SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

The Gate of Heaven (1999); Lorquin, A. Les Tissus Coptes au Musée National du Moyen Age - Thermes de Cluny (1992); Lorquin, A. nat Étoffes Égyptienne de l'Antiquité Tardive du Musée Georges-Labit (1999); Malan, S.C. Original Documents of the Coptic Church I. The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark the Evangelist, II. The Calendar of the Coptic Church, III. A History of the Copts and their Church, tran. from el-Maqrizi (1872-3); van Moorsel, P. Called to Egypt - Collected Studies on Paintings in Christian Egypt (2000); Musée du Louvre. Portraits de l'Égypte Romaine (1998); Oxyrhynchus Papyri (several authors), Pt.XXI 2288-2308, Pt.XXIII 2354-2382, Pt.XXXV 2733-2744, Pt.XXXVII 2801- 2823, Pt.XXXVIII 2824-2877, Pt.XXXIX 2878-2891, Pt.XL 2892-2942, Pt.XLI 2943-2998, Pt.XLII 2999- 3087, Pt.XLIII 3088-3150, Pt.XLIV 3151-3208, Pt.XLV 3209-3266, Pt.XLVI 3267-3315, Pt.XLVIII 3368-3430, Pt.XLIX 3431-3521, Pt.L 3522-3600, Pt.LI 3601-3646, Pt.LII 3647-3694, Pt.LIII 3695-3721, Pt.LIV 3722- 3776, Pt.LV 3777-3821 (1968-88); Pearson, Rea, Turner & Coles. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists Oxford 24-31 July 1974 (1975); Rassart-Debergh, M. Études Coptes V, Sixième Journée d'Études Limoges 18-20 Juin 1993, Septième J. d'Ét. Neuchâtel 18-20 mai 1995 (1998); Rassart- Debergh, M. Textiles d'Antinoe (Égypte) en Haute Alsace (1997); Rees, B.R. Papyri from Hermopolis and Other Documents of the Byzantine Period (1964); Rosenstiehl, J-M. Christianisme d'Egypte - Hommages a Rene-Georges Coquin (1995); Rosenstiehl, J-M. Etudes Coptes IV - Quatrième Journée d'Études Strasbourge 26-27 Mai 1988 (1995); Rutschowscaya, M.H. La Pienture Copte (1992); Rutschowscaya, M.H. Musée du Louvre - Catalogue des Bois de l'Égypte Copte (1986); Queffelec, H. Saint Anthony of the Desert - Trans. from French by J. Whitall (1954); Ragib, Y. Marchands d'Étoffes du Fayyoum au III/IX Siecle a'Après leurs Archives (Actes et Lettres) 1. Les Acts des Banu `Abd al-Mu'min (1982); Simaika, M. Brief Guide to the Coptic Museum and to the Principal

Ancient Coptic Churches of Cairo - translated from French by G.H. Costigan (1938); Simaika, M. Guide Sommaire du Musée Copte et des Principales Eglises du Caire (1937); Sophocles, E.A. Greek Lexicon of the Roman & Byzantine Period, 2vol (Reproduction 1914); Vivian, T. Histories of the Monks of Egypt and Life of Onnophrius (Rev. ed. 2000) [gift by author], Winkler, D.W. Koptische Kirche und Reichskirche - Altes Schisma und Neuer Dialog (1977) [gift by author] 15. Coptic Classes: The advanced translation seminar, being conducted at the Center is on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m., dealing with the translation and study of the Bohairic version of the Book of Genesis. Four sessions of our experimental class in Coptic for ages 8-13 are currently being held at the Center, two sessions of Coptic I and two of Coptic II. Another session for adults is being planned. All these classes are taught at the Los Angeles Coptic Center by Mr. Hany N. Takla. 16. Electronic Edition of the Coptic Encyclopedia : Work is progressing slowly on this project because of other commitments. So far all of the contents of the ASCII files received from the publisher has been reviewed, scanning of the illustrations is about 100% complete, and the Table of Contents has been completed. Other appropriate illustrations may also be included in the electronic version. According to Dr. Fawzy Estafanous, the organization's founder, this edition will be an electronic version of the original printed edition, with the exception of the inclusion of short annotations on articles that are being disputed by Coptic Church authorities and corrections of obvious errors. These extra items will be included in a separate volume and electronically be linked to the articles they pertain to. Each annotation will include the name of the presenter. Hany N. Takla, the Society's president, is in charge of this project, in his capacity as member of the Foundation's Executive Board. Projected completion date is late December, 2000, God's willing.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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