SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

gnosticism and manichaeism; Copto-Arabic studies; and Christian Nubia). These reports will all be presented by specialists in the respective domains. The remainder of the day will be available for brief communications by individual scholars from all over the world. Everybody can propose a paper, but it should be added that all papers will be refereed on the basis of an abstract submitted in advance. These papers should not exceed 20 minutes in length and are read in two parallel session, grouped according to the main fields of study in Coptology. Upon registration every participant will receive the volume of abstracts so that one can prepare oneself. Next to the brief communications, there will be room for workshops, devoted to special themes, which are meant to stimulate discussion within a smaller circle of specialists. This kind of highly specialized discussion demands a longer period of preparation. Therefore, participants should register in advance and registration is limited. Workshops have been already announced on subjects like: “Electronic editing”, “New models in Coptic linguistics” and “Recent findings in monastic archaeology”. Opportunities for formal contact will be provided i.e. by a welcome reception, a farewell party and a collective excursion. Stimulating the exchange of information and opinions also means that as many scholars as possible should be able to participate in the discussion, especially young scholars and students. Therefore the accessibility of the congress is a high priority with the organizing committee. Not only physically (Leiden is at a mere twenty minutes from the national airport), but foremost financially. Thus, the fees are low: Dfl. 225,-(about 110 U.S. dollars) for non-IACS-members, Dfl. 175 (about

85 dollars) for members, and only Dfl. 75 (about 35 dollars) for students and unemployed. Moreover, we will do our best to offer lodging in several different price classes, also in moderately priced student dormitories. This is, of course, not the place to go into further details about the organisation of the congress. I just wanted to make clear that our two-major concerns are; optimal scholarly discussion combined with optimal accessibility. More information can be gathered from our regularly updated web-page on internet or from the forthcoming number of the Newsletter of the International Association of Coptic Studies, which is about to appear. A final announcement will be distributed in January 200. Dear friends and colleagues, what I have said here was not meant to glorify Leiden University, but - as you will have understood - to encourage as many as possible from your midst to come to Leiden next year in order to join the ongoing debate on the future of Coptic studies. For, looking forward once more, I cannot but find the present occasion, this Second Saint Shenouda Conference of Coptic Studies here in Los Angeles, a sign of hope and a great promise for the future. It makes me feel that my plea for a new generation of Coptic scholars, able to face a new century, is far from unfounded or unrealistic. Therefore I can only express my sincere hope that I may be able to welcome many of you, especially many of your young scholars and students, next August in Leiden. I wish you a very fruitful conference and lots of inspiration from above.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter A Tribute to Professor Paul van Moorsel († 1999) (by Dr. Mat Immerzeel)

Ladies and Gentlemen, During the time of our meeting here in Los Angeles, one seat remains unoccupied: the one of Professor Paul van Moorsel from The Netherlands.

It is my sad duty to inform you that Van Moorsel has passed away on Thursday the first of July, on the age of 67. Already some weeks before his death he knew that it would be impossible for him to


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