SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

adults is being planned. All these classes are taught at the Los Angeles Coptic Center by Mr. Hany N. Takla. 17. Lecture Series at the Coptic Center: The Society is scheduling a monthly series of lectures on topics related to Coptic History. Mr. Maged S. A. Mikhail, the Center's research assistant will be delivering this lectures. They are planned for the fourth Thursday of the month, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:00 pm. The first three are scheduled for February 22, March 22, and April 26, 2001. Mr. Mikhail is a Ph.D. Candidate in History at UCLA. Exact titles will be announced and posted on our website. 18. Electronic Edition of the Coptic Encyclopedia : Work is progressing on a faster scale on this project during the past quarter. The formatting template is complete along with all the separation of the ASCII files into their final file format. Formatting of the text is simultaneously being done in the Los Angeles area and in Ohio on all 8 volumes. Volume 2 and 3 are complete and volumes 1 and 7 are 50% complete. Other volumes are below 50% complete at this time. Final conversion to PDF format of the text of volume 2 is complete. According to Dr. Fawzy Estafanous, the organization's founder, this edition will be an electronic version of the original printed edition, with the exception of the inclusion of short annotations on articles that are being disputed by Coptic Church authorities and corrections of obvious errors. These extra items will be included in a separate volume and electronically be linked to the articles they pertain to. Each annotation will include the name of the presenter. Hany N. Takla, the Society's president, is in charge of this project, in his capacity as member of the Foundation's Executive Board. Projected completion date is tentatively set in May, 2001, God's willing. 19. New Editor for IACS' Journal of Coptic Studies: We have received the following communication from Prof. Karlheinz Schüssler, the new Editor of the Journal of Coptic Studies and wish him the success on this worthwhile endeavor:

"Dear -----: On behalf of the International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS) I should inform you that the Board of the Journal of Coptic Studies (JCoptS) has decided in its latest meeting to initiate a new edition of this journal. An agreement has been reached to the effect that I will take on the relevant editional tasks. I am well aware of the responsible and labor-intensive duties entailed as editor in chief, and I hope that I will meet your expectations. For the coming year, we plan to publish the 3rd volume of the JCoptS in close cooperation with Prof. Dr. Stephen Emmel. In 2002, I should like to publish the 4th volume hoping and anticipating to collect sufficient material for publication. Thereafter, I should like to publish one volume per year provided sufficient material will be available. Today, I should like to ask you for your assistance and cooperation in order to successfully publicize the JCoptS in the future. Therefore, I should kindly request you to contribute articles about the Old Coptic Church concerning Coptic Language, literature, history, art, archaeology, and related subjects. In order to implement this special project successfully your support will be much appreciated, and I am looking forward with anticipation to receive your articles. Finally, I should like to convey to you my best wishes for a Merry Christmas. I hope you will have a time of peace, rest, and contemplation, and I wish you all the best for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling New Year. May God bless you. Best Regards," (signed by Prof. Dr. K. Schüssler) Address: Ölbergring 23, D-83620 Feldkirchen, Germany, fax (+49 8063 5600), e-mail: (

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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