SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

drite. This alone makes the book worth acquiring. The Society was able to secure copies for members and others of this 400+-page hard-bound volume for $12 for members and $15 for non-members. 16. New Book-Coptic Monasteries: Dr. Gawdat Gabra latest work is out in print, titled, ' Coptic Monasteries - Egypt Monastic Art and Architecture. ' This volume contains extensive information, bibliography, plans, and color photos of thirteen of Egypt most famous monasteries. This hardcover volume of 140+ pages includes a historical overview by Rev. Dr. Tim Vivian. ISBN 977-422-691-8. 17. Coptic Language Instruction at the Coptic Center: During the past period three Coptic Bohairic I sessions were either started or finished. Two other instructional sessions are continuing: Translation Seminar, and the Manuscript Workshop. Two more Coptic I sessions are planned along with a Coptic II session. Time for these classes are on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Twenty-four students were or are enrolled in these sessions.

18. The Coptic Center: A new DSL service con- nection with static IP Addresses began in early January of 2003. Up to four new servers will be in place by the end of this quarter with five networked PCs to access both the Internet as well as the extensive electronic resources available at the Center. Another Laptop is used to connect to the network for class instruction. Also three other older PCs are utilized on the network for electronic storage and special applications. Special thanks are due to Sam Hanna for his colossal efforts in setting up this server-based network/ intranet system which will soon be the host for our internet site. Beginning with the first week of February, God's willing, a team of volunteers will be staffing the Center from 6-9 PM every weekday and by appointment on the Weekends. All visitors interested in learning about the Coptic Heritage are encouraged to come. The high speed internet connections will be available

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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