News Scrapbook 1975-1977
Professor Tells Failure To S· the mental health of people and that should be rea n alon to tmpro\ the plight of poor people " Thomas see the black child de\elopment mO\ m nt as "the most poslthe thing that ha emerged from th Association of Blaek Psychologists
USD Auxiliary seats Mrs. Melville, officers
The mo\em nt IS only about 5-6 years old Thomas &a) s, and i empha Is on telling and help1r. 6 bla parents understand there are 'man) po ti\ things about their children and that therr black child car. be compared with all other bla children. And that there u no need to make th inevnable comparison bet\\ n th black child and the \\ bite child " ame, he empha iz('(f, and th rr difference- stem from th diff rent culturr from "h1ch th) come. Thoma disagrees "1th those who feel Amen ea has rome a long, po ·urn "a} in terms of race relations ··\\e're ill playmg too man gam \\ e avoid eh other. A \'e 1ve racism Is so prevalent toda\ Look at lh hool desegregation ea In th courts •ore attention IS gl\ n to the JSSUes of ' bite flight than to de, Iopmo competent, educated black children • Thomas is a founding member of lh board of o\er ' for the caJlforma • chool of Prof onal P cholo- gy, a member of an D1pgo' 70-member Cittz ns .Children are not th
pre ented following·
Jam athen; of Rancho Santa Fie, fir t ·ice-pr ident; Mr . irio Anton, nd \ ·ce- president; Mrs . Carroll Bea on, recording secretary ; r. Lee Bartell treas er.
Char e
1r .
ne I.
telville elected pr
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• ter Patri ia
ident of the
n Diego med her
ity of
Taggert to complete rch project m chemistry d partment; Prof sor Carol Baker r group of studen the biology depart- in 1arion Holleman to repl ce microfilm equipment. The Alumni Office will issue a telephone directory and guide for new tud nts; the BSU (B!ac tud t Union) has funds towards a color television; and the Rev. William Elliott, dean of the School of Education .,.,;11 proceed v.-ith a PhD program. Winners Yiere gu ts of the auxiliary at the luncheon nd ment to complete re e.arch d fects; on birth and librarian
wnliary, a
the recent
dutie annual
tallatlon luncheon at La Jolla ountry Club ti e of Colorado and mother of four daughter , 1rs. 1e1-..;ne ha en•ed on the executive board the au ·ua11 and chaired variou fa hion show committees. She is a the Globe Guilders and the an Diego Chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. 'The new slate of of• ficers installed with 1rs. telville were Mrs . A t pr ident of
tr .
chairman of
John H• • 1azur,
retiring pr id nt of the auxiliary .,., ith a surplus of 2,000 from the auxiliary year , recently embarked on a novel plan. An adverti ment was placed in the univer- ity's campus paper "The Vista" inviting tuden and faculty to present original ideas for the distribution of the funds, Scores of entries were received and awards were
Stripe~ arem new byRal~
,. Getting ready for the recent Installation luncheon for the University of San Diego Auxlllary are, from left, Mrs. Thomas W. Keelin, luncheon chairman; Mrs. John L. G lmore, committee member; Mrs. Charles W. Mel viii Jr., Incoming president; and Mrs. Richard Woltman, committee member. The ev nt was held at La Jolla Country Club. (Photo bx •avid Eldenmllier)
trfE' e<
Bil Keane
\\ I;
Impeccable tailoring. Fresh cotton shirtings. The nr.l
hworth A H't;
Jf(t_j She felt that Rockefeller's staff would guarded with her. Instead, they treated her well and early on, Rockefeller said to her "I don't know what your political affiliations are, although I can guess; and I don't care as long as you can back up your ideas," she said. When Schenk left work on Jan. 19 she said, "I was choked up. In the five months I was with Rockefeller I grew personally fond of h!m and his entire staff." When she returned to her office in the Old Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House, after President Carter's inau- guration, Jan. 21, "it was a strange feeling, strange to the new people and strange to me to see all the new faces," she said. Yet she was eager and excited. She'd been looking forward to the Carter-Mondale ad• ministration since the Democratic National Convention when she was a delegate for California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. She discovered that many on the Mondale staff were not familiar with the nonpartisan White House Fellowship Program. They t 0 hffo 1 ugceh. t she was a hold-over from the old And there was the confusion : offices, equip- ment and files were changed; Mondale left the country for an overseas trip almost immediately after taking office. But now Schenk Is comfortable with the
USD Law Sch ol To Honor Alumni Umver It) of an Law ool Alumni uon -.nil honor fi\ e alum at an a\liar,d ban• qu t t 6 pm Jun 17 at the Bah Hotel Th speaker 1,11ll b John Van de Kamp, ct· tnct attorney of Los An- geles Lount. Awards 1,111! presented to Carlo Cazare , recently elevat d from the lunictpal bencll to the upenor Court, Gm1 d L. Mc Iahon vice pre dent of the San Diego County Bar Association ; Sheridan Reed president of the San Diego Trial Lawyers Association; Jane Wiegand, city attorney of Escondido, the first woman In California to hold uch a position full- time, and Dwight Worden, city attorney of Del Mar. ~-..;.t '17
"I went back t A 70 /CH
B~ HA"'K n i,: CJI
school record 38 walks
• I've reached most of my Escond do ov r the ummf:V"U- goals," concedes Ashw rth, and put to use some adv1c po illon Hank Ashworth has a a 6-2, 185-pounder. "It didn't that coach Cunningham har 1 - FIRST knack for ex11mg in style figure that I'd lead the team given me ,. on<1 p1cu s•a11 w,itar, TtieSan Dle9o union • " ·
H m~r.:''" • .'1~~ac:oLDJt~>.
"Mostly II was mental~= I've had a things like knowmg wha""' tast '':-': ~~//be oromln •• ' ~~ 0
in hitting but I set that as a
Or so one wo 1ld :mrmt
from the past htstory of the goal anyway.
Lynn Schenk, San Diego arcome -~-- ..... Fellow, has served two vice p accompanies Nelson Rockefeller to new administration cook over in Jan~
University of San Diogo good season at bat and some pitch to .:iok for in a ccrtau:~:Vl'
Her jobs have varied under presidents. Under Rockefeller sh position of acting counsel. She looked into questions that dealt with the legal responsibilites of several government commissions such as the Center for Work and Productivity and the latitude a vice president had under federal election laws. After the election, Schenk was assigned to Rockefeller's senior transition team, where she worked on the preparation of two transl· She also briefed Rockefeller on certain issues up to the last minute. "Rockefeller had the attitude that he was vice president until tion documents.
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Jan. 20 at noon," she said.
(Continued on D-4, Col. I)
new administration.
or Ashworth, who has
on me I've been told that I
31 runs and has drawn a frustrrtect,·• rcr,11ls A~h
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SOUTHERN CROSS , May 5, 1977-3
SE NOTE! Cancellations Or Corrections Of Classified Advertising CAN NOT Be Made Between The Time The Ad Is Ordered And The Initial Publi- cation.
Women, ministry, priests, teachers
USO summer courses tempt all palates
JO ConlKvtlw Dan. Pt< LN $1.47 l~:lt ~llcM,Pl(LJnt . SI.a l.f '- thing To Sell? known national women Reh· gious leaders. all of whom are in the Congregation of the Sisters. Servants of the lmmacula1e Heart of Mary These include Sisters Margaret Brennan , Juliana Casey. Carol Quigley and Mary Ellen Sheehan. They will explore and explain biblical and historical foundations of women and ministry and look al facets of women in Church service today. The institute runs from June 13 through 22. THE THEOLOGY institute for priests, June JJ.J 7. will be given by Msgr. J . Warren Holleran, presently director of Vallombrosa Retreat Cen• ter and professor of scripture ar St. Patrick Seminary. Menlo Park. The purpose of the five- day course "is to acquaint the participants with the principle themes of the Fourth Gospe I," according to Father Michael Higgins. di· rector of the program. Father Higgins is officialis for the diocese. The institute will be held from JO a.m. to 3 p.m. each day and some priests may be accommodated at the semi- nary , if necessary. THE WORKSHOP for Catholic school admmistra• tors will be held on USD campus from June 27 to July IS. and it is "designed to help Catholic school ad· mi111strators to be more effective as educational lea• ders and managers." The firM week will exa- mine the administrator's po- sition todav, the second week will look at Catholic schools and the third week deals with the administrator as manag- er. Coordinator is Dr. Joseph Rost, director of the educa• tional administration pro- gram at USD. Among the faculty are Brother James Zullo. direc- tor of Christian Brothers counseling and consultation center, Chicago: Sister Stella Enright. principal of St. Paul the Apostle school, Los Angeles, and Dr. ·H. Giles Schmid, director of educa- tion. San Diego diocese. THli GRADUATE pro· gram in educational minis- tries offers students the opportunity to earn a Mas• ter's degree in part-time or summer schools and includes special summer course offer· ings from June 22 through August 2. The lectures are to be given by visiting professors as well as faculty of USD. The courses are under the graduate program division of the university. Another "growth oppor• tunity" is offered to religious educators at USD through the diploma program in . religious education arranged through the diocesan depart• ment of education by Sister Josephine Breen . COLRSES include 01d and New l estamcnt instruction in scripture. fundamental theology and sacramental theology. Some of the courses are available during the daytime. others at evening classes. Further details regarding all courses may be obtained from USD, telephone 291-6480. Accommodation and course rates are avail· able on request. ~83 Southern Cross Reporter A major ins1itu1e on " Women and Mi111~try" 1s one of several special events and worbhops being offered at 1he University of San Diego campus during sum- mer months. Other events include a theology institute for priests. a workshop for Catholic school administrators, a gradua1e program in educa• tional ministries leading to an MRE degree, and diploma courses in religious educa- tion. THE INSTITUTE on women and ministry will bring to the campus well- 105 Funeral Directory G000800YS st VO. CHAPEL !027 El Colon Blvd. l!IHI• Goooeoors IVY CHAPfL at Third Ave. 512•1700 GREENWOOD MORTUARY Int. lOS I lmptrlaf 266-3131 HUMPHREY MORTUAAY ass Brooctwov, Chuta vista -422-Hts LEWIS COIONIAl ;e1 El Coion Blvd JtJ..nll MISSION MY CHAPfl AND PACIFIC BEACH MORTUARY 100 ) Deaths-Funerals • NOT Bl: RESPONSIBLE tor more than one lncorrld (nwrtkw'l of onyoct,,ertt_n,.,.., rt>IM tnt AIDS-Juon IQ Am. Wlltof LtlanclS. rlOM ,o Od/ust In fuOany «ror b'f C Alcts. Mother of l(ifflblf''- Ann, corrected lnMrfiOn Kristine l tonn. Kelley Mal'lt Cl"ICI THE UNION·TR18UNE PUBLISH ~~cw:~~joh~Ma=~: ~~Gr~~ri'c~:' :: ... ~~;,'~;:;'ft of $IMOv . and Ortondo A. Molon- .,,,, unocaptQbM c,,d to ct.JnQf vo. St. Morv Mo9dalent the cknsificotlen to fM POIICY ot 5°~ 1~ 'l:ffkn7i1~~j'A:: lll'W'SP(JWf USO COUtDt tor women. RecUatlon BOX NUMBER ct,o,.. I.J.00; M 2! of Cho R___, Sun l p.m. and Re- lf mollt TOOLS TOYS FURN(. !URE MUSICAi INSTRU• MENTS -4710 Cost. St. -55Sl or a.7575 PARIS MORTUARY - - JUN. Molnoflo, El COian ,Ul,,,Mll ROORKiUEZ-1\ARlWEIL ROGERS MOITUARY MORTUARY 7-t :i1 4n • IS1 2'J-1lll HOMES • Al TERN.ATIVE SERVICE AVAIL $22A 282-811 1 l~ (~;;;)~ 2 LOTS, El Camino HUIW'W Garden 21 Section. S195 both 29S-S124 Catholic high schools, USO -, ) l'f 7 Spring graduation time near · . r BOATS 7 ..{Z... t veor 9.0'I .. .. •..o ••. 1.31 75, a.m. TRAILERS ChoPtf, Burlol of Sta. lSO Camino de lo Rtino 501'1 DttOO. CG11f. '2112 PHONE 299·2121 The dlred lint to CJauified In S.O. County COIi ZEnltl'I 7-7000 TOLL·FREE Ckmtfted ads onty P.O. !o111'1 CRAII-Gtodvs M. Mott« of L«n ~°:"~!:~J:'~~~.: dren. 2 .-eat.grcnxNldren. Ser· vlcft Mon. 1 P.m. ttum,,hrt't ""-'tr· FOSTER-G CARS Hermon. J trrv, Ronold and ShOron GREENWOOOME.MORIALPARK, 'J ..,o~•!_e!c~'='~=-e•;_,,, 11 •""' __ ,u ,_"-',!:;; ·sm-"' 1 _ -, ~~ .... ono.=~ __ Jul 0~'- . -::- -108 Crom St. Augustine. San Diego. 8 p.m.. TuesJay. Earlier that day, at 10:30 a.m in the Civic Theatre. downtown. the USD School / of law will a"ard degrees 10 1 277 students. j Guest speaker will b,, March Fong Eu , California Secretary of State. Southern Cross Reporter Graduation time. a tradi• tional late spring event. is nearly here. and in the next several weeks Catholic scho- ols 111 the diocese will grant diplomas 10 more than I WO I 000 seniors will receive diplomas from nme Catholic high schools in the diocese. More than 600 the graduate, graduate and law degrees from the University FOR TWO of the high schools. San Luis Rey Aca- demy. San Luis Rey. and year's commencement exer- Rosary. San Diego. this people will receive under- of San Diego. graduarcs. Nearl~ TRUCKS 2 CRYPTS Gordin ltwl. Gftenwood May 31; ...,._ Vl-7l5l ctaE.HtYserondPm-vJ. Miller.7 COMPANIO~ crwt. Llh' Lokf. tier gronddtlldren. 10 ..-eo1...-1- 0-os-,i.rroa. 11200Sll-1201 PRIESTHOOD CANDIDATES-Eight seminarians pro• cess out of the lmmaculata on the USD campus preceding about 25 concelebrants, two deacons, and Bishop Leo T. Maher foUowing their acceptance as candidates for the priesthood for this diocese, In a Mass SundaJ, April 30. TheJ are, from left to right, Brace Orsborn, Peter Navarra, Michael Helkenn, Paul Freler, Tim Ferris, Anthony Ferrero, Robert Clover II, and Chris Chavez. Also during the Mass Bishop Maher hid farewell to Father Lawrence Purcell, St. Francis Seminary rector, who will join the Apostolic Delegate's staff In Washlngton, D.C.-SC photo Jul Thomas -165 from St AJR. Pl.ANES CLASSIFIED I DEX CRYPTS m Gori:ttn levet- GrttnWOOd MOuSOffvffl. S..-S6CJ l LOT, Homtof hoac.emeten, P\'t. ph', 4'S---<&SJ1 evtSf wtJIClS. I SITE Greenwood LI 1Y l.Oke Lawn. eremation SerYices TELOPHASE SOCIETY THE ORIGINAL LOW COST COMPLETE CREMATION SERVICE NOT UNDERTAKER AFF _IA.TEO DIGNITY. INTEGRITY ECONOMY FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE Ph. 299-0805 (24 Hrs) • • IJZS 41287 110 ) Reverent. dlt.lnffitd cremotlOfl servk:ts w1tft tmmedlofe tond Of sea di$00Slft0f\ ova loble. "5 tow' o:s S2:50.NomembtrVIPfees Atso~ vldlng full mortuorY serv,ces. CALI. .• 295-2177 2' HOUR SERVICE MERKEIEY ..wTCHEU MORTUARY 3'S5 5ttl Ave., Son Oie;o (unotr cont. w-llc. cem. ~r. • NEPTUNE SOCIETY LANO & SEA BURIAi S.S. & V.A. ASSIGNMENTS 71'-223-9892 (24 ~] ]050F Ro1ecrans, S.O. 92106 NO SO esmon Wlll Coll SINCE 1917 drtn. Grovesktt Slf'VtCIS Mon 1 p.n,, Alpine etmeterv. Paris 11¥· FIANCIS-Edward. Gooca:ioOY'S IVY GIISON-Arel#lo V. Survived DY 1 son. I -lwr. ? o,ondcl>I- l slStenond1brother. MemOrtolW· vice Mon. 2 p.rn. Christ United ( ~~i.31: = ... ·Ui· ~• 8 ="u~~= tuorY cHractl.nD. 169 11 ! w ChQpel. • ::l: l~ =;! •. .• 1os I cer Societv. • •• 1'.J GRAHAM-SyMo Lautllo. Sister of •- 165 KEL.lY-ElfCWICJf V. Melber of Jed Voorheel. Sistef of MorVOrst Yt11- IIOml. 2 grondchlldreo. GrCJ'l'!Sklr services Mon . 10 o.m Ft. RosKrons fllotlonol Cemetery Oincted bt' Conrod Lemon GfOY't ..111 . uu-eU$d>tO. ee~ huSband ot Lilla Loro•. Fothtr of •nei. Btlchtr. Ruth Ramirez, Luisa Ramirez, Jen,. n~ ROfTltf'0, Antonio Contreres and , ll$ .. ·•• l'5 -1uorY •• 140 ····•::\~, .... 1'2 , •• 101 ••••••••1'1 • •· ,. 17S , Cl-' """9e. ••.••• .,..190 .•••.•• 1,1 Aqum~s. San Bernardino, 7 pm., Wednesday. June J; -104 from Marian. lmpe· rial Beach, 6 30 p.m., Friday June J: Peace Academy. San Diego, 3 p.m .. Saturday. June 4; -43 from San Luis Rey Academy. SMJ p.m., Sunday. June 5: - 260 from Univers1tv. Saiil Diego. 7:30 p m., Thu~sday, luts Rey. 2 Dame, Riverside, 4 p.m.. Saturday. June 1I. I Undergraduate and graci) uate degrees will be awarded to 360 students at the USD graduation on the west lawn of the campus at 3:30 p.m., GUEST SPEAKER for the afternoon and recipient of an honorary doctor of laws degree from USD will be Pulitzer Prize-winning col• ..!!_mnist George F. Will. -15 from Our lady of Junc 9; - and 131 from Notre Sunday. May 22. NOTICES Cor Pools , .. l. ~Of, Th0L.olsnl .• ;:-;.: million ...., ,-pts MOTOI• CYOES C «11> sto .. • 7 ......... 9 'leld .... 11 .9 o~rKiOfY • :~=~ ... ···· ··· Lr:'~~~~:: ·••· 1.o$1 & Fovn
BllSI· NESSES lsta .•.• 7 Mesa ... 7 'leld ••. 8 .7 s available nrn. !NIA joy lion Low Pree. Phone 299-2121 ........•.. ltS "8 &4 4A 31 .so ol6 ,IJ ,IJ ,Ci 51 ss :ii 4A 51 51 :ii 51 ,IJ 38 55 ,Ci 53 "8 63 47 •• Specioi Nol'c:tS f SPiriluoliSfl ••• , •..••. i~or=i=l~Spa•·• ........... eonst.-Mo nl -SUppfies TrO't'tl•Trcnu,ortatiCII ..•:. Vacation Home Exctonoe •. .... ....••160 176 l!J , 170 THE DIRECT UNE TO CLASSIFIED An Expert Classi- fied Stlvice SIA\. 6 p.m. end FUMral Service Mon. 10 o.m .• both at Berae-RObtrfS Mortuary. Inter• Fri frl cises will be the last. r:-~:-& .. . menl Ml. Hoo< Cemeter,. ••. •ISS an- schools have Both L~~Rs'!.~.'t;:~ EMPLOY.MENT nounced they will close this Knobtl iY«tuafY, wttr'I burtol For- est Lown Memorial Port: Glendale. eo. 1n1,euotfl0WffS, ('Onlr1buOons Ernp!oyrnenf Agenc1ts......... ...209 •208 .. 210 Em~t $«vices HefpWonted-Gentrcl Jobs Wont«!·····••··· ,•• · .. year. to fovorile charHY. ••··••200 High school diplomas will Jobswo,,eo-<..,,.,es. ··· ···.. 20C MocDONALD-E1Sie.-ol1r..,. Robinson. Services Sot. 2 P.m. Nurs~nes-ChlldCOf't . 206 go to: L.oktside Funeral ChOPel. ment Glendale ~erv. Otlemos. Inter• SCHOOLS -30 seniors from Vincent Memorial High School. Cal· exico. 5 p.m .. Friday, May 27· \ - 52 from Rosary. San Diego. 7:30 p.m.. Friday, May 27. . 2'5 Employl"l"lt1'II Preparation scnoors & Instrvct1or, • Mich. ., ..•247 :;a:,:;,;; ~~Ylr~~. MORRELL-Melvin Llovd. Htisband FINANCIAL ALllo-Traller Loons,.:·· Business O~tumf1es ••••. Business Strv1ces .••., .•..•, .•. ,. 290 .... BL.l! V.~nted Oistrlbutors111ps & S:elf· ~mploy ()pportun11ies .•• , ... 288 ... 255 .187 ... 797 RalPh Morrell and Zelda Kvlt. 2 grandchildren Memorial service S\Wl. 3 p.m. HIJmpt,rey Mortuary Chapel. In lieu of flowers famny woutd appreciott contribJtlons to Chula Vislo Elk's lod9e Youff'I AC· t1vltv Fund or favorite Chorltv. AICHARDSON--Wllliam A. Beloved hVSbOnd of fht IO!e Ethel V. Rich- ordson. Foth« of Will lam A. R1Ch ordson, Jr. onCI Jcw,et E. Wecker Iv. 5 grondchlldren. Bro~r of Mrs. Heter Ritchie. Requiem moss Mon 11 om All So nts EDl5COPOI Chul'cn. ioterm•n' "'lortbwoods y 52 • •:·~ .......... F C •................250 Money ro Loon.. 19 11 ... 283 . m .263 MorteyWonttd ...... ••....••., Mortgove & Trust Deeds • Real Estott Loons MlQrtrnents Furntsntcl ..•••. Apgrlmet1ts-R.1n1. or Unfurn As>o;rnen~i"""IShed RENTALS \ \
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