SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

the papers that involve substantial slides or similar graphic presentations. Prior approval by the organizing committee is required for such presentation. The presenter will be given 30-35 minutes for the presentations with a maximum of 10-minute follow-up discussion. The maximum time for such presentation will be 45 minutes. Registration: All interested persons can pre- register through our website. The address is ' 'A nominal registration fee for the 2-day conference will be charged as follows: Members: $20.00 Non-Members: $25.00 Johannes Leipoldt in his work Schenute, Text and Investigation (Untersuchungen) on the History of High-Christianity Literature , published in Leipzig in 1903 1 , wrote that: It is altogether astonishing how little Schenoute was aware of the religious Person of Jesus. The Man Jesus is to him a comfort in pain, because he had suffered as had Schenoute. His Godhead had no other significance than it only brought about responsibility for his life. The Person of the Lord remained for him religiously meaningless. 2 That J. Leipoldt would write this, is, on the face of it, significant, since at the end of the nineteenth century he attempted to sort out Saint Shenoute's works from the various European libraries and had published a description of Saint Shenoute's social and religious environment which Dr. Steven Emmel considers still the best overall statement thus far. He also published what was considered the foundational monograph on Shenoute 3 . Such a statement by such an eminent scholar should not go unchallenged or at least unexamined for Saint Shenoute was a person of extraordinary standing in the Coptic Church from the fourth to the seventh centuries and well beyond. It is the purpose of this paper to do just such an examination and perhaps to shed a different light

UCLA Students & Faculty


Other Students $15.00 Notification and Abstracts: Those interested in participating need to notify the Society in writing by April 30, 2003. Written abstracts will be due by May 31, 2003. Publications of the Proceedings: Selected papers presented at the Conference will be published either in Coptica or future editions of this Newsletter. A final draft of each paper shall be submitted by the presenter no later than January 30, 2004. on the great Archimandrite of the White Monastery. Credit must be given here to the work of Dr. Steven Emmel, to which I will refer frequently in this paper. My summary of his work and his research provided me with the necessary background to situate Saint Shenoute and his works in their historical context. Dr. Emmel composed a 1300+ page Doctoral dissertation at Yale entitled Shenoute's Literary Corpus . 3 It is a codicological study of Shenoute's manuscripts as they exist in various collections throughout the world. Except for a few extant works: the rule of Saint Pachomius, the works of Horsiesi and Theodore his successors, and Saint Anthony and Hieracas of Leontopolis, Greek was the dominant theological and literary language in Alexandria at the time Saint Shenoute was born. Yet by the time of his death, St. Shenoute had left an extensive Coptic library of at least seventeen volumes and internal evidence indicates that his corpus was much larger. However as of now the complete corpus is no longer extant. After the Arab-Moslem conquests of the seventh century, Arabic became the common official language in place of Coptic. As a result Coptic had to be

An Overview of the Christology of Apa Shenoute * (By Thomas G. Murphy)

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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