SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

5. Numbers occurring for the first time are set between angular brackets (<>). Numbers occurring for a second or more times are unbraketed 6. Grammatical Analysis is supplied in English and Arabic, and is placed either on the opposite left page (pt. 1), as footnotes (pt 2.), or in the appendix in parts 4,5 & 6. 7. Greek text or loan-words are displayed in Italic. 8. Each volume contains a Coptic-English-Arabic dictionary for the new words included in that volume. It also has a separate Coptic-English- Arabic dictionary of Greek loan-words found as well as a list of the Coptic Verb forms. The first volume contains expanded tables of Greek grammar as well as Coptic grammar. This latter feature made this work an indispensable reference for any one interested in learning the meaning of the Coptic Liturgies, regardless of their academic background or lack thereof. Drawbacks: There are a few drawbacks to the users of these volumes that would make them more difficult to use than they would ordinarily be. Some of these drawbacks were rectified in later volumes but some still there, and they are as follows: 1. The dependence of each volume on all the previous volumes published. This makes a quick lookup rather tedious, but the reader can eventually get used to it. It also insures that he/she will have no gap in the series. 2. The author employs a series of abbreviated forms for very common words. Though these abbreviations is limited in number, it still require

the reader to have a learning curve that would otherwise be not necessary. 3. The lack of uniformity in size from standard page size in the first two parts to a half Legal size for the latter parts. The smaller size of the later works seems to be now the size of choice. Such compactness in this work is definitely a good choice. All in all, the scope and thoroughness of this work, makes the above drawbacks small inconveniences. Remember that to enjoy the roses we need to tolerate the little thorns. The Titles: The exact titles for the above mentioned publications are as follows: Raphael, M.B. The Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil (for the faithful) Coptic Language Analysis . Copts in Chicago 1994. (1)-(4), 148, $20.00. ISBN 0- 9644158-0-1 -----. The Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil (for the Catechumen) Coptic language Analysis . Copts in Chicago 1995. 65, $8.00. ISBN 0-9644158-1-X -----. The Coptic Liturgy of St. Basil Raising of the Incense Vespers Matins, Coptic language Analysis . Copts in Chicago 1996. (1)-(4), 143, $10.00. ISBN 0-9644158-2-8 -----. Coptic Language Analysis of Coptic S. Gregory & S. Cyril Liturgies. Parts (4) & (5) Follows Parts (1),(2),(3). Copts in Chicago 1998. (1)-(4), 336, $20.00. ISBN 0-9644158-3-6 -----. Coptic Language Analysis of the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Copts in Chicago 1999. (1)-(29), 183, $20.00. ISBN 0-9644158-4-4

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter News (by Hany N. Takla)

facsimile/replica of Codex Vaticanus. Twenty-five other editions and facsimiles were on display, showing other important Coptic and Greek manuscripts that came from Egypt and now are scattered worldwide. The exhibit was held on Saturdays at the St. Shenouda

1. Bible in Egypt-Book Exhibit: The Society exhibit of books related to Coptic and Greek biblical manuscripts from Egypt was opened on Saturday June 10, delayed due to the passing of Archdeacon Yustos Takla. The visitors were treated to the magnificent,


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