SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

c. Editions of Coptic, with English translation, liturgical texts such as the lectionaries of Sundays, Lent, Holy Week, and Pschaltide; the Anaphorae of St. Basil, St. Gregory, St. Cyril; the Book of the Hours (Agbeyia); the Hymnology (Psalmodia); and other texts. d. Streamline sound recordings of hymns, Gospel readings of the Holy Week, and Coptic Lessons. e. Picture archives of Coptic Sites, preserved in the Society's archive. f. Tools for teaching the Coptic Language to a variety of age groups. Introduction: The American Center in Egypt (ARCE) is a prestigious American Organization that has grown over the past 50 years to be the leader in organizing and promoting the Study of Egypt, historically, culturally, and archeologically. Virtually all Archeological activities, dealing with Egypt, is sponsored or coordinated by ARCE under the jurisdiction of the Egyptian Antiquities Department. Its half-century history is filled with accomplishments in this regard. Even though Ancient, Islamic, and Modern Egypt activities predominate its work, it has sponsored work on Coptic monuments, especially in recent years. Organization: The administrative center of the ARCE has always been in New York City, the commercial capital of the U.S. Of course they also have a major presence in Egypt in the form of a new modern headquarters in Cairo. During the 80's and the 90's, members of the organization formed local chapters throughout the U.S. The oldest of these is that of Southern California, organized by Prof. John B. Callendar of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and now headed by the energetic Ms. Noel Sweitzer under the guidance of Prof. Antonio Loprieno of UCLA.

g. Manuscript variant readings lists to published Biblical texts. h. Coptic and Arabic manuscript transcritions from the extensive microfilm collection of the Society. The Society will determine the limit of distribution of the above items as appropriate. The ultimate product of this endeavor will be the long awaited edition of the Treasures of the Coptic Church (TCC), which will include the most extensive literary treasures of the Coptic Heritag . May God grant his sevants the realization of what used to be in the dream realm. These chapters succeeded in bringing scholars to lecture about Egypt, organizing local symposiums, and arranging annual educational trips to Egypt. The Annual Meeting: Every year the members of ARCE meet in a U.S. city, usually hosted by the American professors of Egyptology in that area. This year their 49th meeting was held at UCLA, at the invitation of Prof. Loprieno. The meeting was organized over two-and-a-half days in 14 panels with about 74 papers and presentations along with two Workshops. The papers dealt with archeology, art, history, and language of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Egypt. Attendees: Hundereds of students, professors, and lay persons were in attendance. The majority shared a common bond of love for the mysterious charm of Egypt and its culture. Most of the attendees were American, but some had travelled from different parts of the world. They all came to share and learn of the work being done in the field. Such meetings also provide a great opportunity to cement and form bonds with people having common interests. The human experience often gives a more lasting impression than the academic papers presented. Attendees were provided with

The Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt Los Angeles, April 24-26 (by Hany N. Takla)

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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