture of Camino Hall with its massive wrought iron doors. Dancing to Bill Green's orchestra was the gift of President Club member, Helen Anne Bunn. Among the guests were La Jollans Dr. Anita Figueredo, Dr. William Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weitman, Anthony Ghio, Mrs. Clarence L. Steber Dean and Mrs. Donald Weckstein, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Letts Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finn. Attending from Rancho Santa Fe were Msgr. William D. Spain, Mr. and Mrs. John Jachym, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Crippen and Mrs. Mary Weber.

pits Toreros against strong teams from Cal Lu- theran and Redlands rn the fir t two games. Tht> staff, Larry Caudillo, non ltomante, Bill Storey and George Kiss. wtll all be handling a faC(>t of ffen ive and d fens1ve play. Practice se. sio will oo pill to allow for aches to do th double duty. '\I, e've been able to cut thl' coaching staff down and still have a better attitude," \\ 1lham says. "This way th coaches "ill all be In closer touch "1th the players and have a better 1d a of \\hat \l.e're trying to do over• all 'Th entire staff beheves rn what they're doing, thry rl' all good teachers, and have th ability to trans- fer 1nformat10n well. I wouldn t trade them for an) other group around." th



... pral.

Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr of La Jolla, left , are greeted In the receiving llne by Mrs. Hughes, Dr. Author E. Hughes and Bishop Lee T. Maher at the fourth annual President's Club dinner held at the University of San Diego Saturday evening.

Law, Economics Debates Planned

\ la\1 and economics de nes beginning Jan 26 ha be , announced by lSD Srhool of La\'. offirials The senes \\.Ill begm at 8 p m 1, • alomon Lecturi, Hall on th lJSD campus and are oprn to the p• bl!c. Debaters and their sched- ules re - Jan 26 - Lester Breslow dean of t;CIA 's School of Public Health, will debate Harl') Schwartz, a membrr of t editorial board of fhl' ew York Tim w r supports con- gre s onal na trnent of the Kenned Jrman natmnal hra tl1 m 1..;.ince b1Ii b;.tc-


\11ll debate

Set ool, Johnson

former commis- sioner of the Fedf'ral Com- munications Commission, on abolishing the FCC. Coase thinks it should be CO.. DIER TOPIC - ~larch 16 - Alan foni son, an attornev for the l\adrr Public· Interest Groups, will debate Arthur Shenf1Pld, barrister and eeonomist from England and regents professor at UC Davis, who thmks more gov- ernment regulatior> will best serve tlH mterests of con- sumer<; - tarch 23 - Gov Rich- ard D Lamm of Colorado, will debate Bernard H Sie~an, distmguished pro- fessor, !-chool of Law, Um- vers1ty of San Diego, who thinks there should be great- er regulation of land use at state and federal level.


1 fN

'l:~?e Dovls

N Colorado 16f) ('.\';~~m CJ) Montgomerv 1101


1141 1181 (9) tt-'J Elv C2I

Harnett Michlemor~

Grant CBI Ulmer (20)

N. Colorado ................... 33 ................... 31 - Other scoring-N , Colorado: ounsmoore 8, Brannon 6, Skinner ,, GreenhOIII 2; USO: Strode 4. Gibb 2, Stewart 7, Honz 10. USD ....

- Stoff Photo by Joe Holly Dr. Author Hughes, ldr, Mary and Harold Sadler in USD's French Parlor, Founder's Hall. 4 , BURL STIFF /.. b 1 10 .>t_, rr.... .:,? Splendor: A Fine Tonic A little splendor now and then is good for what ails you.

Fo.uled Out-Montgomerv {NC), Ulmer CNCI. EtY CUSD), Honz tUSDJ. Total Fouls-N Colorado 2-4, USO 22. Toreros back in business The losing streak is over at the Universi• ty of San Diego.

- Ronald Coase, editor, Journal of La\\ and Economics and profe sor of econoirucs, Uni- \ HSlt) of Ct-1cago Law 1arrh 2 -

the game. The starting guards, Eddie Davis and Ron Cole, scored 14 and 13 points, respec- tively. Reserve center Steve Honz contributed 10 points. Northern Colorado trimmed San Diego's lead to three points, 67-64, with about five minutes to play. The Toreros righted themselves, howev- er, and won going away. With its victory last night, USD became 2-1 against Division I teams. The club is 6-1 at home. The Toreros' next home game will not be until Feb. 5, when they play host to Hawaii in a game to be telecast live to the islands.

USD which had dropped ·five consecu• live basketball games, ended the skein last night by topping Northern Colorado, 79-69, before 500 fans in Alcala Park. The Toreros thus improved their record to 9-5 and gave themselves a lift as they brace for a tough, four-game road trip. The team will be at UC-Irvine Saturday night and then will embar.~ on a three- game, six-day tour of Hawau next w~k. n Diego had not played at home m 3½ we ks and it was obviously delighted to be ba . Forward Buzz Harnett emerged from a selious slump by scoring 18 points, indud· ing two last-minute dunk shots that iced

Many of the antiques in the USD parlor were legacies from the Flood and Grant mansions in San Francis- co, and if you should be reminded of the glories of the Little America Westgate, small wonder; the hotel purchased some of its treasures from the same estates. Marge and Author were hosts to 40 or so community leaders on each of the three nights - Tuesday, Wednesday and ThurSday USD choral director Bob Austin and a troupP. of student performers presented a musical potpouni at the

And parquetry floors and Bac- carat crystal chandeliers can do as· much for a dinner party as a sauce bearna1se. Sometimes more. Take, for example, the three smallish parties Dr. and Mrs. Au- thor Hughes have given this week at the University of San Diego. They've all been held in the ornate French Parlor of Founders Hall, and, with parquetry underfoot and Baccarat overhead, you can't help thmking you're a pretty special per- son in a pretty special place.

~-------- (Continued from Page D-l) Parties while the Hugheses, hk~ proud parents, beamed their approval.

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