SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Text Selections from the Coptic (Bohairic) Old Testament with New Translation(4) Book of Genesis (4) (by Hany N. Takla)

at a time when the knowledge of Hebrew was not as good as it is now. The new translation provided is a modest attempt to capture some of the unique features of the text with strict adherence to grammar and vocabulary. It is designed for serious students of Coptic and Old Testament alike. It is not intended to be a replacement English translation for Church use, because such work would be coordinated and pursued in a different manner than this. With that in mind, I hope it can be of benefit to many.

Introduction: This is the Fourth of our series of translations from the Coptic Bible. It is provided to the lay as well as scholars to promote the interest in this, the greatest of Coptic treasures. The Coptic text provided is from M. K. Peters' edition of the Bohairic Genesis, which is primarily based on Codex Vaticanus Copt. 1. Corrections were made at times directly from the manuscript. The KJV text is taken from a published electronic version. Keep in mind that this version is a translation of Medieval Hebrew manuscripts, done

Bohairic Coptic


New Literal Translation

4:1. And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. 4:2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. 4:3. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

4.1 And Adam, he knew Eve, his wife; and when she conceived, she gave birth to Cain and she said. "I have begotten a man from God". 4:2 And she repeated and she gave birth to his brother Abel and he became namely Abel a shepherd of sheep, but Cain he used to work the land. 4:3 And it became after some days, he brought namely Cain from the fruits of the earth offerings to the Lord. 4:4 And Abel also, he brought from the firstborn of his sheep and from their fat. And He looked namely God upon Abel and upon his gifts. 4:5 But upon Cain and upon his offerings, He did not pay heed to him. And it saddened Cain exceedingly, and his face changed.

4:1 adam de afcouen eua tef c himi ouoh etacerboki acmici n kain ouoh pejac je ai j vo n ourwmi e bol hiten v] 4:2 ouoh acouahtotc acmici m pefcon a bel ouoh afswpi n je a bel n ouman e cwou n te han e cwou kain de naferhwb ep kahi pe menenca han e hoou af i ni n je kain e bol qen nioutah n te p kahi n hansouswousi m p [c 4:4 ouoh a bel hwf af i ni e bol qen nisamici n te nef e cwou nem e bol qen nouwt ouoh afjoust n je v] e jen a bel nem e jen neftaio 4:5 e jen kain de nem e jen nefsouswousi m pef] h y/f ouoh af] m kah n h/t n kain e masw ouoh pefho swbt 4:3 o uoh acswpi

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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