News Scrapbook 1975-1977


7 '71 USD receives $2,400 grant Tbe University of Sar. Diego has received a $2,400 grant from the Sears Roe- buck Foundation. Dr Author E. Hughes, presidPnl of the umverslty, made the announcement . USD is among almo~t 1,000 privately supported colleges and umve1'5itles across thP country sharing $1,250,000 In Sears RClf'burk Foundation funds for the 1976-77 acadPm1c year

USO roboed out of berth

String recital offered at USO

Stephanie Smith, assist- ant principal with thf San Diego ti1'mphony, will ap- pear m a string bass recital at 8 p.m., March 31 in the French Parlor, f'ounders Hall, University of San Diego. Smith has appeared as soloist with the Chicago Civic Orchestra and the Northwestern University Orchestra. Pe, 'crmtng with Smith will be composer Jeff Pekarek and Mike Wais.

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dL ~a.>·'10~. /4.A.. Yer~ USO library ~/4)- to sell books ~-;/- The Friends of the Library at the 77 Univers ity of San Diego will hold their third annua I Book Sale tomorrow from noon to 3 pm. and Saturday, March 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 151, Camino Hall, USD Books, paperbacks, \., and magazines are needed. Donations may be delivered to the Copley Library in Camino llall. or the l'niverslty may be ca 11 ed for pickups. c::r~ :J>-,).~-?1





"f1wt'-S· USD to hear Bunn reportJf/ 11 Mrs. Irving w. Martin Country Club in Rancho Smathers, of Rancho of Point Loma was Santa Fe Proceeds Santa Fe. hostess recently to from the tour~ament The auxiliary, members of her com- will be applied to organized in 1957, has mittee which is planning scholarships for USO county-wide mem- the election luncheon nursing students at the bership and has as its meeting of the Philip y. Hahn School of objectives furthering the University of San Diego Nursing on campus. growth of and Auxiliary Tuesday, at stimulating pride in ht Members of the USO as an effective the San Diego Yac cultural member of the Club. luncheon committee Mrs. Helen Anne include La Jollans Mrs.

Collegiate group elects nun at S

Sister Sally Furay, Vice president and provost of the University of San Diego, re- cently was elected presi- dent of the Western College Assn. for a two-year term. She is the first woman elected president m the 53- year history of the associa- tion, which is made up of college and university ad- ministrators in 13 western states. Sister Furay, who began her career with USO in 1952 as an associate professor of English, is now on the facul- ty of USD's School of Law. She is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart.

Bunn, chairman of the James D. Casey, Mrs. Kathryn Crosby/ Honda Peter J. Highes, Mrs. Civic Golf Classic, will Richard B. Mears, Mrs. give a progress report Charles W. Melville Jr., on the event to be held Mrs. John F. Scanlon, March 22-27 at the Mrs. John Senneff and Whispering Palms Mrs. James M




Jimmie Walker, who stars as "J.J." in the CBS series "Good Times,'' will perform tonight at B in the Camino Theater at the Umversitv of S,an Diell'.P • Walker received his first natJonal television exposure on the "Jark Paar Show." Then he was hired to warm up the audience for a come- dy series, "Calucci's Depart- ment " Ile was recommend- ed by a CBS talent coordina- tor to N'orman Lear, the producer, was interviewed and then hired for the lead in "Good Times." H McH-



SISTER SALLY FURAY . . . vice president Colleges Pick USO Provost As President Sister Sally Furay, vice president and provost of the University of San Diego, has been elected president of the Western College Association for a two-year term at a meeting of Uie organization n San Francisco. Sister Furay, a vice presi- dent of the association for three years, becomes its first woman president m its 53-year history. She began her career at USD in 1952 as an associate professor of English at the former San Diego College for Women She is presently on the faculty of the USO school of law A member of the Society or the acred 1il'llrt, she serves on the KPBS Humani- lles Advisory Council and on the boards of E ua Rights Adv and th Am rlcan < uun atlo





15 In County Named 'Women Of Achievement'

sional \\ omen s Club of ·an Diego, is an art director and partner of an animated film production company She has worked with the Lutheran Women's MISSionary League, th ComprehellSlve Planning Organ · or an Diego and the local St Vincent De Paul SOctety D rotbea Edmiston, Association of Educational Employ , Is a former president and current member of the • n D, go Untied School District Board of Education She has been active mCitizens Coordinate is a memtx r or various city and county agcnc1 and was named an eta• In urban affairs by the allonal Institute of Public Afla1rs. \\ashington, D.C , rllle Feltz, South Bay Chapter, Amencan Business Women's \ at,on, Is educauonal coordmator for the School of Medical T hnology at Mercy Hospital and ,1e<11cal Ct'nter She serves on the the board of health. Fo tz recently wrote a gmde to prepare students for statP and nat10nal Ileen og examlnatlons s tf'r ally • Furny, Theta Gamma Chapter, Delta Kappa Gam!cla ts ce pr tdent and provost of the l'nlv rs:tty of San D1 go has h r doctoral tn English lit 'ralur and 1~ a member • r the Cali!orma Bar

Association. She 1s an actJve advocate for rights for women and a frequent speaker on behalf of the Equal Rights Amendment. She's the first female vice president of ll1 \\ estern College Association and will serve as next year president Maria G. Huebner, t:nited Chicano Club, 1s an expert in bilingual education. She is active in Chicano organiza- tions, serves as adviser to various student clubs as well as adviser m the hiring of bilingual employes for the Carlsbad Umfied School District. Palrlcl c,' e Ke y, Altrusa Club of San Diego, is a consulting d1etitlan ad · s staff members of nursmg homes, small hospitals and residential care facilities on nutntion and physical fitness programs. She has also parllc1pated m man} or lier sponsoring club's community projects. June Lee Kirkendall, Altrusa Club of Chula Vista, Is a customer operations staff manager for the Pacific Tele- phone Co. Her community projects include United Way- CIIAD, the South Bay Family ntCA board of directors and is a board member of th" J;?arent Foundation of AU SainL~ EpLSCOpal Day School.

M. Chase McJunkins, San Diego Chapter of 'fhe Links: Inc.• 1s vice principal at Gompers Junior High School. She has been recognized for both her work in education and in helpmg minority groups in career adjustment programs. Sherry Molina, South Bay Toastmistress Club, is active in the American Cancer Society and is on the board of the San Diego unit. Her activities include educational pro- grams for schoolchildren on the hazards of smoking. She is a senior escrow officer and aclh both in business and philanthropic groups Molma is president of the South Bay Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association. Elisa L. Sanchez, Nu Chapter, Della Kappa Gamma, is an assistant superintendent of San Diego City Schools. Here she coordinates federal, state and local programs and projects and oversees an almost $9 million budget Sanchez is vice chairwoman of the Commission on Multicultural Bilingual Education, Is on the Advisory Board on the Status of Women. Sbltley Ano Vaine, San Diego Chapter of the Women's (Continued GD E-2, Col. 4>

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V 1'-•Lll. 1 _.,f .tl.C:;u[!I~ O. estate agency. is active in PT A, coaches a gu-Js' softball t am and was recently elected vice president of the newly organized Clairemont-Mesa Chamber of Com- merce Hazel I, Vickery, sponsored by her husband Hugh J. Vickery, owns and operates a moving and storage business. She and her husband initiated the first Carlsbad Christmas Bureau. she served on the board of directors of the Carlsbad Girls Club and Is an active member of the North County Chamber of Commerce. Her volunteer activities also include assisting Indians on the Pala Reservation and senior ciliwns. Kay Wbltcemb, Enamel Guild West, is an artist and community worker. Best known for her enormous mural given to University Hospital by the UCSD ~ledical Center Auxiliary, Whitcomb is recognized for her work in enamel and exhibits throughout the country. She is former president of the Women's Committee of the La Jolla Civic/University Symphony. Bobette Williamson, Federally Employed Women Inc , is program coordinator for the Naval Electronic Labora- tory Center, where she is responsible for the affirmative action programs. She is on the board of the Greater San Diego Industry-Education Council and active in Women in Communications. She has been a volunteer tutor for students under a program directed by the 11th Naval District Community Educational Volunteer Services Tu- toring Program.. Betty Austin is chairman of this year's banquet. Lynn Schenk, 1975 "Woman of the Ye ", will crown her

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