SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Mahfouz Doss of Brentwood, California. He alerted us to the contributions of his grandfather, Girgis Pasha Antoun. Contributions that unfortunately was not included in the Coptic Encyclopedia. The following is an abridged English translation of the Original Arabic text, submitted by Mr. Doss on November 17, 1998. Translation: Born in 1863 AD at Abutig precinct, Asyut Governate. His parents passed away while he was in his childhood, and his grandmother assumed his rearing and education. Even though she was an elderly lady, but she was a virtuous and wise one. She would sell some of her farm lands for the sake of his education. When criticized by her relatives, she would tell them that the education is more beneficial than a piece of land. Then she moved with him to Cairo to complete his studies. He enrolled there in Ecole des Freres and graduated from it with distinction. He worked in the Railroad Department and was send to technical training missions to both England and France to study the Railroad systems there. He promoted in the ranks of the Railroad Department until he reached the position of deputy head of the Department. he was the first Egyptian to reach this rank, for it was before restricted to the Englishmen only. He directed several projects for new railway extensions. He had special ingenuity for administration and cared that the trains would arrive on time. This was a unique accomplishment at that time, though even the trains in Europe were not on time. He was forced to retire before the lawful retirement age to prevent him from completing the electrication of the Helwan line and continuing in laying new railway lines. The foreign concession companies were behind his retirement, fearing that he may get the position of General Head of the department and thus threatening their interests. His efforts gained the recognition and admiration of many great men and kings worldwide. He was awarded the most distinguished medals from Egypt and from such foreign countries as Turkey, Germany, France, Belgium, and England. Also

Emperor Haileselassi awarded him the highest Ethiopian Medal. He had a close personal friendship with the emperor and he helped him and his family during the emperor refuge in Egypt (before continuing on to England) after the Italian occupation of Ethiopia in 1935. Because Girgis Pasha was famed for his great administrative experience, Ziyour Pasha, the Prime Minister, offered him to establish the first Ministry of Transportation in Egypt. This included the Department of Railroads, Telephones, and Telegraphs. He offered him to be its first minister but King Fuad refused to appoint him. This was for two reasons. The first is his participation in the revolution of 1919, when the participants used to meet at his house in El-Zeitoun (Cairo) under the leadership of Saad Pasha Zaghloul. It is said that their first ever meeting was held in his house. The second reason was due to his friendship and allegiance to Khedive Abbas (II) who was exiled by the British for his patriotism. Girgis Pasha continued to visit his friend Khedive Abbas II in Paris, defying king Fuad and England. Kind Fuad was always refusing to grant him the title of Pasha despite his deservance of it. This case was mitigated by Maglis al-Wisaya in 1937 which was headed by his friend Mohammed Ali, the heir to the throne, who granted him the Pasha title after Fuad died and before Farouk ascended to the throne. Also, King Fuad took the opportunity of Girgis Pasha's retreat in Lebanon and banned him from returning to Egypt for a period of six months. He did not return except after the interventions of many of the princes and other high government officials. His only son, Anton Girgis Anton, was one of the Egyptian youth that kindled the revolution of 1919 and did not retreat before the bullets of the British. He became a brilliant lawyer and was a notable member of the Wafd Party. He was elected a representation of Berkat al-Saba' district which was monopolized by the Liberal Constitutionalists. He was the youngest representative at the time.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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