News Scrapbook 1975-1977

BURL TIFF Albee Due Here For Betty Parsons Lecture

la.C)ollc.. ½W- Page 24

Thursday, April 7, 1977

Copley brings crusade to area

pretty frtsky party Bill Gr n orchestra Y.1ll play for danc- ,ng, "Th Br1gnt Sid ' will entertam, and Rurt Bacharach I expect d to be among th pecial guests. (Th Centrr b gan in 1887 as an offshoot of the Worn n's Chnstlan Temperance L'nton, but don't let that top you the!1''il be drinks If you want them.) Ro mary Logan 1s chairwoman of the party with Sharon Hope as her cochair- woman • • • Another venerable San Dwgo institution Zlac Club (1895), added a neY. tradition to I air ady trad1t1on-nch an- nals Sunday With an Easter champagne breakfa form mbers and their famili It wa a perfect day for savoring th club' ',lts.slon Bay ttmg, and the t rrace and clubhou " re !ill d with thr gen- eration groups

(The ttmest celebrators topped off the meal Y.1th a todclltng egg hunt in the gardrn \\ hllr parrots ancl grandparents aimed and !ired th"ir Instamatic .) 8 verly 1anfred "as chatrnoman of the breakfast, which Zlac plans to make an annual even• • • · Rescrvallons close tomorroy. for "The Women's Crusade for a Commonsense Economy'' to be held Aprtl 19 at the Town & Country Hotel Th emmar and luncheon will feature a panel from the Uruvers1ty of San Diego School of Busrne s Admrn1stration mod rated by Dean Jame I Burns. Hep. JaCK Kemp of ew York 1s thr luncheon peaker Chalrv.ol"I n ara Finn pomts out that the program, desp1tr its title, ,s !or men, too. (In fact, th first re~ rvation was made by a mar )

Helen K. Copley La Joli~ •based newspaper publisher, and six other business women on a nationa l committee have organized th~ Women 's Crusade for a Common Sense Econony . The first San Diego meeting will take place April 19 with a seminar and luncheon at Town a nd Country's Golden · Sara F inn , a1s&l a West Room.

luncheon committee. A panel moderated by University of San Diego Business dean , James M. Burns, will consider the topic, "Women : A New Dimension in Business Leadership ." Also on the pa nel will be Dr. Fred Bahr, Dr. Bob O'Neil and Ellen Cook PhD candidate. ' Reservations; may be made by calling Maureen Herrill at the USD public relations

ELLEN COOK •.. 'women are qualified'

FHED BAHR • ..male techniques dying

Men Face Job Market Loss As Women Expand Control



Jolla, heads

offi ce, ~l-i486.

are dimm1shing conspicu- the race to master the~"



, h

ously b l

U one o, t e only skills.

Financial Editor The San Olt90 Union

"Some 70 per cent of the s nation'. wr.alth is owned by

expanding rather than con-

·ow th t


a women are fmal- tr acting


ly asserting control of the wo nation s assets, the nation is w.omen women, but 1t 's not yet con- startmg to redefine just aret quhaltf1~d fo.~ any km~ of trolled by them, • h , said. what those assets are ;ra·ec mf~ sukill bfeatunng Now, that is changing. · ms ra er ,an rawn. ' Women have the> assets - but are the usm thoS<' r sou~~~s men, she said ,,

JACK KEMP FETE TUESDAY Only a limited number of rcservattonsremainforthe luncheon Tuesday featuring former quarterback for the San Diego Chargers and the Kemp will be the featured speaker at the Women's Crusade for a Common Sense Economy meeting at the Town & Country Hotel's Golden West Room. His topic will be "The Free En• terprise Answer." Reservations are being accepted through the Uni• versity of San Diego public relations office before 2 p.m. Monday. A panel discussion by , USD business school profes- I sors starts the program al Buffalo Bills. R J k K ac R Ny ep. emp, -, ..,

!o~ay the economy Is 1n troub e.




"Worn r arc brought up a

as stmgmg as the


ts?' ask

portionatcly(asapercen of th e total), thrr are fl'wer

to o:gamz

knowir.g how

sem spankmgs men will be

during 1n future )ears ;n- They have great mterper-

ability to ad- WC'llan college professors

or sonal skills -

mstance m"niolk , " Ill JOb market JU • 40 ~r cent us as large as theirs today A d adapt the traditional m n . 1 f. d '.I w1 ace a j t

as can



14) /'f 77

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ay l an I~ th e 19 '.WS"


to oth er persons,

IDF.A FADES ThP old idea that economic I OYOU

JJ.l81lt Z I Z) till 16 •[Dllllil!!) 10 0::) 10 (0Jlue:) 31YaKrl!>

• N?w what is needed Is

Southern Cro , Man age men t s t~filme the ngh~ motivation and the gro~h, 1s. th~ cure to all of Bishop Leo T. machismo-cowboy-shoot- r.ght at.titude - not a cl sire ~ciety sills 1~ge,JJg out th;tt for men will be 1 be re- 10 tear It ( th e syS t em) dow~, ~n.dow, said 1 rof. Robert~· rancis Seminary, diocesan St. Fr placed by techniqJes stress- but lo analyze what men cli? ONell, who g?t his PhD m sjJy pf Sar Pioeo nary as candidate ing in~rpersonal skills (at th at was wrong. Take a poSJ- urban ccononucs from Fo rd . • ril 22-24. accept eight me from-the-hip - wll

·9t ·e ·, ,,·r,,·i: ······· 66'L•6 J;tZO(Q •,,•s•66•t ' ·91·8 'L·r SilZ!S Jaz01q 'V 66·t ............ . ·L-,- ,, 66·t ............ O!i 66·1 ············~ 66't • oo·ot .(DA 1i0tll 66'C ........ . 'S.18~Jow 11a1 ll" sp ,,·1 ... .. ...... oo·.- ·6aJ uoJdo 1- 66. l !il !: ·6a, 1as !U!C 66..Ll .. ...... ·" · CXJ'8Z-OO'll; ·6,11 . ....... · C 66'n . ........ . . t 66'8C .. ... . ...... . 66.6C .. ' ......... . aljl U! S(DljU;illa AlillJOU 66'9 tpo;i 'uazop or;·t .10 U;tZOp 68.8 •&J pj<

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ham University a nd Jomrd or women will be th e ~.<;D faculty in ~eptem- 29•May I at the

sue 'doqs s,ueWSllOds

tive approach "

Orders at a sp which Y.Omen excel )

f'Uuew l

.1 his Is where womrn

These arr ust

Saturday. April 3


0 ~e of th e !ailed at the outset of the ber We now recogmw that Convent of Per• i conom1.c ation. San Diego; Prof. Fred R Bahr who groM cannot go on indcf1- -7. at the Mary eont joJred C D last September mttely W . are concerned Center in Cherry d I p~

in Immaculata ct lllSI hts iito

!.nfl\enhx pf Womg n•~ World to ber n:C~ "omen's movement, saicl helte~-sKelter

6t"t · · · · · · · · uo,/68 l ·&H ·111oq 1!~ .. ~l etnnv.. do1uoa 66• lt ... • " ... "~6·n; ·llall llunJll ••'d 1enbJ0, 10+aw Hlll!Od cptcw., uo11!M 66.6 · · · ·· ·· · · !i6 ll &11 xoqjuazoa ·111oq 11011 pe19AO> u. 1uaw1saAU! •1ap0w .. ia


at a scmm

Father Lawrer Aprtl 19 JO !rmant 2un seminary rector the Tou11 & Country Golde t West Room, sponsored by largest group fro new organtzation Worn , • , 0 this will be

psychic uealth a op-

p.m. a after a




n ex ens1ve career at posed t

to~h George Washington he said o matenal wealth," ·c ava11;_ble fr~m

, w ·



in or

mvers!ty and the Uruvers1-

th fe can no longrr dispute P.O. Box 80428, e act that women have 92138· phone· histc.rlcally been an uncleru- 711, ext' 41. •

be ac Cru ade for a, Com ens ty of Southern California.









use Economy

~:ti ~tes m!Ore



"'f~e first !"istake which tillzed and exploltecl _ _ ____ • 10 a.m. the pioneers (m the women's resource Now "e must look



ear se el' ,on


AMONG TH{ ee new professors of movement) macle was to the future,'' he said acc~pted ascand'economic~ and ~anagement trying to outdo men at their th e llmversity of San own game. Great numbe Christopher Cha Diego will expr~ss their of women brcame rucl~ . seph parish, Ba VJews at a panel discussion. abra Ive usmg shock tact· , shnnk from 100 per ce t t ntra s on ammatcd film pro- Clo~er, St: Fran In an mtervtew yesterday, and language that w ic~ so per cent frorr techn ms and.a,:t1vi> in the Lutheran parish. R1vcrsi, they spelled o:it some of the very descriptive as b~t cal advances. Then, w~~fn en's M1ss1onary. League, the Ferrero. Holy R· future shocks Y.h1ch both dramatlr ., he sa d • will get half that 80 p . , t irehens1ve Planmng Orgamza- San . Bernardine ~·omen and men must face 1 _ so men's market :;ft; and the St Vincent De Paul Ferns. St. Jos m commg years Those are male techmques 40 per t f h , . •ty. omen are tmICjJely qualJ- \\- clytng ones. 'The .John today," w a. It uorthea Edmiston, president of 5 J to take on the mantle of in a~i :io drome - ~ugn- ,an. Diego City Schools' Board of jership in today's tedm g ough, grc.ul and• e will be one v, ,v _ 1cat10n. . J ically oriented worlg- reach-for-yo~-gun approach !ltecl as "Women of i Sister Sally M. Furay, VJce said Prof. Ell n Cook a - was th e ki nd of leadership by the President's president ancl provost of thr Univer• UCSD graduat wno Y.eni on ~d by th e men wh,o creat- men's Service, Busi- sit of San Diego. . to get her MBA at Harvard pie ou:; 50 ~~ty B1, tlJ peo- !Ssional Clubs of San - Maria Huebner, an expc:t m before joining the USD facul w O WI perpetuate th at bilingual education who Is affl11a~ed ty m January :ret~ ~ke a ~C'W kincl 1 of the Year" will be with Unitrd Chicano Club and active ' Resources ir. this world _ rad ers 1P orm, hr saicl mong the 15 nominees in Chicano organ1Zations and as an an women are ahead m 1 t vacation Village at adviser In the hiring of bilingual Men's look may not be too 'Men's job market wili Aprd 30 cere at. appellzlng not >d Bahr · .

Electronic Laboratory Center and a member of the board of directors of the Greater San Diego Industry- Eclucation Counell. - Nellie Foltz, educational coordi- nator for the School of Medical Tech- nology, Mercy Hospital ancl Mecliral Cent(>r and author of a guide to prepare students for state ancl na- tional licensing examinations.

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A .

\ Bartholomew. Favors USO Basketball Bob Bartholomew, Kearny High's Eastern League bas- ketball player of the Year and an All.County first team choice, is expected to sign a letter of intent with the Uni- versity of San Diego Wednesday. "I got feelers from Ari- wna, Whittier and Pl. Loma Colleges,' said the 6-foot-6 Bartholomew, "but I like the program at USO best. ' Bartholomew, who aver- aged 19.4 points a game ancl almost that many rebounds, will join a 1976 All-County first team player, Dave Cook, on the Torero team. Meanwhile, another All· County first team player, Henry's Michael Gay, will visit use this weekend after narrowing his choices to Southern Cal and San Diego State. His brother, Bill, starts on the Trojan football team and should he opt for the Los Angeles school, would join last year's player of the year, Willie Brigham. "Both have a lot to offer, especially since San Diego State will be playing in the WAC,'' said Gay, who at 6-6. with a fine outside touch is considered the top area pros- pect this year Meanwhile, the County Playrr of the Year, Mitchell Lilly has received feelers from several local colleges but nothing definitive LiJly, who averaged 31 9 points a game, a county record, is hoping to be able to attend the same school as his brother, Marshall. The other two first-team All-County players Santana '> Todd Harprr ancl Helix's Mark Snow, are jun- iors.

employes for Carlsbad United School - Patricia McNeece Kelly, a con- suiting dietitian who advises staff members of nursing homes and hos- pitals on nutrition and physical fit- - June Lee Kirkendall, customer operations staff manager for Pacific - :\1.. Chase McJunklns, vice pnn- c1pal at Gompers Junior High School, active in helping minority groups in career adjustment pro- - Sherry Mohna, board member of the American Cancer Society, president of the South Bay Charter Chapter of the Amencan Business Women's Assn. - Elisa L. Sanchez, assistant superintendent, San Diego City Schools and vice chairwoman of the Commission on Multicultural Bilin- gual Education - Shirley Ann Vaine, owner and broker of her own real estate agen- cy, vice president of the Clairemont Mesa Chamber of Commerce. - Hazel I. Vickery, owner and operator of a moving and storage business, member of North County Chamber of Commerce, and has assisted Indians on the Pala Reser- vation. - Kay Whitcomb, an artist wh works have been recognized in the ,: ~1 ~.,. •--- -----~1 District. ness. Telephone Co . grams. .

1y night.

Lynn scnenK, an attorney who was named "Woman of the Year" In 1975, will present the award. - Dr Lillian K. Beam, involved in community work with the Urban League, Black Federation, San Diego County Human Relations Department, Chicano Federation, United Pan-Asians and League of Women Voters. An administor with the San Diego Community College District, she heads the affirmative - Michelle Bobczynski, art direc• tor and partner of a company that Candidates include: action program

IN 5-4 WIN OVER TOREROS Strong Bench

ids Padres

only 15 games. He can play

old O· ahoman had a ngl

y erday In addition to hts all the Uif1eld and outfield d clslve double positions and has attuned Against bi league compe- himself to ptnchhitting and Uuon, h had batted onl substitut ro es. 231 In the previous exhibi- tions but has med more Roberts has been the talk aggresmve than he was last of Cactus League the way he ason, wh n he averaged has been throwing out oppos- 205 in Infrequent appcaranc- Ing baserunners. That along es beh!nd starting catcher with the way he has swung Fred Kendall the bat (.286) stamps him as "I don't wa~t to go back to the best No. 2 catcher the th minors - if I can't play Padres have had In recent here, I want to go to another years. major leagi.e club that can In ~clditlon to Roberts, u me• say Davis who Valentme, Turner, Retten- had his contract rC'ney.' d by mund, Melendez and Davis, the Padres last month. If th an Diego team has hacl they option htm out a ain, strong performances from they can't r call him. rookie Tucker Ashford, the Re rve outf1 Id r Luis San Diego third baseman of telendez also cloudc(l lhe the future. Enzo Hernandez, week1md cut when h rut two who lost tl'e regular short- ngles and n double m three stop job to rookie Bill at bats against USD Almon, has been plagued by The 27-year-old Puerto lnJuries. 1Ucan has been havln on Yesterday, Doug Rader hit of h fin t prtngs, averag- a bases-empty homer a~d Ing .318 In the Cactu Li: ue Hendrick drove In a run with and dr!Vlng 1n Ix runs in 11 one of 1Us two smgl in the game . benel1t for uSD's baseball t the moment, how vcr, program. Rick Sawyer, who h would appear to rank gave up three runs in six b hlncl Georg II nclrlck, Innings, team cl with Dave Dav \\Inf Id Gen Hich- Tomlm and Vic Bernal to ards, J rry 'Turn r and surv1v nin Torero hits.. I rv n tt nmund in th San Rick Strang, Rick Prieto DI go outfl d Th Padr s and Hank AShMrth each ml ht I ct to go y,ith on!, singled home a run for coach th flv That' becau John Cunningham's well- Rob , th catch r, and schooled Torero , while Bobby V I nUn , Jack-of Dave Buchanan had a single all trad , al a capabl and a walk that forced borne of pinyin th outf1 Id a run Prieto, Paul 1endes Val ntln , ho gain d big and Bill Heberle each had I agu xp r1 n~ "Ith the two h.ts for th collegians. Dodgers and An I aver- USD used seven pitchers. aging 429 n the cactus Leagu driving In 10 run In --~~..

CITED FO~ BROTHERHOOD-Dr. Author Hughes, right, president or the 'Cnlven;lty of San Diego, and Ma)or Pete Wilson of San Diego were among five honored by the National Confereoce of Christians and Jews last week. Dr. Hughes was one of fou.r to reeeh·e the Regional Brotherhood Award, while the mayor received the International Brotherhood Awanl.-SC photo

Archeologists To Sift Site San Diego archeolog1sts front yard of what was the able up to $10,000 in financial have announced plans to ex- headquarters of former state aid. cavate a Mis!lion Valley site Sen. Jack Schrade TOOLS FOUND The site is one of those storehouse of knowledge ing the property available mentioned by Dr. B.O.K. about the prehistoric people for an archeological dig by Reeves of the University of of San Diego. USD Prof. James Moriarty Calgary, who announced The site, located at 1904 and a team of scientists. The earlier l m that he Hotel Circle . 'orth, is in the firm is also making avail- had found human tools and believed to be a hidden Atlas Hotels, Inc., is mak-

Friday, April 29, 1977

thing e rller than-6,000 years was the first time in his (the La Jolla period)," Mori- recollection that a commer- arty said. cial enterprtse had rendered He would not speculate on such assistance to an ar-1

cheological search

hearthstones he belleved to fin~g vidence or artifacts old datmg back 25,000 years at several locations In and until, he said, more proof is at lea t 100,000 y



The site ~as been left ge~- erally undisturbed and will be fenced off to keep a ay_ curiosity seekers. The projec wlll be named the Charles H. Brown archeolog- ical excavation pro,..cie::..:cc:;;t.__

ZI., /977 Padre game lo aid USD baseball The Univers,tv of San Diego Athletic · Office is on the USD baseball stadium complex. Better facilities aid in attracting better ballplayers and thus aid the USO


around Mission Valley. Moriarty, an expert on ex-

The sit;, discovered by

cavation and early man in Moriarty student Richard Southern California, said he Gadler, has already yielded believes the Atlas Hotel prehistoric tools and, during property, because it lies at th.e six-month dig, scientists

offering discount tickets for the San Diego Padres-Los Angeles Dodgers baseball game Thur~day, April 28 as a benefit for the USO baseball program PrO(·eeds from the sale of 5,000 re ervcd-scat tickets for the 7 p.m. contest at San Diego Stadium will go toward making final improveme~ts

the end of a ,eries streambed ancl a onetime materials to determine their ings at the lmmacu- bay hore, will yield infor- age. Moriarty estimated the program will mation about people who some of the soil levels are · Mozart's Symphony lived in the area as far back approximately 75,000 years in A Major. as 25,000 )Cars ago. old. i:ts arc SJ for adults HOPE ~OICED (OMPA. Y PRAISED .50 tor students, and The dig JS expected to fmd 'Every shovel of dirt on availab le at the door the most sl~nificant details the sltr will be archeologi- crvcd by sending a of the prehistoric Diegueno cally teaspooned," Moriarty with a stamped, ~clf- and La Jolla cultures of this aid. ,ed envelope to the area, he said. Moriarty praised A'Jas Ho- ·ulata. Alcala Pa rk, ''We are hootng for some- tels for the support, saying it iego, 92110. small will attempt to date organic 1cr in lhc

baseball program, said USO baseball coach John Cun- ningham. Tickets are available at the athletic office at the univer• s1ty s Sports Center on Linda Vista Road. Additional infor- mation: 291·6480, ext. 357.

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