News Scrapbook 1975-1977
, Sunday, Nay 15, "7
Lynn Schenk, v.ho has expcnm« working v.1ch :ulmin1 cr:mons dunng ~r }el.! on the Whirr Ho~ Fdlowship Prognm, con ulrs WJth v,~ Pre 'denr W:ucer Mondale Rq,ubliC2IJ and Dcmocrati
uxiliary seats elvil
pre nted follov.1ng
ter Patncia
rs. d \'ice- Carroll
and Hchael Taggert to complete a r rch pro.)CCt m c emistf) d partment; Pro r Carol nd group of tuden m the biology depart- ment to comple e research on birth ec ; and libranan farion Holleman to replace m1crofilm eqwpment. Th lumni Office will i sue a telephone directory and guide for new tuden ; the B (Black tudent nion) ha funds toward a color television; and the Rev . William Elliott, d an of the School of Education ill proceed with a PhD program Wmner were guests of the auxiliary at the luncheon . tudent
pres1 t; Beason,
cording tr . Lee
ecretary •
Bartell tr
Thoma en ed
fr .
chairman of
John H.
id nt of the ith a urplus
retiring p auxiliary
of the auxiliary year, recent!· embarked on a novel plan. An d rtis ment as placed in the univer- sity's campus paper "The Vist " inviting tuden and faculty to pr ent original ideas r the distribution of e fund . Score of tries were received d awards were 2,000 from
Aide To Mondale
New Boss, New Pace For Lynn "\
women of low incoine ; a ornla Women Lawyers, and of the San Diego Legal Aid r of the Women's Bank in on the city's Advisory
nation ca d eloper of C r rd rnem~ Sbe is a dire San Diego, se a 1ety.
to have representative
ad\ocacy group V. ashington.
( tlnued from Pag~ l>-1) oder Mondale, Sch nk still has the role of an ad r. She has re arched !Sfilles and outlined opuon for go e.rnment action, such energy conservation, elfare refonn and merican Indian health-care problems also deals with questions such as the tehood or Puerto Rico and Its economic arid social concerns Recently, Schenk and Qu-ter aides met with Puerto Rican repre- sentatives and later briefed thetr bo se befo_n: the Puerto R1i:-an governor \isited Washington The atmosphere under the two vice presi- dents 1s different. U der Mondale, it 1s more jJlfonnal, Schenk said "People dress more casually and are more i:-asual with one anoth- er" Schenk has gained much from the Washing- ton experience he learned how isolated one sometimes r l In S,000 miles away from the seat of governm nt as she wa In San Diego, and how e Ual it is for companies and other
he ha n that the persons v.h m off~ clals choose for their staffs are very import• And she says that the stereotype of govern- ment wa te ts not true at the higher I vel . "People put in long, grueling hours at th Whi House. I'm impressed with that," she sa~~ a White House fellow, Schenk has also ant met with top offic1als m t e co business, consumer groups, the arts, journal• ism, education and international group . s, congr , degree from UCLA, and her law degree from the Umvers1ty of San Diego, where she is an adJ'unct professor. She also studied interna- tlonal law at the London School or Econom- She was cofounder and president of the Lawyer's Club of San Diego; a founder of Equal Rights Advisors, Inc., a publicly fi. nanced law firm which handles sex-discrimi• ics. • h urt A native of New York, he received a
d on the S tus of Women, and was on (he tale Attorney General's Women's Rights 111 1975, Sche was "Wnm n or the Y~ar" for the San D O President's Council of Business and Professional Club and was tbe' first woman to receive the Jaycees' "Outstanding Young Citizen ° an Her husband Hugh Friedman, who has a law ri·rm in Sa~ Diego, is also in Washington i no ... for p rt of his wife's fellowship year. He traches at Amen.can University Law School. is looking forward to returning to "T've learned a lot. I've assimilated a great deal' " she said But, "I'm looking forward to Force. women's Servi , r s Diego" awa rd " Sche San 01 o.
To Honor Alumni
wal ·
hool r rord
v reache most o my goal ," con des A h a 6-2, !~pound r "It d dn t figure that I d lead th t am In h1ttmg but I set that as a 0 good season at bat and some rid good y ars ha en 't had t', h" goal anyway I've had a " J gu s pected to have ia Y we ex "I ~vanted to !let 50 hit Just reac-hed that I att d \\tinted to grt O RBI but IL r e" ve ' them and I at
som time to sort it out."
421, wh h 1 d th Avo ado doesn't look bk
I 11
that goal "
In his fmal season at Palo- Con idertng the fact that mar College Ashworth was Ashworth hit only 215 last an AII-M1ss1on Conference year tho e goals nught have scleet1011 and earnrd a r!gh s em d rather lofty before enough r commendation the seasor but Ashwortlt has that USD coach John Cunn- parlay!'d a year's experl· Ingham off d 1)1m a chol• enc and hitting advice from arsh1p \\ Jtho t havmg ob- Cunningham Into the s rved him ma tton mark d batting avP.rage And noy;, m his 5enlor 1mpro\em nt year at SD, Ashwortt ha "Iv. h1ttmg 0H'r 400 for put togethrr a season m about the first 12 gamr la winch he is battmg 356 (bPst year then I start d to slump, among the Torero regular ), chan~ed some thmg I had has driven in a team-lrading been doing and just got 31 runs and has drawn a frustr, ted," r~ ~11 sh
DADVErnS G LOCAL RA S RATES PfR UNE PER DAY S1 • l~eon,,cv,!wOO,s.PffUot 11" U c.m.a,tiyt OOYL Pt< I.lot . IUI l c-a,fl,t 0oYL Pt< Uor .. II.II ! l c.m«vll,o Don. Ptr I.lot . 11 .N Y10rty contn,cts ovonat>le (Minlnwm Cnorot 2 ovott llnn) Tf\f UnNW\-Trlbt.N gucrar,'"1 2' .... ltn, charocttn. numerott Of IPOC9I Ptt' ONE IOwtr COH "°'' lint. CANCELLATIONS OR CORHC· TIONS CAN NOT IE MADE H · TWEEN THE TIME THI AD 15 OR DUID AND THE INITIAL PUILI• I AJrilO EVENING TRIBUNE Will NOT BE RESPONSIBLE ll Comecvtlw Oa~ Ptr Unt 11).1' Cens«uttv1 Don. P« Uni $U1 CATION. THE SAN DIEGO UNION
SOUTHERN CROSS, May 5, 1977-3
Cancellations Or Corrections Of Classified Advertising CAN NOT Be Made Between The Time The Ad ls Ordered And The Initial Publi- cation. '===::-;:;::;:==::;-r;::=:;-;;:;:==~i
Any- thing To Sell?
Women, ministry, priests, teachers USO summer courses tempt all palates Southern Cro~s Reporter A major institute on "Women and Ministry" is of Vallombrosa Retreat Cen- ter and profcs or of scripture at St. Patrick Seminar•, Menlo Park. Enright. principal of St . Paul the Apostle school, Los
known national women Reh• gmus leaders, all of whom arc in the Congregation of the Sbters, Servants of the Immaculate Hearl of Mary. These include Sisters Margaret Brennan, Juliana Casey, Carol Quigley and Mary Ellen Sheehan. They will explore and explain biblical and historical foundation of women and ministry and look at facets of women in Church service today. The institute runs from June 13 through 22. THE THEOLOGY institute for priests, June 13-17, will be given by Msgr. J. Warren Holleran. presently director
Angeles, and Dr. ·H. Giles Schmid, director of educa- tion. San Diego diocese . THE GRADUATE pro• gram in educational minis- tries offers students the opportunity to earn a Mas• tcr 's degree in part-time or summer schools and includes special summer course offer- ings from June 22 through August 2. The lectures are to be given by visiting profc sors as well as faculty of USD. The courses are under the graduate program division of the university. Another "growth oppor- tunity" is offered to religious educators at USO through the diploma program in religious education arranged through the diocesan depart- ment of education b¥ Sister Josephine Breen. · COLRSES mclude Old and . ew Testament instruction in scripture. fundamental theology and acramental theology. ome of the cours~s are a\ailable during the da time, others at evening classes. Further details regarding all courses mav be obtained from USD, telephone 291-6480. Accommodation and course rates are avail- able on request.
one of several special ~vents and workshops be111g offered at the University of San Diego campus dur111g sum- mer months. Other events 111clude a theology in tltute for pnests, a workshop for Catholic school admimstrators, a graduate program in educa- tional ministries leading to an MRE degree, and diploma courses in religious educa- tion. THE INSTITUTE on women and ministry will bring to the campus well -
The purpose of the five- day course "is to acquaint the participants with the principle them s of the Fourth Gospel," according to Father Michael Higgins, di- rector of the program. Father Higgins is officialis for the diocese. The institute will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day and ome priests may be accommodated at the semi- . nary, 1f necessary. THE WORKSHOP for Catholic school admmistra- tors will be held on USD campus from June 27 to July 15, and it is " designed to help Catholic school ad- ministrators to be more effective as educational lea- ders and managers.'· The first "eek will exa- mine the admimstrator's po- sition todav. the second week will look at Catholic schools and the third week deals with the administrator as manag- er. Coordinator is Dr. Joseph Rost. director of the educa- tional administration pro- gram at USO. Among the faculty are Brother James Zullo, direc- tor of Christian Brothers counseling and consultation center, Chicago; Sister Stella
Funeral Directory GOOOIOOY'S ILVO.CHAPEl GOODIOOY'S IVY CHAPEL GWNWOOD MORTUARY OI Th1"1 Aw. 532·1 HUMPHREY MORTUARY as.s Broodwav, Oluta Vista m 1115 SP1700 2'4-l!l1
Deaths-F nerals
for more tnon one Jncorrtct tm.rtior ot ..,,_,_ ....i,_...'"' AIOS-J"""'la AM Wlfeot LelonclS.
K~':vtwr~.~ 5077 El COfan Btw.
tu() onv fC'f'W b'I C
KMn An"""1Y AldS. Dauol1ter ot Mr '""1 Mn..,.,,., ....-. J.~ - 5.IMD V Ot'ld Or1ando A '"'""''"r 00 _,_ 51 · __, _..,.
THE UNION-TRIBUNE PUBLISH or rnlrict onv odYerll)fm.nt It .....,, """"""01)1• ond 1o ct,ono, 11>t TOYS .f;.!~i'A~ In! IOS& lmmlal ~sg;::..'°'~mR•~::r,: ...=,:c:_::C:,..~ FURNI• TURE lEWtS COLONIAl »n11 .J):S) El COion Blvd M1SSlON BAY CHAPEl AND CH u"RTUARY PAOFICBcA ~ p•RJS ul'\DTllARY E Wife ot E- IROOK~lot " INFORMATION ONLY" RtCln- T Brooks. Oouolt!ef of Ollie Flo si.terolKemF.-.LucvCumm- Inn...,...,_ Aur, of -le macasssr. t.coon.So ,no ll4hnl 299.m, MUSICAL I STRU- Mems CLASSIF I EO TELEPHO•E HOURS : us.s:ao om. M«> Fri. I l>"lll o m. .sot. CLOSEO SUN· HOLIDAY CLASSIFIED SERVICE •=or•ms = All.IV OAV It•• l74 k MoQnollo. El Coton "2-,Ull lnt•rmtnt GrttnwOOO Memorlo Dlr-bv G<- Mor· :'"• ~"':·.::=.:.: CANCELI..ATIO~ of odved * Cl~t's""~;,~ 2'3-1331 ~=::.R~= k~~~i::~..=it $22, NI'S art ~ to ~sa: c. Cltrl. Father of E l:mbl M. ilDVlor !1>t SUNDAY U IC , t onlY from I o.m lo 'l RODRIGUEZ-H>JTWEU ~17'"'15' MORTUARY HOMES ROGERS MORTUARY ALTE~~ATIVE SERVICE AVAIL l~ 2" U 6--1 II,, 20- _2_s_2.a_1""11 I, CrJ,ls ) BOATS Catholic high schools, USO ·_ ··r 1,. 1 1q77 Spring graduation time near lo ml r-107 Cemetery-uts art dren Fr- 110C11......,,. lhe numl>tr of at!otlon OfOff ll Gtw«I m O rtcalot for cance laflon to tt. aowrtl_.. COH of O dtswte no odlustmlnt beotlowtdwfff'lO.,f 1srunblr. - cftlmo0n fr01'1'1 1 D m. to t p,m at GoodbodY I BIYCS. ChCIPtl Redl01i0n of IN 1ROSOrY Mon eve- nt'III 7 o'doek GooObOOYI Blvd. ~~~=;~;;;~,;'::;~ lLOTS.EICOmlr'o H MrwGGnlen 2 T LERS cos I 2 G~ 0-I BurlololS.0. CRABI-GlodYI M. - ~~:t:~ :::a~~~ -' vtasMon. loOl.-.-.-- 1 CIQ E HrtwrandPf1K1¥"J """"""ld llOComoodtlORt"'° ~;It ;~'7 Gr- 5ectlo PO. Box 1'I "=°,.ME::i~l:'L PAR 2;~ 2 LOTS Gr Mn wood resthaven orta. Tht d ect Qne to Clou41 ied lnS.O. COUllvoolZEnlth7·11lllO TOLL•F REE Clcmfficd ods onJy -108 from St. Augustine. San Diego, 8 p.m., TuesJay. May 31; -165 from St. Thomas Aquinas, San Bernarjino. 7 p.m.• Wednesday. June 1; -104 from Marian, lmpe- Beach. 6:30 p.m., Friday June J: -1S from Our Ladv of Peace Academy, San Diego, 3 p.m . Saturdav, June 4; -43 from San Luis Rey Academ), San Luis Rey, 2 p.m., Sunda\·, June 5; -260 from University, Sa 0 Diego. 7:30 p.m .• Thursday, June 9; - and 131 from Notre Dame, Riverside, 4 p.m., Saturday, June I I. I Undergraduate and graci) uate degrees will be awarded to 360 students at the USD graduation on the west lawn of the campus at 3:30 p.m., Sunday, May 22. GUEST SPEAKER for the afternoon and recipient of an honorary doctor of laws degree from USD will be Pulitzer Prize-winning col- ..!!,mnist George F. Will. Earlier that day, at 10:30 a.m . in the Civic Theatre. do"'ntown. the USO School of Law will award degrees t ""'ueSJOOO Jul Southern Cro s Reporter Graduation 11me. a tradi- tional late spring c,em, is nearh here, and in the n xt sc, era! weeks Catholic cho- ob in the diocese wil rnnt diplomas to more than 1 00 graduates. • earl) 1,000 scmors will receive diplomas from the nine Catholic high schools in the diocese. More than 600 people will receive under- graduate, graduate and law degrees from the Umvcrslly of San Diego. FOR TWO of the high schools, San Luis Rey Aca• demy. San Luis Rey, and Rosary, San Diego. this year's commencement exer- cises will be the last. Both schools have an- nounced they will close this year, High school diplomas will go to: - 30 seniors from Vincent Memorial High School, Cal- exico. 5 p.m .. Friday, May 27; - 52 from Rosary, San Diego, 7:30 p.m., Friday. May 27; tllOOal - fflJCKS l CRYPTS. Gordffl """'- m-nss PRIESTHOOD CA DIDATES-Eight seminarians pro- cess out of the lmmaculata on the SD campus preceding about 25 concelebrants, two deacons, and Bishop Leo T. Maher following their acceptance as candidate for the priesthood for this diocese, in a Mass Sunda), April 30. The) are, from left to right, Bruce Orsborn, Peter NaYarra, Michael Helkenn, Paul Freier, Tim Ferris, Anthony Ferrero, Robert Clo\er II, and Chris Cha\ez. Al~o during the Mass Bishop Maher bid farewell to Father Lawrence Purcell, St. Francis Seminar} rector, who will join the Apostolic Delegate's staff in Washington, D.C.-SC photo -------- FOSTER--.itE O'YPt, Liiv Lott tier t-r 7 COMPA.N IO o-os_, __ 11100511).1 Al • PIANES c;,...,_ ·.J'lm JJfT CLASSIFIED I DEX CRYPTS Ill - lnol 566-SUl ,onces ot Pooct Cl'ffllferY OYI eves!s. • I LOT H • Car Pools . .. • ... . • ?... r ~!";', : ·~-· =lol ':j ··~ uo •• 110 .: 1n j: ~~~s&Cn-Ph". :: == 1 ~;.;;,.e.,,..;:· ~::.~o·,ecin .. .. Home lmproyemenl Chi,-odor COntrod ChcAI =-- ,=" carSociffi 1 SITE Gr~ LI Lott LOwn. mllliOft o MOTOR- OCLES 1.!25. lZlaJ MA Gl..._150~--Aroltho 1 ' 11 ) sta . ... ..... .. ·leld . ' ista .. . • 7 Mes,o . 1 '1eld . .... I .1 i avo1lable 1-2nJ. !NIA !OY tion Low Pree. .. 11 l~ Senices - BUS~ NESSES •1'3 GRAHAM-Svh'\o Lout lo. Sister of Mort 8t'OW'll"'9 MtmoriOI tef'V.Cfl Qlrlst Olur"th U ty Mon. tw:!l1na lnternienl Gott c.em.- TELOPHASE SOCIETY fHE OR G NAL LOW COST COMPLETE CRfMA SfiVICE NOT UNOER:'TAKER AFFILIATED 12~ 14 1.- lf, "1 175 7 lO O C10dt ttfY, Ulman o-1 dlQr9t GoodbodY'5 Blvd •• 102 , • IQ v. - ... =.,~,_ It o m l=f of Joel< KELLY-£ - Phone 299-2121 urvicu Mon Rowuons Naflono Cemetery •· · 1!5 ~?°' . Conrod t.emon GrcNt i~:~ 1 i~OMY 11a OR SERV CE - Sun Fri Fr L.&RA-cuwblo--.......-.lot LI ,a Lore. Fatftfr ot net 8efchef" Ruttl Ram.lreZ. L SO Rom1rrr. Jen- ;u:.=;%~~r:'Tv:5'~ 01GN1TloR SeniU Sun. 6 P. «id Funtrot lUf' Romero Contreres R A8 60 ... 31 so ,j6 '3 '3 AS 51 55 'ii ... 51 51 'ii 51 S1n fUOIISts. • StorOtt Spaces P®'•Spo · Ph. 299-0805 (2' !In THE DIRECT LINE TO CLASSIFIED An Expert Classi- ' ''" •••• ••• l7, Servin~· Mon =~-~~':"· 10 o.m., both at Tr~f-T~~~~.. ··· VDCOOonHome E•~ EMPLOYMENT EmPlorment Agencies. ... Empto-;ment Senilces HelpWonted--Gfnerol Jobs won1e<1 ..•..••• -...... .••• ••. JJO .209 201 . 210 1.55 lnter- 1__ _,,,No SlNCf 1917 LEWARTON-MorY P F~al set"• vK.eSSof 1 p.m. ot Johnson-Sovm & • • • Rtvtrtn Knobel Mortuary, wttb but' l For.. est LG'l'll'fl Mlfmoriot Porlt., GlenckN Co. In I eu of flOWffS, contr buflOrtS dtvnlfled cremo1,on setVK:H w tn mmtdiat~ land or seo d SPOStttOn OYO klDit. .ls low as $2$0, NQmemt>erSn PfHS.Atso~ vkS ng Ml mom.av serv ces. ~~ou•~;:;-~~~ MfRKELEY-MflCHEU NEPTUNE SOCIETY LAND & SEA BURIAL S S & VA ASSIGNMENTS lU-223-9892 (24 hr 1050f ROleO'ons, S.D 92106 ORTUARY r..=~A:i,~c!1~rt 1o tovorlte charitv. "'°i!?=-l>-~1t~::rr1;e;:: Lakesl ·:: ·:: SCHOOLS '3 38 55 45 53 A8 63 47 52 51 53 62 62 41 40 50 78 S8 Emolo,rner,t Preporor,on. •••. ••2'5 2,.7 ••• ••• Schools & ll"IStrudion .2SS 217 •290 ,297 181 :250 213 .U3 . [Auto-Tn,11./~=CIAL.. 1 Business 0PPortun ties ,Busi!'less Services . 805lnessesW011ted. Dlf~~~rttn5m~~ ,r:~~:,~~'fs"~S ..... .. .. y Fo C « •.. _ •••. •• . . Motte'/ TD Loon Monet Wante-d ••....•••. ,. ... ••• Mortgage & rru,t Deeds Reol Estate Loons... Aoortmer,ts Furn shed .. ... .... . APOrtments-Furn. or Unfurn . APorlments-,Unfurnlshed f.:ENTALS 19 ' . ·• .. 273 .II fied ·- \ ......!
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