SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

written dedication in the program that elaborated on the significance of his contributions to Coptic Studies. The second point discussed was a short presentation on the upcoming 8 th Coptic Congress in Paris next year. The presentation dealt briefly with the history of these congresses and the Society's progressively increasing significant role in the last three of them as well as the upcoming one. The audience were all encouraged to attend the congress to get a better perspective on who the rest of the world is actively involved in the study of our heritage and tradition. It is noteworthy to mention that six of the authors of the papers presented here are planning to present papers at the Paris Congress. Coptic Art and Architecture: The four papers in this category were all presented on second day of the Conference, Saturday. The first was in the first morning session of that day by Dr. Helene Moussa, titled: Spirituality in Colour - Icons in St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Toronto (Canada) written by Drs Bedour Latif and Youssef Nassif . Dr. Moussa who came especially from Toronto for this conference, presented the audience with a rich graphical presentation of the Icon programs that was done in St. Mark's Coptic Church in Toronto. This is the oldest Coptic Church in North America. The husband and wife team of Dr. Bedour Latif and Youssef Nassif were the iconographers. She explained some of the spiritual meaning that these icons represented, based on the artists' explanation. This included themes, significance of color choice, and techniques. These artists represent a distinct branch of neo Coptic Iconography, established by Dr. Isaac Fanous in Egypt. Their style seems to integrate folkloric elements with the ecclesiastical ones, especially in color scheme and human figure presentation. This style, as presented to audience, showed clearly the diversity found in this new field. It is noteworthy to mention that the iconography found in the Coptic Churches in Southern California is dominated by the work of Dr. Fanous himself or his more classical style students like Dr. Stephane Rene of London.

The second paper was a slide presentation by Prof. Boulos Ayad Ayad, titled: The Tombs and Temples of the Ancient Egyptians Used as Churches and Monasteries by the Early Christians . This was the first of three presentations on Coptic Art and Architecture that formed the two sessions of Saturday afternoon. Prof. Ayad, surveyed for the audience the important archeological sites in Egypt, beginning from Lower to Upper Egypt. In each site he presented the Christian modifications found in these places or their absence. This included such sites as the St. Jeremiah's Monastery in Saqqarah and the Luxor temples among others. This interesting trend of converting in part or building in the neighborhood of ancient Egyptian sites by the Copts, is very intriguing. It shows in a way the inherent sanctity that many of the Copts have held for these sites even after their ancient religious practices seized to exist. The third paper had a more Southern California flavor to it. It was presented by Dr. Monica Bontty on behalf of her student Ms. Jeanne Rogers. It was titled: Investigation the Provenance of a Stone Relief at the San Diego Museum of Man . The paper dealt with an investigation that Ms Rogers have done to authenticate this stone relief, which was given as a gift, to the Museum of Man in San Diego. The gift specified a Coptic origin for this relief. It depicted the image of Christ and angels. The paper went on to describe the contents of the relief and the artistic style shown. Investigation was made by comparing the material and the art found in the piece with other similar pieces found. The author concluded that this piece is most likely of Coptic origin as assumed and dated sometime around the 12 th century. The more Byzantine depiction of Christ in the relief prompted Dr. Gawdat Gabra, drawing on his vast experience while serving as the Director of the Cairo Coptic Museum, to contest both the origin as well as the late date given. The fourth and last paper in this category as well as the conference as a whole was by Dr. Gawdat

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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