News Scrapbook 1975-1977
/_30/77 'After long I
Role switch: Toreros whip Bows, 84-75
flies h
. EW DEA - Dr. E. Jo- has been named dean of the Unlvers• ity of San Diego College of Arts and Stlences. Current- ly chairman and associate profe sor of the history department at Lo:,,ola Unl- verslt)', • e., Orleans, Dr. Pusateri has also taught at John Carroll University, Unlver lty of St. Louis and Ursuline College. He wlll w.sume hi~ dutle& at USD In June. eph Pusateri
The University of San D1 o 1 home at last You remember USO, don't you? The basketball tram that won Jt .first eight games? The on that up- ended San Di o State? Well, U you don't, the re's a good re n for It Th Toreros have played eight of their last mn game on thP road but the ·r back now, hack m Al\'ala Park, and that' a comfort,ng thought for roarh .Jim Rrovelh SD's record at home th1, sea on 1 6-1 and the team will play s v n of i•.s last nm game here "If we·re gomg to make a
movP this sea on, ndw's the time to do ft," Brovelli noted. "We knew this last stretch would be a tough one and 1t was. From now on In, though we'll be play- mg most of our games he e. II we can In on that, we rould f1rl1sh with a h ckuva record yet • USD Is banking or stron [lnish and from the looks f thrngs, tt's aJread) begun. The Tp S S('Ored U1eir second majar upiiet of the- ason Saturday night m Honolulu. They ShO<'ked tbe Unlver- it of H wail, 84-75, before 4,500 fans In Civic Auditort um. USD thu finished its H.. wa1ian holiday with two vi tor n three attempts and the loss - to Hawaii Frida, nl ht - came in overtlm The difference Saturday mght was San Diego's dom- inance on the backboards. The Toreros outrebound- ed th Rainbows, 4S-30, and won with surprising ease. U D took tb lead with 10 unanswered points late in the first half and never trailed again Guard Edd Davis led the Californians in sroring with 25 po, Forward Buzz Hamett rontnbuted 16 points while Rick Mich I- more had 14 points and 13 rebounds. The victory lifted San Diego's record o 1-7 on tile year and 3 2 against major college teams Hawaii, whl h got 27 point from i rmor UCLA i;tar Gavln Smith sl ped to 5-12 teams will meet again Saturday night but this time the game will be played at USD. lt will be tel a. back to Honolulu.
By DICK FISHBACK -td1,("rtiM""r SportJ It r1trr
Friday rught's test, San Diego was streaky and coach Larry Little's Rainbows took advantage enough times to escape with their fifth victo- ry. Last mght, forget it. The Bows played like timid souls for such ex- tended periods that 1t was pamful to watch: it even got to the pomt of sittin2 back on the heels and "atch- mg the action go by. The result. of cour e, was a 12th loss for UH and a n e m San Diego fortunes to 11-7. "We knew we had to control the tempo to play our game." Brovelh said. "We did that this time, took onlv the 200d percentage hot all night and almo t al" ays hit the open man" That was almost an undPr~tate- ment. The Toreros ph;s1cally elimi- nated the Bows from the basket at both ends underneath a far as re- bounding wu concerned. regi tenng an overwhelming 48-30 advantage. led bv 1icblemore's 13. eight more ) · n ;a ece tor Har ett l, ill St art also led the Bows m coring with 27 points 19- 17 from the field, 9 10 from the free throw line>, while fre hman guard Chff Sanchez and forward John Moore had 12 points eaG(l. Pomtmaking, unfortunately. eem- See RAll'\BOWS on Page F-3 The best H could mu rer '8" five from Gavin Smith H
University of San Diego did every- thing a D1v1s1on I basketball team should do la t night at Blaisdell Cen- ter and humiliated saggy Uruvers1ty of Hawaii, 84-75 The only rub in this rematch was that the Toreros are supposed to be a Dinsion 2 team m NCAA circles and the Bows are supposed to be the D1vi 10n I variety 'ot last night Led by 5-9 parkplug guard Eddie Davis, who came to the I lands with 1mpre s111e credentials but chdn't •how that much a rught ear her, 1t was a complete rever al for San Diego as a umt Davis· 25 point (l 1-for-18 afield), six a i ts and three steal were Just part of 1t He constantly threaded the In 1de with pinpoint pa e to rugged Buzz Harnett (16 points) and Rick Michlemore U4> when the ilnve and short jumper wasn·t there. Even more of a factor, thoui:h, wa the complete phy 1cal dom1na- t10 the Toreros of coach Jim Brovelh nJoyed througho . In
New USD .nursing school grant to fund Imperial County program nurse cducators-praclit1011- crs and research into the nurse practitioner role," Dr. Hughes said. A $359.449 grant ha be n awar.9ed to the Philip Y.
Hahn School of Nursing at University of San Diego b} the W.K. Kellogg Founda- tion of Battle Creek, Mich., according to an announce- ment by USD President Dr. Author Hughes. The gram, awarded for a three-year period, will be used to expand the education program at the nursing school and to develop an off-campus nursing educa- tion program in Imperial County, he said. The funds will enable the school to develop innovative approaches to nursing serv- ice in the community, "par- ticularly the twin role of
Plan, call for a learning resource center in the nurs- ing school for mdcpendcnt learning by the nursing students. The proposed Imperial County off-campus educa- tional program will be the same as the bachelor degree program at USO, which, according to Dr. Hughes, "prepares nun,es for fami ly practice in a variety of settings."
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Madcap· Girls Polish Routines un1tfY\ 1-~·,, For Singing And Dancing Show and Louise, and Dr. Thomas Whi- telock and Beth. • • • noon Friday in the Civic Theater in one of the "Concert Interludes" se- ries sponsored by the Women's Com- mittee of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra Association Hank Gotthelf's Half Moon Inn on Shelt r Island v. ill be home to the
There'll be backstage tours start- ing at 11 30 follo\l.ed by an informal encounter with e artists in the Grand Salon at noon Klopfenstein Is music director of the Montreux-Vevey Music Festival In Switrerland, and Fialkowska, a protege of Artur Rubrnstein, was the first-prize wmner m the mternallon- al Rubmstem piano competition last year m Israel You can buy tickets at the door (they're a dollar) and the symphony office ( 23S-9721) will be glad to give you additional Information. Like how to pronounce Fialkowska • • • A Coronado Plavhouse member- 1p ve b(>gm ·saturday with a "'me and cheese and music party in the Van , 'e mansion on Ocean Boulevard in Coronado. Th R.B. Chorale, featunng 52 smgers from all parts of the county, and the La Jolla D'xieland Bard are among the mu.sic-makers. • • • The Coronado Chapter, Children's Home society, "ill be "Dorng the Spnng Thmg" on Thursday, Feb. 10, with a John Hogan fashion show and a luncheon m the Hotel del Coronado ballroom. Toni Hoppe is ch oman of the annual ben fit, and designer Mi- chael Novarese will be a special guest. Member· -of the hostess commit- tee, who 111 m et for a planmng session Friday at the home of Kalle Baum, e Iona Andreen, Kay Bass. J Condon. Barbara Dar- n II, Mary Davi!;. Helen Hansen, Frances Horton, Ethel Keyes, Karin ~tonroc. Dee Marten, Mary Plunk- ett, Vera Schadewald, Ethelyn Shinn and Sophie Smith
rebuild original buildings around Old • Town square.
students, excavate one of several former building sites in Old Town. Plans are to
Dr. James R. .Moriarity, standing at left, and his University of San Diego
Stiff crev. of the 12-meter racing ya~ht Enterpr~ du mg sea trials here (one week each month, January through Apnl), so Gotthelf wel- comed his distinguished guests the otljer night with a cocktail uffet m the Inn s Port Rovale r ura . Two San Diego membe of the crew, kipper Low 11 rth and upwind helmsman Ma n Burnham, were th re with their ne as was ·an Diego Yacht Club commodore James Reynolds The Enterpn Is one of lour yacht bidding to defend t e Ameri- ra 's Cup ag nst forei~ challengers m th traditional ra at ewport, R I , next Sc•ptembe.r Among the out-of-town guests v.ere Rear Adm and ~rs. Sheldon Kinney, the EdY.ard du~oulins and the rch1bald ;oxe of ey. York and th George Jey. etts or San Fran- clSCo • • You're Invited to meet and talk with conductor Rene Klopfenstein and pianl. t Janina ~'lalkowska at
In Old Town
museum to be added to Old Town State Park. The university's program of excavating Important sites in Old Town began in 1972. "The whole idea is to restore the houses and other buildings that once stood around the plaza," Moriarity explained Must Establish Appearance "In order to do any restorations accu- rately, you first have to ostablish what the bu1ldings lookert like. That's why you have ' to have archeology research as well as a trong hiStOrl" I t>~~l.'l rogra.,., which is bemg handled by Dr Ray Brandes." Moriarity note(A that two former Old Town houses, the sites of ·which were l'xcavated for study early in the project, now stand faithfully reproduced around the plaza. These home w Casa Rodri- guez and the '.\fachado a d ilva House Moriarity said excavat on work in the project has been curtailed until next sum- mer. Until then, he said, his r search team • will be doing excavations at Sa Diego '\fission in Mission Valley.
Other new finds from the team\s excava• lions - WhPn you ordered a shot of.whisky m the American Hotel in the 1840s and 50s, you received approximately a full jigger. Digging into the hotel site adjacent to the :\iachado-Wrightington house, researchers have recovered the heavy bases of ex- tremely large "shot" glasses used in the hotel bar - Casa de Alvarado. built in thf' 18301, on the north side of the square, was a bakery after it was a residence and even later it may have-been a groc ry The house had adobe walls 33 inches thick, but sometime after its construct10n the exterior received a clapboard treatment that, according to Moriarity, gave 1t the look of the typical "false front store in every cowboy movie you ever saw." - Agreat variety of pottery - Chmese, English, French, Mexican and early American - "some of it of a very high grade," has been found in the digs. Together with many other artifacts, the pottery eventually will be displayed in a
By CLIFF SMITH Science Writer. The Son Dlevo Union
rcheologists digging near the south- we t corner of the Old Town square have found the remains of a house which was unknov.n to historians. ost of the house remains still 1s cov- ered by San Diego Avenue and Wallace Street. Dr. James R. Moriarity, the Uni- versity of San Diego archeologist in charge of Old Town excavations, however, said he will r~commend that the street pavement be removed at least temporarily 'ThiS n w hous 1s a mystery, ioriart- ty said "\\ don t know what 1t 1s or even who built i I m ure it will have four or five rooms." Most Of House Still Covered The previously unknown building is situ• ated immediately west of the site of the Machado-\\nghtmgton home at the corner of the plaza. Only 1 rooms of the mystery house have been uncovered, the remainder being under the s t intersection, mostly San Diego Avenue.
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