News Scrapbook 1975-1977

• wins ff court ·n lorleit

GUARDS ARE GOERS~"~~ F,do • c.l../ 1171 Torero tandem major league By BILL Fl LEY



So id USD ine To Debut Today KW ' ('ll

POINT LOMA FALLS Toreros Handle Riverside, 92-68 university of San Diego took another big step towards a berth m the NCAA Division II regional playoffs with an impressive 92-68 Victory over UC Riverside last night on the Toreros' floor. Point Loma College, awaiting its NAIA District 3 tourney opening test with Westmont Saturday at Ambas- sador College in Los Angeles, lost to Southern Cal College, 80-69, in the Crusaders' regular season finale last night. USD's triumph was iL~ eighth straight, 11 of the last 13 and boosted the Toreros'

might have been a comc1- dencc but l doubt it." One thmg'.s for sure. ThC' Torrros have been pumng on all five cylmders for a month now. San Diego has won seven consecutive games. It has won eight of its last nine. nd it will take a record of 18-6 mto tonight's home game against Riverside. Thi n ludes a forfeit fro Lo Angeles State. On the floor, the Torero are actually 17-7. But, no mat- ter how you count it, the ·an Diegans are valid con- tender. for nC"xt week's Dl- viston II regionals m Taco- ma, '"a5h The playoff committee will fill th~ t\\O remaining spots later th \\'eek and liSD ts determined to make a good 1mpre ion . "Since we don't get a ,·ote the best thing we can do I trengthen our rase by improvmg our record ," Brovell! said. "We've got three gam left and, 1f we can wm em. y.e'll be m pretty good sha ' Already, the Torcros have the Si' nd-best record among We t rn small col- lege teams Puget Sound IS 20-5. CSD JS I 6 !ld the Toreros thmk the magic n :mber is ' 20 ' "Our h I has never won 20 game I a single season,' Bro Ill said , 'and that g.v J motiva lion to kec.p 1t omg. The biggest thmg though, IS making the playoffs And 1f we can win 20, I think we will."

The Unlversltv of San Diego is supposed to be a small college ba ketball team. That's what it says 1n the NCAA Blue Book But there is nothing small time about the guys m the Torero backcourt. Eddie Davis and Ron Cole form one of the better guard tandems m We tern basketball and they will be on d1 play agam tonight in th USO port. Center There beginnm at 8, the Toreros will play host to UC-River ·idc, and the guys to watch I\ m be the two handling the ball Davis, a 5-10 sharpie from Harlem, i · a,eragin 14 points and Lx a i.;ts a game Cole I a 6-4 smooth1e from Portland averaging 13 pomts and five rebounds an outing Bet I\ een them Davis and Cole have put the "go" m San Diego th Wint r "They are rrally awfully good," Torero coach Jim Brovelh Will readily admit. "The 1ggest thmg JS ho\\ well they play together. Their styles are a httle bit different but they comple- ment each oth r very well. When they're both on their gam there ar n't many teams that can keep up with tho tw guys Thrir style a • qmte dif ferent. Davis Is small and nashv and extremely gu1ck. · You wouldn't y,ant him teaching your kid how to play ba ketball because he did not learn the game from a textbook He 1 arned it on the treets of ·ew York. He Is the kind of guy who will dnve the coaches crazy and the fans WIid. '·Actually. mo t of the wild tlnng he does out there are done for a good purpo e, " Brovelh said. "The first time you watch him you might th!nk he's a hot dog. But the more you see him, the m re you real- ize ho\\ effectJve those moves arc He's spectacu- lar, sure he Is, but he gets the job done He hits the shots, he completes the pas " Il Davi I Ir. Fancy, Cole JS Ir Smooth. He is graceful, fluid, and equally effective. The t: SD junior may also be the pivotal player on the Torero team Cole was mJured through much of the middle third of the season And, during that stretch, SD lost seven of its nine gam s. "He seems to tie a lot of things together for us out there," Brovclli said . "When he was hurt, se, eral of our players dropped off a htlle. When he came back, they picked up again. It

season figure to 1~ The team is 12-1 on its home boards. The Toreros play at Chap- man College tomorrow night and end the regular season Saturday night at home to Los Angeles State. Mike Strode came off the bench to play only 14 min- utes last night but .still led the Toreros in scoring with 18 points. He missed only once in 10 shots from the floor. USO breezed after assum- ing a 51-29 edge at halftime. Ron Cole scored all 13 of his points in the first half to spark the Toreros. Eddie Davis, Rick Michelmore and Gary Ely all had 12 points each in the contest as USO again came up with a bal- anced offense. The Toreros have played their entire bench in each of their last three outings. USD hit 39 of 84 from the field last night for 47 per cent while UCR was 31 of 81 for a cool 38 per cent Meanwhile, the Crusaders lost their third in a row for the first time this season. The District 3 Southern Divi- sion champions ended the regular campaign With a 19- 10 reading. sec ·u~d a box-and-one defense and limited Point Lorna's top scorer, Jeff Armstrong, to two points last night. Paul Robinson and Barrie Elliott each hit 20 points to pace the Crusaders Glost,,, (29) Pl. Loma ........ ............ U 46-6\ sec ....... ............ .....n 4s-eo Others scorino- Pt. Loma: Burlison 2, Bovd 2. Sc~• 6, Bollkion , , sec: Molsleoc:t 4, Prettvmon 4. Fouled out -SCC: Molsteod. Tolol fouls - Pt. Lomo 21, SCC 17. UCR (61) USO ('2) Robin,on CO Cole (13) Burke 021 Dvis (12) Nillloms 11'1 Erv (12) \,.oudermill C6J Hornttt (8) l oudormllk (7l Mlchelmore 112) \JC Rl• ................ 2' 2' - 61 JSD .........................Sl 41 - '2 Others scoring - UCR : Goldman •• Huft 3, Eells . , Wills 10, HO\\ford • . USO: Strode 18. Peterson 2, Gibb 3, "'°'.. 2. Stewart 6. Honz • · Fouled ovt - UCR; Rob!,,_. Tochnlco s toull -USO: Hon,e!I. Total touts- R >efeated Encm- tas' Warren Eber, playing for the Univers1t v of Ari- zona, 6-3, 6-4, Bruce ·1chols t k •·o. 3 hono by defeat- mg ~Un D \ I Er.c Sherbec , 6-3, 6-0 and Jon Paley topped Powell F,neman, also of ASU,7-6,6-3 Eber teamed with Randal Clark to defeat oa, id Sher- beck and Kent Crawford of t:tah, 6-4, 7-5 for the doubles title for , 'o. ls. r r <:r - while SCC Pl. Loma (6'J Emott t 20J HonltY' O) Owens 141 Armifrong (2) Robinson (20) sec <.., Crunk (OJ Ber~rson Adam• (16) (13) Sorron 04) 0 \J • am


College teams vie here Local tennis af- ficionados will get a chance to see some of the top collegiate tennis teams in the nation during the San Diego Intercollegiate Tennis Championships begin- ning today. Sixteen of the top collegiate teams will be playing at University of San Diego and San Diego State University today, tomorrow and Saturday. UCLA, Arizona State, Arizona, USC, Utah, BYU and UC Irvine are among the entries in the three-

Arizona State tennis star, Ted Williams.



,::-J:J. ?.. Jf !



USD right from tile start, that only one or two will be going to the regionals. "Somewhere along the line, a committee has to make a subjective decision on how good you are. Maybe it's time to get our- selves into a conferen<'e I don~ know. Conference champions seem to have something substantial to sell themselves with." If nothing else, the Toreros know they went out in style. They won nine of their last 10 starts and their fmale, Saturday night at USD, was a da7.zler Before 2,000 fans, San Diego :-" r cent and demo -~ , II Angeles State. The Torer raced to a 12- 2 lead and nPver looked back for the Diablos. By halftime the re was 59- 30. The team's total of 114 was the thil ct-highest in school history. This w s the last college game for Torero guard Eddie Davis and he made it a memorable one. Davis, a 5-9 guard from New York, scored 19 points and dol out eight assists in another excellent per- forma)ice. Davis is one of three Toreru seniors. Th<' others are starting center Gary Ely and backup center Steve Honz.

The University of San Diego fmisbed 20-7 this bas- ket ball season but the Toreros are not gomg to the NCAA 's small college playoffs University officials were told yesterday Seattle Pa- cific \\Ould fill the fourth and final spot in the West- ern Division II regionals. This despite th fact USD has the second-bfst record on the Pacific Coast. "Needless to say, I'm aw- fully disappointed," Torero coach Jim Bro elli said when told the news. 'This team had a great, great season. It de rved a lot better than this ' U SD closed out,.ts season by mashing Lo Angele State 114-76 Satu:-da:- rught The team wor mnP of Its last 10 gam •s and posted the best record m Torero


'"-A G

-:fiUr.~3(/11~ ~-D-~ USD's Strode hits stride in UC- ,verside laugher



'1 o2 /_ <1>~y,;,7 Toreros test comes tonight EVENING TRIBUNE o;spc,tcll ORANGE - Just how good is the University of Diego?

positive t JS team should be I mea11 what more could we have done? We Just had the best In the


But it did not sufficiently gomg Impress the Western .

playoff committee

That group, chaired by athletic director Paul Run- school's history and we still dell of San Francisco State, don't get Invited. If we can't artually ruled agamst the go after a season like this, Toreros last Tuesday. we may nevrr go agam " USD appealed the deci- USO finished 4-2 against s10n. but was voted down maJor college teams this again )esterday. wlnt r The teair finished 8- The Western Regionals 4 a.;amst schools from Dlvi will begm Thursday night m s10r. II rt<> Toreros were Tacoma, Wash., and will be 13 I at home. 7-6 on the hosted by Puget Sound. road. Tht> home team, with a The biggest problem, record of 21 6 HI be the B \ lli d was USD's favorite. t 1 .i an mdE p(11dent. Other entries w1J be ·eat- V.l: n ou' an lnde- U Par!f.r (18-9), Cal Poly pendent t; awfully hard ' of San Luis Obispo (18-9) he sud There are a lot ~f ar Hayward State (16-11) . good Ind pendent teams m Puget ~und and Seattle the WeRt and you know, Pac.ific, llke USD, are Inde- pendents. Cal Poly IS the champion of the Callfornla

'em, Chapman shot 63 per cent And that was in our gym'. I shudder to think how well they might shoot this time." The only thing that saved the Toreros in the last meeting was an inspired game by their playmaking guard, Eddie Davis. Davis scored 21 pomts and doled out seven assists to .spark the USD victory. The San Diegans will go Into tonight's game with an eight-game \\1nrung streak and a record of 19-6 on the year. They still have hopes of reaching the 1',;CAA's Divi- sion II playoffs that begm next week in Tacoma, Wash. USO will have only one regular season game re- maining after tonight. It will come Saturday night, when the Toreros play host to Los Angeles tat at USD~--~~

The answer to that ques- tion may be forthcoming torught when the Toreros tackle a good Chapman Col- lege basketball team here. It will mark the first time in nearly a month the San Diegans have had to face a talented club on the road. And, make no mistake, Chapman ts a talented club. The Panthers (15-10) have won 11 of their last 12 games. The loss was an 83-76 nod at USD but the Orange County team gave the oreros some harrowing moments. "This is going to be a tough one," San Diego coach Jim Brovelli said. " last time we l)layed

U •~o

Collegiate Athletic Assn and Hayward I cocham- p1on of the Far West Con- ferenct>. ''This is a hard thing to take but what can )OU do?" Brovelli wondered. "In my opinion, this is the second year in a row we should have been invited. And I'm



to play two The University of San Diego's women's volleyball team Will stag a double- header tomorrow at USD, A jur:lor match between the Orang County Volley- ball Club and a junior team from Tijuana will open the card at I p.m. USO wtll hen play Club Arturo de TiJuana at 2 Admission is free. Sv-.... re.'o.2.1 /f'Tl

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