SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Presenter: Mr. Hany N. Takla, (Los Angeles) Abstract: For the past decades, the Society was engaged in the monumental task of recompiling the Coptic version of the Old Testament. This jewel of the Coptic Christian Heritage is still in a state that for the most part inaccessible to the Copts or Christians in general. In this paper, I will briefly survey the previous work in the field, its state of preservation, the scope of this project, what was accomplished, and finally what is left to be done. ------------------------- Title: The Peaceable Kingdom - Animals As Parables In The Virtues Of Saint Macarius Presenter: Dr. Tim Vivian, (Bakersfield, CA) Abstract: The monks of ancient Egypt, it is safe to say, lived much closer to nature than we do. The Virtues of Saint Macarius , a collection of Coptic sayings by and about Saint Macarius the Great (300-90) that date from the fourth to the seventh century, joins other early monastic literature in having the natural order, including animals, obey the commandments of the monks. But this obeisance represents only the first, most superficial, level of relationship between the early monks and animals. Two deeper levels exist: animals as parables, and monks and animals together as enacted parables. It is clear that Macarius got his use of parables from Jesus, but it is equally clear that he did not get his use of animals as parables from his Lord; Jesus rarely, if ever, used animals in his parables. But for Macarius, the animal world provides a vivid means with which to address spiritual concerns. With his animal parables Macarius envisions--and realizes-- the peaceable kingdom, where he lives in peace with antelopes, hyenas, sheep--and even snakes. The chief virtue of this kingdom, it appears, is compassion, love and empathy and mercy for others, even non-human others. ------------------------- Title: Coptic Liturgical Texts relating to the Apostles

--- Leroy 1975: Jules Leroy, Les Peintures des Couvents du Désert d'Esna , Cairo Leroy 1982: Idem, Les Peintures des Couvents du Ouadi Natroon , Cairo. van Moorsel 1995/97: Les Peintures du Monastère de Saint Antoine près de la Mer Rouge , 2 vol., Cairo. van Moorsel 2000: Les Peintures du Monastère de Saint Paul près de la Mer Rouge , 2 vol., Cairo (in press). ------------------------- Title: Authority in the Theology of Pope Shenouda III Presenter: Dr. Saad Michael Saad, (Los Angeles) Abstract: A majority of Coptic theologians of the twentieth century limit their appeal to the authority of scripture and patristics. H.H. Pope Shenouda III, however, richly extends such an appeal to reason and human experience. This paper will analyze the writings of Pope Shenouda in these categories, and show how his approach is relevant to the pluralistic societies he is addressing in Egypt and the world. ------------------------- Title: Electing Coptic Patriarchs: A Diversity of Traditions Presenter: Miss. Nardine M. Saad & Dr. Saad Michael Saad, (Los Angeles) Abstract: Since her establishment by St. Mark, the Coptic Church has received or elected her Patriarchs through a diversity of traditions. This paper will examine those traditions in their theological, historical and political contexts. It will also show the positive and negative impacts of this diversity, then critique the current law decreed in 1958. ------------------------- Title: The Compilation of the Coptic Old Testament - Project Update

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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